Nick Keive - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Nick Keive is a talented rock musician, writer and poet, screenwriter and music author to a lot of famous films, leader of the Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds group.

Nicholas Edward Keive was born in September 1957 in the Australian city of Warraknabil. In addition to Nika, in the family, the employee of the Dun Tredowell library and the English teacher, Colin Frank Cayeva, grown up three more children: the sons of Tim and Peter and the daughter of Julie.

Rock Musician Nick Keive

Musical abilities showed at Nick Kale early. After the senior school, the young man entered the artistic college, where he met a like-minded Mika Harvey, without which no star project did not yet affect.


In the late 1970s, Keive and Harvey organized a music group called "BOYS NEXT DOOR". The team existed for several years, but by 1980 collapsed. He was replaced by Nickname and Mick created a new group by calling her "The Birthday Party". But this team turned out to be short-lived: in 1983, after touring European countries, the musicians broke up.

At the very beginning of the 1980s, Nick Keive met the leader of the German group Blixova Bargeldom. Australian singer Creativity Bliks so had to like that he suggested a German to play together. Bargeld agreed. This cooperation lasted without a small 20 years.

In 1984, the updated group of Calee, named "Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds" (as opposed to previous projects, it also exists today), gave fans a debut album "From Her To Eternity". The disk received the approval of critics and was warmly met by the team fans. After 8 years, the band recorded a star disk called "Henry's Dream". The authoritative British tabloid "Melody Maker" admitted this album as the best in the works of Nick Kaiva and even took him the 7th place in the list of the best discs of 1992.

In the middle and late 1990, the creative biography of Kaiva and the Group have enriched at two more albums "Let Love In", which included the tracks "Red Right Hand", "Do You Love Me?", Loverman and Murder Balds with songs "Song of Joy", "Stagger LEE". The fans of "Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds" consider the compositions included in these discs, the best in Calee's work.

The end of the century was marked in a creative career with a record of two more albums - "The Boatman's Call", which took the 26th place in the list of "100 best Australian albums", and the Live At The Royal Albert Hall concert album. In 2001, after two years of creative searches, Keive released a disk "No More Shall WE Part". In 2003, a clip was very popular for the song of Nick Keiva "Bring It ON".

In 2013, the fans of Kick Keiv welcomed the 15 album "Push The Sky Away". Shortly before his exit, the team left Mick Harvey, with whom Nick Keive had a hand in hand for 30 years. In 2015, the Trek "All The Gold In California" entered the album of the Soundtrack of the second season of the cult American series "True Detective". In addition to Calee, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Lyar Lynn participated in the recording of music. Often, the creativity of Nick Kale is compared with the compositions of Tom Wates and Leonard Cohen. They are related to the echoing gloomy motifs.

In addition to musical activity, Nick Keive became famous for literary creativity. Peru Musician belongs to the novel "and the urrot of the Oscale of the Angel of God", which came out in 1989. Keive is a wonderful poet. Two published collectors "King ink. Tom I "and" King ink. Volume II is popular with poetic words and translated into Russian.

Nick Keive wrote a lot of tracks for films. His music can be heard in the paintings of "Love and Cigarettes", "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", "The Most Drunk District in the World" and three more dozen of others. Video speeches Nick Kale at the concert hit the cult film Wim Wenders "Sky over Berlin".

In the film "Dandy" directed by Peter Zempel Keive, together with Blixy Bargeldom, starred as an actor. The debut turned out to be successful, and in 2005 the musician appeared in the western "Offer". In 2007, the criminal film "How Cowardly Robert Ford killed Jesse James" with Brad Pitt in the lead role was published with the participation of Nick Caleeva.

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At the same time, Nick Keive continued to write music to the movies. Among the works of the musician - Documentary tape "English Surgeon", a post-apocalyptic picture "Road" about the natural elements of civilization, the criminal drama "The Most Drunk District in the World" with Tom Hardy and Jessica Chestain in the lead roles. In 2014, the artist released the author's film project "20,000 days on Earth" for which he wrote music and played himself in the lead role. In the next biographical film "Sacrifice of the Shepherd" Nick Keive again fulfilled the main role, and also wrote music.

With cinema Nika Kaiva binds not only music or acting experiences. The artist acted as a talented screenwriter, with whom many directors collaborated. According to Cale's plots, films "The Most Drunk District in the World", "Death Bunny Manro", "Raven", "Ghosts of Civil Death" were shot.

Personal life

For a long time, the personal life of Nick Calee was associated with the participant of the Anita Lane led by the group "Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds". The girl called the Nick Museum. But after 10 years, young people broke up.

In 1991, Nick Keive became a father twice: one son Musican gave birth to a journalist from Brazil Vivien Karneo, and the second is a compatriot Bo Lazenby. But with any of the named women, the musician wanted to associate life for a long time. Brief turned out to be a novel with Pi Jay Harvey, a member of his group in the 1990s.

Personal life Kaiva entered the permanent track after a meeting with the British Mannequer Susie Beak. They met in 1997, and in the 1999th they played a wedding. Twin boys were born in this marriage and Earl.

In 2015, it became known that 15-year-old Arthur died. The teenager fell from the cliff and died from numerous injuries. Musician family stayed in Touré for a long time.

Among the hobbies of Kaiva, the creation of copyrights, which the musician himself calls SoundSuits - "sound suits". Unusual outfits are created from various materials, while they remain comfortable and fully hiding the person inside. As a material, KEIV uses any garbage: branches, painted human hair, artificial fur, wire, sequins, buttons, feathers.

Nick Keive now

Nick Keive, remaining the legend of rock music, continues to collect stadiums. In 2016, together with the musicians, Nick's group released another album "Skeleton Tree". The concert, which sounded new musical compositions from the Scene of the Danish Royal Arena, was recorded in the form of a documentary music film by director David Barnard. At the same time, Nick Keive pleased the fans with the clips on the Jesus Alone and Red Right Hand (Angel Heart) musical compositions.

Now the concert film began his journey around the world. In 2018, in April, the video of Kaiva was broadcast in Ukraine and Russia. At the same time, a full-scale touring tour in support of the album began. In Russia, Nick Keive plans to speak in July. The musician will be with concerts in two cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg.


Boys Next Door

  • 1979 - Door Door


  • 1980 - The Birthday Party
  • 1981 - PRAYERS ON FIRE
  • 1982 - Junkyard

Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds

  • 1984 - From Her To Eternity
  • 1985 - The Firstborn Is Dead
  • 1990 - The Good Son
  • 1992 - Henry's Dream
  • 1994 - Let Love In
  • 1996 - Murder Balds
  • 2003 - Nocturama.
  • 2008 - Dig, Lazarus, Dig !!!
  • 2013 - PUSH THE SKY AWAY
  • 2016 - Skeleton Tree

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