Brandon Lee - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



The life of the only son of Bruce Lee, Brandon, it looks like a bright flashed meteorite. Biography Brandon Lee turned out to be short. The actor tragically died in the heyday of forces, at the takeoff - at the age of 28. The mystery of his death, as well as the death of his father, and today is disturbing the minds of the fans.

Brandon Bruce Lee was born in February 1965 in California Auckland. The boy was mixed by the Chinese-German Blood Father and English-Swedish Moms.

Full Brandon Lie

When Brandon turned 3 months old, his parents - Bruce Lee and Linda Emery - moved to Los Angeles. But then the family was delayed only for 6 years. 2 years after the birth of Shannon's daughter, in 1971, it was decided to move to Hong Kong. Here Brandon Lee went to school in which his father once studied. The boy learned Chinese. More precisely, mastered the prestigious Cantonese dialect.

Bruce Lee's children were forced to walk accompanied by bodyguards: parents sought to protect the son and daughter from likely abduction. The martial arts Brandon Lee began to study early. In 5 years, the boy went on his hands and in the jump could reach the shoulder of his father. Bruce trained Brandon by the art of Kung Fu on its own system - jits Kun-to.

Brandon Whether in childhood with parents

Father did not become when Brandon was 8 years old. Mother decided to leave Hong Kong and moved to America with children. At first, the orphaned family moved to Seattle, but soon stopped in California. When Brandon has grown, he went to study at the Military School of Arts - the IMB Academy in Los Angeles. She was ruled by the students of Bruce Lee - Dan Islanto and Richard Bustillo. But the training system in the United States was very different from Chinese. Brandon was barely expelled for bad behavior.


In school, Brandon was carried away by the game on stage. Several times, the young man went on the stage of small theaters. This passion turned out to be determining whether he graduated from school. Brandon entered the Emerson Boston College, where he studied acting. The German fellow students remembered the gloomy young men, closed and even aggressive. The young man constantly walked in a black bandana, a lure of a denim costume and coarse shoes.

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After graduating from College, Brandon Li visited the famous Strasberg Institute in New York, where the acting lessons took some time.

When Brandon was tired of acting on the scenes of small theaters on the outskirts of New York, he decided to break into Hollywood. But there, the young man came only as the son of the star. The first proposed role is to play your father in a biographical picture. Brandon Li refused. The young man dreamed of his own way and did not want to stay in that niche, which he once occupied his father. But the proposed roles were "written off" with those who previously played Bruce. In the mid-1980s, Brandon appeared in the films "Criminal Killer" and "Kung Fu: Cinema". But neither success, nor fame, these projects were brought.

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The young actor was disappointed and left the "dream factory". Brandon went to China. Here the artist immediately suggested playing the main character in the painting "Substone". The debut turned out to be successful. Chinese cointers warmly accepted the film, after which the actor returned to Hollywood again. Lee starred in several TV shows, but the result was not satisfied.

The long-awaited breakthrough in the artist filmography happened in the early 1990s. The action movie "Disassembly in Little Tokyo", in which Brandon Li appeared with Dolph Lundgren, brought the actor fame. Artists reincarnated in police officers who, with difficulty, but found a common language. During the investigation of the murder of the Guardian dancers, the order goes to the Japanese Mafia clan trail, in the leader of which the hero Lundgrena will know the killer of his parents.

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The next film called "Running Fire" secured the success. The actor appeared on the screen in the form of a student who becomes a witness to gangster disassembly, and hunting begins behind it. But since the young man is fond of martial arts, it is not easy to destroy his criminals. In addition, Hero Brandon is an honest policeman in the execution of Powers Bout.

To turn Brandon Lee to a not less than a star than his famous father, had a movie "Raven", adaptation of the graphic novel James O'Barra. The actor was invited to the role of Eric Dravin, who was also tested by River Phoenix and Christian Slater. But Brandon did it seemed to the directors of more convincing other applicants.

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The young artist laid huge hopes for this gloomy "Gothic" project. And these hopes were justified. But posthumously. After entering the film screens, the title of iconic was rightfully obtained due to a variety of visual effects, combat scenes and professional actor's games.

Personal life

In 1990, Brandon Lee became acquainted with the director of the director Elise Hatton.

Brandon Lee and Eliza Hatton

The broken romance lasted 2 years and was about to be crowned with a marriage. The personal life of Brandony Wheeted on a happy scenario. In the career, finally, a breakthrough happened. Nearby was a loved one. But the intended wedding did not have been played: 2 weeks before the marriage, the artist died.


The shooting of the "Crow" project was started on the birthday of the actor - February 1, 1993. March 31, at night, irreparable happened. In the final stage in the hero of Brandon Lee was made the fatal shot from the revolver of the 44th caliber. Actor Michael Massey, who played the villain Fancy, fired with idle chuck. But in the trunk turned out to be a plug, which the techniques did not notice. The plug struck the belly and stuck in the spine. Later, the frames that were captured by the murder of the actor were destroyed, and the scene is repaired with a double.

Brandon Lie

From abundant bleeding, which was never able to stop the surgeon, Brandon died 12 hours after the shot. Death came on March 31, 1993 at Willmington Hospital.

Brandon Lee was buried next to his father in Seattle on the cemetery "Lake-View", on the spot that Linda Emery planned to leave himself.

Until now, in "Instagram", a photo of Brandon, in the image of the chief hero of the "Raven" project, are popular among its fans. The film was completed without the participation of the artist. Scenes with Brandon were modified using computer graphics.

Bruce and Brandon's grave

The murder of Brandon by negligence excites the mind of the actor fans. Questions cause the facts that the artist was not issued a body armor, while the partner shot not aside, but in Brandon. In addition, on the workplace there was no arms specialist.

In 2018, it is planned to begin work on the remake of the film "Raven", the rights to which Sony Pictures bought. Film shooting tried during the last decade, but each time the film companies came across problems. Most often, the complexity caused a frequent change of performers of major roles. Brandley Cooper, Luke Evans and Mark Wahlberg, were tastened for the role of the hero.

Full Brandon Lie

In the current project of the main character, Jason Momoa will play, and John Speits and Corin Hardy spoke with the screenwriters and directors. The first scenes will begin to shoot in the capital of Hungary in the summer of 2018. The plot of the original film will be somewhat changed, new characters have been introduced. The premiere of the picture will be held in the fall of 2019.

The new project has opponents, for example, the director of the "Raven" picture of 1994 Alex Possias. In his opinion, the film should not be repeated, you need to keep the original untouched in memory of Brandonon.


  • 1985 - "Criminal Killer"
  • 1986 - "Kung Fu: Cinema"
  • 1986 - "Stacked"
  • 1987-1989 - "O'Hara"
  • 1990 - "Operation" Laser "
  • 1991 - "Disassembly in Little Tokyo"
  • 1992 - "Runling Fire"
  • 1994 - "Raven"

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