Guy Pier - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Guy Edward Pierce - Australian actor and musician who has fame in Hollywood. Now the performer masterfully copes with different projects - removed in the militants, horror films, family comedies and melodramas. Images represented by artist, deep and memorable. The acting talent of the Australian is marked by kinonadami.

Childhood and youth

Guy was born on October 5, 1967 in the British town or located in Cambridgeshire County, but grew up in Australia, in Jelong. The parents of the child, the pilot pilot of the Air Force Stewart Pierce and the Anne Koking teacher moved, when the boy was only three years old. Unfortunately, the family did not last long - after six years, the older pier crashed in a plane crash, and the burden of the family of the family fell to the mother.

For financial support itself and a 9-year-old son, a woman engaged in breeding deer. From early childhood, Guy Pierce became interested in an acting profession, began to visit theatrical studio and had already made his debut in the performance on a par with adult artists. In his youth, he was sure that he would become a star of cinema, but at the same time he paid a lot of time. Guy went to the fencing section, visited the gym.

Personal life

In 1997, there were stubborn rumors about the connection of the Pier with the writer Kate Grithhead, but in the same year the actor married a specialist in the psychology of Kate Mesalitis, who met since school bench. Spouses lived together for more than 18 years, but in October 2015 officially announced parting. There are no common children in marriage.

Soon after the divorce Guy began to meet, and later and live in actual marriage with the Netherlands actress Caris Wang Howen, with which he was filmed together in several films. The lady received the greatest fame and popularity among the audience after the role of the Red Priestess Melisandra in the series "Game of Thrones".

At the end of August 2016, an important event occurred in the actor's personal life - Guy and Caris became parents, the son of Monte Pierce appeared. Despite regular participation in the filming process of Hollywood paintings, Guy Pierce remains Australian and continues to live in Melbourne, as at the dawn of his film director.

Unlike many Hollywood artists, Guy Pierce can not be found in the "Instagram" network. But he actively leads Twitter, where it is divided with subscribers of thoughts, photos and events. In addition, the actor has a personal site.

You can't miss the fact that this person and a talented actor, and a gifted musician. He plays various tools, sings and even composes his own melodies. Even in the late 1980s, Hangors Pier Call of The Wild and Journey, and already in the 21st century, Guy Pier, he recorded two albums in the studio: Soundtrack to the melodrame "Life on the inclined" and solo plate Broken Bones. The actor plays in the Unconscious Brothers group.


Another schoolboy Guy Pierce began to send his photos in a film studio and on TV channels. In the end, he smiled good luck: the young man was invited to the soapy opera "Neighbors". There, the novice actor starred with the ascending stars Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan. It is thanks to this Trinity that the series became the most successful project in the history of Australian television.

But a breakthrough in the career occurred somewhat later. First, the pier handed out the image of transvestite in the tragicomedy "Adventures of Priscillas, Queen Desert" on the screen. Thanks to this, he received an invitation to Hollywood on a major role in the Thriller "Los Angeles Secrets". This picture gathered several Oscar awards, and the Gay himself got the world glory.

In 2000, Guy Pierce performed in the main role in the psychological detective of the director of Christopher Nolan "Remember". Initially, the director saw in the role of Leonard Shelby Alec Baldwin, but he refused. The premiere of the picture took place at the Film Festival in Venice, where he was enthusiastic with critics. She became a breakthrough of Nolan in Hollywood. In 2017, Renta was introduced to the National Film Register.

Then high-budget projects appeared in the actor filmography - fantastic action machine "Time Machine", Adventure History "Count Monte Cristo", Family Painting "Two Brothers". Not without injuries - at the time of filming in the "Time Machine" Pier broke the edge.

At the end of 2006, the Biography "I was seduced by Andy Warhol", dedicated to the American artist and the producer Andy Warhol and His Protege - Actress Edied Sedgevik. Guy reincarnated in the famous character. Edy played charming Sienna Miller.

The new round of popularity was given by a dismantive thriller "Deadly Room", in which Guy performed the role of the legendary magician Harry Hudini, and actress Catherine Zeta-Jones became a partner on the shooting platform. A great success, including the AMMI award, came along with the television series Mildred Pierce, where Kate Winslet also shone.

In 2008, the family comedy "Fairy Tales for Night" was released on the screens with elements of fantasy. Adam Shenkman spoke by the film director. ADAM SENDLER starred in the lead role of Skiter Bronson. Pier in this project appeared in front of the audience in the image of Kendal Duncan antagonist. The actors had to depict both their contemporaries and the types of medieval legends.

In September 2009, the Contractor appeared in one of the main roles in the road drama. Partners in the artist site were Viggo Mortensen, Charlize Theron, Robert Dulval and others. Then Guy tried on the role of Marion Snow in a science fiction militant "Strip". The mission of the Pierce Hero was the salvation of the character of the Maggie Grace actress, who also brightened in this film. The author of the belt scenario spoke himself Luke Veson.

At the same time, Guy appeared in the criminal drama "The Most Drunk District in the World". The ribbon telling about the American family living during the times of the dry law and the Great Depression collected a bright cast. Together with the pier on the same platform, Tom Hardy and Shaia Labaf starred. According to the plot of the paintings, Bonduratt brothers are engaged in bootlegracy prohibited by law.

In 2012, the artist of the artist was replenished with work in the horror movie "Prometheus". This fantastic action director Ridley Scott was originally planned as the "Alien", filmed in 1979, but later the project was transformed into an independent picture. In this tape, Gai had to try on the image of the old man of Peter Weeland, the head of the corporation wishing to find immortality by finding and meeting with the ancient progenitors.

Next year, the actor was invited to play a blockbuster "Iron Man - 3". Here the fans saw the artist as a scientist Aldrich Killian, the opponent Tony Stark. Later, the criminal fighter "Rover", a melodrama "full breasts" and the biographical drama "Genius", in which he transformed into the classics of American literature Francis Scott Fitzgerald, came to the screens. One of the most expected pictures of the end of 2016 was the detective Western "Underworld", where the audience was pleased with the Australian duet with young Dakota Fanning.

In May 2017, Guy Pierz returned to the role of Peter Welda in the continuation of the film "Prometheus", which was called "Alien: Testament." In January 2018, the audience saw his beloved actor in the Drama "Hot Vacation". And a month later he appeared in the leader "on the face of madness."

The plot of the paintings is built around the professor of the philosophy of Evan Bercha, when the details of the inappropriate behavior of a man with students are opened. At the same time, Evanie suspects the murder of a course listener. The film involves novice actresses of Odea Rush and Alexander Shipp, as well as the famous James Bond - Pierce Brosnan.

At the same time, the Military Drama of Ben Luine "Katcher was a spy", where Guy reincarnated in the engineer Robert Furman. 2018 was fruitful for the acting biography of Guy Pierce. In addition to the three of the above tapes, the artist appeared in the Thriller "Domino" and "Maria - Queen of Scotland" and "Poor Boy". In the paintings, the artist performed the main roles.

In 2019, the audience saw the actor in the film "Domino", the criminal drama director Brian de Palm. Together with the pier in the picture, his beloved Caris Wang Houthene was starred, as well as a red priestess colleague on the series "Game of Thrones" - Nikolai Koster-Waldau. In the same year, the performer appeared in the painting "Last Vermeer".

Guy Pier Now

In 2020, the actor continues to work in the cinema. Pierce played the role of Dr. Emil Harting in Superhero Tape "Blohenshot". Guy is busy in other film projects.


  • 1994 - "Adventures of Priscillas, Queen of the Desert"
  • 1997 - "Los Angeles Secrets"
  • 2000 - "Remember"
  • 2002 - "Count Monte Cristo"
  • 2002 - "Time Machine"
  • 2004 - "Two Brothers"
  • 2006 - "I seduced Andy Warhol"
  • 2009 - "Road"
  • 2010 - "The king says!"
  • 2011 - "Stollen"
  • 2012 - "Prometheus"
  • 2013 - "Iron Man 3"
  • 2016 - "Genius"
  • 2016 - "Underworld"
  • 2017 - "Alien: Covenant"
  • 2018 - "Hot vacation"
  • 2018 - "Two Queen"
  • 2018 - Domino
  • 2018 - "On the face of madness"
  • 2018 - "Spy Game"
  • 2019 - "Christmas Song"
  • 2020 - "Boldship"
  • 2020 - "Last bullet"

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