Indiana Jones (Character) - Photo, History, Films, Actors, Chronology, Harrison Ford


Character History

Indiana Jones is the protagonist of a series of films in the genre of adventure, militant and fantasy, telling about his incredible travel. The character has to constantly overcome difficulties, dramatic conflicts arising on the way. The man was bold, desperate, in his soul his adventurism reigns. The popularity of the image was so great that, after the films, literary works created on the basis of the cike cycle appeared. The Hero of Adventure History was invented by the American director and screenwriter George Lucas, and added touches into the image of his friend Stephen Spielberg.

History of character creation

The authors decided to create an image of a person endowed with both strength and weaknesses that are immediately striking. As a result, it turned out an intelligent botanist, but pumped and hardy. The creators added Indiana completely unthinkable for the archaeologist a feature - fear of snakes. The protagonist's main character, when meeting with the enemy, the face illuminates a passing smile, but at the same time often not confident in the actions.

The courage to the scientist gives a two-day bristle. Indiana Jones does not remove his famous hat and leather jacket, "borrowed" at the pilots of the First World War. Personnel also flashes a notebook "Moleskin". Another part, without which it is impossible to submit a character, - KNUT - a universal weapon, punishing all the enemies in a row.

The image does not work out without firearms: the revolvers of various modifications appear in the hands of Indiana, from Smith & Wesson M1917 to Remington 1875, then a rifle, then grenade launcher. Moreover, the creators of films allow many lapels in this regard. Some models of revolvers were released later than the operations are unfolded in films.

Image and Biography Indiana Jones

The authors of the character stated that Indiana Jones is a collective image inspired by children's memories of the adventures of the heroes of adventure television series of the 40s and cheap mass magazines. However, film critics came to the conclusion that, most likely, the German archaeologist, a writer and a specialist in one person Otto wounds became a prototype. The plot of the first film "Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark" as if he is written off with the biography of German, seeking Holy Grail. Yes, and the rest of the character is very similar to this person. Indiana is also a scientist, keeps communicating with the authorities and goes to search for a biblical shrine.

The prototypes of the American archaeologist also include Traveler and Naturalist Roy Chepman Andrews, Colonel Persery Harrison Fotette - a member of the seven expeditions to South America, Archaeologists Weddil Jones, Frederick Khodjes and Hairam Bingham, who found the city of the ancient Inca. Even small details indicate similarity. For example, Bingham Indiana borrowed the position of Professor of Archeology at the University, and Jones had a hat.

Indiana Jones in films

On the incredible adventures of the archaeologist, four full-length paintings were removed, the actions in which they have an indirect chronology, and the series. The 1981 film, contrary to the concerns of the authors about the failure, the audience met with delight. The main role was chosen by the legendary Harrison Ford, who lasted to the end of the "Indiana" and appeared in the last picture already pretty aged. During the selection of the actors, Lucas was first against Ford's candidacy, but the director could not find a replacement: someone from the actors who liked the actors were busy with other work, someone refused.

The time of the first tape is the mid-1930s. Professor Indiana Jones on the task of American special services is sent to search for the sacred ark in Egypt. In parallel, for the relic, which by legend brings the army with the invincibility, the agents of the Third Reich hunt. The American archaeologist together with another Sallar and the former beloved Maryon Ravewood dip in the whirlpool of adventures where the place is a mystics.

The tape received four Oscars for visual effects, sound (plus a special prize for achievements in the field of sound editing) and the work of the artist-director. And the works of Harrison Ford, Karen Alain and Stephen Spielberg, celebrated the Saturn Prize. The film became the most cash register in 1981 and is still in the twenty profitable ribbons of world cinema.

In 1984, the "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Fate" comes to the screens. Here are the events that occurred a year before the adventures described in the first film. This time, the glorious and fearless Indiana Jones fate throws in Himalayas. Running from Gangsters from Shanghai, the doctor turns out to be in the ancient Indian temple, where the bloody rituals of worshiping the goddess of the death of Cali.

The enemy of Jones becomes Mall Ram, the leader of the godders of the gangsters. It is necessary to deal with the villains, namely, to return the saccanra's saccanaries to the villagers, abducted by robber, and free them from attacks. Jones in the company with the singer Variety Willie Scott and the Chinese boy facing his face with death.

The picture was gloomy, with a lot of bloody scenes. At that time, the director experienced a heavy divorce, which was reflected in the work. With the main female role, the authors could not decide for a long time. At first, Karen Allen had to appear in the film, however, Lucas wanted to see a new girl. As a result, Kate Capshow coped with the role of Willie Scott. "The Temple of Fate" for amazing special effects received an Oscar in the nomination "best maker."

In 1989, the world saw the third film about Indiana Jones. And the main hero is opposed to the Nazis. Now the plot is tied to the search for Holy Grail, the bowls giving immortality. The Assistant Indiana is the father of Henry Jones, and it becomes clear, where his offshore has a courage, the ability to crazy actions and passion for adventure. The authors of the film, finally, open the audience the secrets of the origin of the name Jones, fear of snakes and the history of attribute appearance - hats and whip.

In this picture, Sean Connery joined the actors, who made a truly star duet with Harrison Ford. In the artistic ribbon, the father and son succumbed to the Charm of the Scientist of Ladies, Art History and Assistant Jones-Senior Elza Schneider performed by the Irish actress Alison Dudi. One of the leading negative characters was played by Julian Wayatt Glover.

And the role of young indie went to Riverur Phoenix. Fans call exactly this picture of the best part of the adventures of Indiana Jones - for a whole scattering of exciting versions, mysteries, for picturesque landscapes, rich scenery and sparkling humor, which brought the duet of Connery and Ford to the picture.

Having a break of length in 19 years old, the authors of Indiana decided to give the audience a new series in 2008. Now fate brings Jones with Soviet agents led by Irina Babeko. In the yard of 1957. Russian enemies kidnapped his girlfriend, Marion. The return of women is possible only in exchange for help in search of a crystal skull, which remained from an alien creature. In this film, the main character returns love and acquires the Son, whose existence did not even guess.

Aged Harrison Ford and Karen Allen did not lose charm. The starring of the film crew was replenished with young people: the son of Indiana plays Shaia Labafe, in the image of a Soviet agent, a cold and soulless woman, Kate Blanchett convincingly appeared. One of the roles of "enemies from the USSR" went to the actor with Russian roots - Igor Zizhikin.

In the early 1990s, George Lucas conceived to remove the TV series about the young years of the future archaeologist. The first episode was released on the screens in 1992. Mini-series talk about young Indiana Jones, who turned out to be in the epicenter of the important events of the 20th century, met on the path of famous personalities. As a child, herself, together with the father of Polimir, was held in his youth the first world war, managed to acquire children, and to the old age he lost his right eye.

Each episode was discovered by the greeting of the main character already at the age - he was playing George Hall. The role of Indiana in childhood belongs to Corey Carrier, and the image of a young character in early youth embodied Sean Patrick Flaneri. In 1999, 22 series of television series turned into full-length films, moreover, the author deprived them of scenes with George Hall and renamed the television saga in the "Adventures of Young Indiana Jones".

Indiana Jones in Culture

The image of Indiana Jones lay down the form of a variety of games, comics and literary works. About new adventures are narrated by four parts of the comic "Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis", six parts of Indiana Jones and Thunder in the East, "Indiana Jones and Iron Phoenix" and "Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Sea Devil".

In 1982, Gamers received the first licensed video game Raiders of the Lost Ark. Sagi also created Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures. Then there were games with an individual storyline, they include, for example, Indiana Jones in The Lost Kingdom, Indiana Jones & The Infernal Machine.

Some characters of the adventure film leaked even in World of Warcraft. Saga woke the fantasy of writers, from under whose feot there are dozens of books with the brave hero of Spielberg and Lucas. The texts included quotes from films.

Interesting Facts

  • Indiana walks in an old loss jacket. In fact, the thing was new, it was artificially aged. The hat bought in the best London store survived even more - on it the main character was sitting on it, besides, the costumes specially twisted the headdress, giving a shabby look.
  • In the series "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Fate", there was not a conceived plot with the heroine of Kate Capshow, surrounded by the sistema snakes. The actress badly met the scenario and came to the shooting was morally unprepared, as a result, it was constantly fainted.
  • The same film almost put the cross on the career of Harrison Ford, the whole project was at risk. In the scene, where the killer attacks Indiana, they decided to do without Oboler. Ford by throwing over the opponent, damaged his back. It came to hospitalization and operations.


If you feel that this is yours, do not listen to who discourages. Archeology is a search for facts. Not truth. If you are interested in truth, the workshop of Professor Tyri in philosophy is on the corridor. I have always been an optimist, those who always vita in distant hopes and dreams of incredible.


  • 1981 - "Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark"
  • 1984 - "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Fate"
  • 1989 - "Indiana Jones and the last crusade"
  • 1992 - "Chronicles of Young Indiana Jones" (serial)
  • 2008 - "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull"


  • 1991 - "Indiana Jones and Dolphic Oracle"
  • 1992 - "Indiana Jones and a Great Flood"
  • 1994 - "Young Indiana Jones and a Secret City"
  • 1995 - "Indiana Jones and Timber Giakanov"
  • 2004 - "Indiana Jones and an invisible city"
  • 2008 - "Indiana Jones in search of the Lost Ark"
  • 2008 - "Indiana Jones and the curse of Pharaoh Tutankhamon"
  • 2008 - "Dr. Jones against the Third Reich"
  • 2008 - "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull"

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