Alexander Rapoport - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Alexander Rapoport - Russian and American actor, whose popularity brought the main roles in the paintings "Readers" and "Nanolyubov".

Alexander Rapoport - an actor with an amazing, but difficult fate. Alexander was born in the Bulgarian city of Kazanlyk, in the family of Sim. Mikhailovna and Grigory Solomonovich. Alexander's father at the time of birth was an officer, and then changed professions many times - from the diver and Tokary to the actor and the doctor. Sasha was not the month when the family left Bulgaria and after the turn of the moves settled in Leningrad.

Full Alexander Rapoport.

Rapoport junior from an early age saw himself on stage, but the parents did not perceive such a profession seriously. At the insistence of the parents, the young man became a student of the medical institute, where, together with his son, by the way, the father was entered. During his studies, Alexander joined the institute ensemble, and also participated in the amateur theater and played medical in basketball. By the profession, the doctor did not experience any interest in any interest and each exam was failed at the first attempt. But when specialization in psychiatry began on the 4th year, the young man was transformed and began to learn hard.

After the university, Alexander Rapoport was distributed to the district hospital, but the young man made a transfer to the famous Moscow clinic of Kashchenko. The career was excellent, but suddenly in 1980, Rapoporta arrest for the fact that Alexander refused to recognize unhealthy recruits evading service in the army. Condemned the doctor in political article for 4 years. After such a relationship, a man left his homeland and walking together with the younger son, he traveled to Barcelona. There was no money even the most needed, so I had to earn on the road, including singing on the streets.

Alexander Rapoport in youth

In 1990, Alexander Rapoport hit the United States and first worked as a taxi driver. Then returned to medical activities and even sat down again at the desk at Adel Fairy University, deepening knowledge of psychiatry. Now he combines films in movies with psychotherapeutic activities. In addition, Alexander Grigorievich leads the author's training on relationships between people, which most often emphasizes help in the preservation of romantic relations.

TV presenter, singer and actor

The first media activity of Alexander Rapoport is connected with television. On the American Channel, he opened the copyright of the "Mirror", in which he told about psychological problems. Much later, he was the leading program "An hour before midnight" on the air of the radio station "Silver rain", and on Russian television appeared in such a show, as "Men's territory", "I came to us!" I love, I can not ... ", I want your husband."

Alexander became a "singing doctor" and even recorded several studio albums. The video clips, for example, in the late 90s among lovers of Russian chanson had the success of the song "Barcelona", and a little later the composition of Mikhail Tanich "Amadeo Modigliani".

Actually, after performances in the role of a musician of the Rapoport and invited her debut in the American theater "Steps" in the play "last summer in Chulimsk". Feeling the taste of the actors, the man takes master classes from the stars of the movie: Al Pacino, Meryl Strip and Michael Kane.

Alexander Rapoport in the theater

He played Alexander Rapoport both in American theaters and in Russian. For example, the actor was invited personally Galina Volchek to the theater "Contemporary", where he played several interesting roles.


In the cinema, Alexander Rapoport began to be filmed in 2000, in the paintings of Russian-speaking director living in America. But the actor himself his debut, which became the starting point for professional filmmakers, considers the melodrama "My Prechistenka", in which he played a small role of Chekist Kuznetsov.

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There, the actor was invited to almost by chance: Alexander was in the art gallery in Moscow, where Galina noticed, the spouse Georgy Danity. She told her companion, who turned out to be casting-director Lyudmila Great, that such a man simply can not be removed into the movies.

By the time Alexander Grigorievich was already for 50. However, for today the actor managed to participate in the creation of more than one hundred kinocartine and television serials! From the most popular projects it is worth allocating the youth mystical series "Closed School", the marriage of "Marriage" and the fantastic film "Source".

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The bright key role of the oligarch Nikolai Stepanovich Davitsky in the "Nanolyubov" film bar came to the actor in 2010. The film tells about the girl-robot Nane, which was created by order of the oligarch. The robot was to be the result of an experiment on creating a perfect person, but Nana runs away from the laboratory and meets a girl who became a prototype of her appearance.

In 2012, Alexander Rapoport received another major role - the reader in the detective series of the same name. The detective consists of 40 episodes, each of which tells about the confusing crimes, from which the police refused. Only after the rest turn out to be powerless, a detective agency of a professional psychologist is taken for business, the role of which and executed Rapoport. Also, the poker fraud and the investigator of special forces help the hero. Together, this team reads people as open books and with ease reveals business.

But, although these roles attracted attention to the talent of the actor, in the future, Alexander Rapoport continued to receive only secondary and episodic roles.

Personal life

With his only wife Lyudmila, whom he calls at home exclusively, "Luska", Alexander Rapoport met in a tender youthful age. The girl struck the young man with an incredible beauty and a real feminine temperament. At 18, they were already married. Two sons were born in the family - Vyacheslav and Kirill.

Alexander and Lyudmila Rapoport

The eldest son, like his father, studied in various educational institutions of Russia and America, and now he has been working in the US manager. The youngest, who passed with his father actually on foot to Barcelona, ​​was unable to move to New York in 1990. Another adolescent, he stayed in Spain one for long six years. Without knowledge of the language, without any education, but with the obvious talent of the merchant, Cyril has opened his own business, and now in America contains its cafe. Together with his wife, model and actress Irina Dmitrakova, he presented his grandfather's parents, named after Grandfather Alexander.

Alexander Rapoport now

In 2017, Alexander Rapoport fulfilled the role of Bradfield in the Russian thriller "Sleeping". The picture is named after the exploration term "Sleeping agents", that is, such agents that are deeply incorporated into the structure of opposite forces. These agents are recruited long before their position and knowledge may be needed, and even before they come to this position and receive the necessary information.

In addition, the actor appeared in two Russian TV shows. In the comedy "Psychologies", Alexander Rapoport played a secondary role of Nikolai Borisovich. Also, the actor starred in a detective thriller "on the other side of death."

In 2018, the creative biography of the actor was replenished with a joint project of the United States, Brazil and Jordan - Roads to Olympia sports drama.

In addition, in 2018, two Russian projects were published with the actor. Alexander Rapoport appeared in the comedy "President's Vacation" about the adventures of the head of state, decided to go on vacation incognito and grima. In addition, the actor starred in the continuation of the spy picture "Sleeping".

Three more projects of 2018 are only planned. In the detective film "Green van. A completely different story. "The actor plays the role of Gustav Bauer, also the actor began working on a film about Tankists" to Paris ".

Alexander Rapoport.

Another preparing full-length film with the participation of Alexander Rapoport was the Russian project "The Lighter Darkness", which tells about a neurotic detective, who collided with his own dark past.


  • 2006-2007 - "My Prechistenka"
  • 2008 - "Blue beard"
  • 2010 - "Angel's duty"
  • 2010 - "Nanolyubov"
  • 2011 - "Lecturer"
  • 2011-2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2014 - "Breaking a closed circle"
  • 2015 - "Reader"
  • 2016 - "Citizen Nobody"
  • 2016 - "Source"
  • 2017 - "Sleeping"
  • 2017 - "Psychologies"
  • 2018 - "Roads to Olympia"
  • 2018 - "President's Vacation"


  • 1997 - "Do not pain you"
  • 1997 - "I'll be back, just choose a day"
  • 2002 - "Do not leave a woman one"
  • 2002 - "Untitled"

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