Ilya Obolonkov - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Ilya Obolonkov is the Russian actor and cinema actor, who has been confidently confident from the young age. Belief helped the artist from the province to break through the capital and become one of the sought-after performers of modernity. Today, directors willingly remove Ilya in various projects, ranging from classic melodrars and ending with detectives and comedies.

Childhood and youth

Ilya Obolonkov was born and grew up in the Samara region, in Togliatti. His father worked as a teacher of mathematics at the university. Childhood Ilya can not be called quiet and calm: the boy grew somewhat hooligan, communicated with the most exemplary teenagers of the area.

Obolonkova rescued the passion for theater and the complete support of the Father. On the advice of the parent of the young man after graduating from high school, he comes to the acting department of the Volga University named after V. N. Tatishchev. In parallel with obtaining education, the student began to be involved in the performances of the drama theater "Wheel".

By the time, as a young man received a diploma, he had already clearly knew what he wanted to devote to acting life. The novice artist became increasingly attracted by the cinema, so Ilya goes to the capital and enters the experimental workshop of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Panin with a cult Vgik.


The first picture in the creative biography of the actor, in the credits of which Ilya Obolonkov appeared, became a dramatic television series about firebound firebursions. Then a long series of small roles followed in many Russian projects, from which the adventure comedy "Full forward" should be highlighted.

The popularity of Ilya presented the image of Senior Lieutenant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexey Kartasha in the Multi-Sewing Movie "Platinum". It is also worth noting the unusual insieved screening of the nonploven tragedy "Hamlet", the Biographical film "The Aunt Bath" and the youth television series "Kremlin cadets", which had very high ratings. The artist was lit up and in the popular project "Margosha", where he played in one of the series.

Features of the type of actor together with high growth (181 cm with weight 85 kg) led to the fact that it constantly receives the roles of classical strong men. Obolonkov often plays military and policemen, not only in artistic paintings, but also in documentary cinema, for example, in Ribe "Afghanistan. Point of non-return. "

In 2016, Ilya Obolonkov performed the main male role in the 4-serial melodraman "Stolen Happiness". The next year also did not leave the actor without large projects, Ilya reincarnated in the main hero of Paul in the "Lone" melodrama.

In the same 2017, the actor played a major role in the Ukrainian-Polish-Russian melodrame "Mitigating circumstances" and appeared in the image of the main character in the series "Love for survival".

Personal life

With the future wife of Natalia Gromrushkina, the actor met in the theater when they had a chance to play together in one comedian production. Chosen by Ilya Obolonkova older than him for 6 years. At the time of their meeting, the actress has already experienced the pros and cons of family life with actor Alexander Domogarov, and also had the Son from previous relations.

The wedding was played in 2012, and very quiet and modest, even many colleagues did not know about marriage. A year later, Natalia and Ilya became the parents of the daughter, which was given an unusual name of Elian. The last name of the girl was recorded double - Gromrushkina Obolonkov.

6 years after the wedding, the spouses decided to divorce. Rumors appeared in the media that the reason for the separation of her husband and wife was the return of Commushekaya to Domogarov. But the actress refuted these specles. Despite the events that occur, the ex-spouses continue to work together. Judging by the photo in "Instagram" Ilya, they together performed at the festive concert dedicated to the 872th anniversary of Moscow.

In 2019, in the personal life of the actor, changed changes - Ilya began to meet with Natalia Sharonovoy, businesswoman and the owner of the title "Miss Planet - 2015".

After 4 months, the scandal was hit: Obolonkova was caught in treason and decided to put all the points over I, turning to the talk show "In fact" Dmitry Shepelev. Natalia presented a video of a meeting of his chosen one and women much older than him. The artist himself was present on the transfer, who explained the meeting and a kiss on the bench with the shooting of the scene for a new film. His partner in the frame was the actress Oksana Geja, a friend of the Mother of Artist.

Mama Ilya arrived at the shooting of the transfer, who opposed the connection of the Son with the model and expressed sympathy of Oksana. The studio broke out a scandal between women. Thanks to the detector of Li, it turned out that the novel between Ilya and the Mom's friend had a place to be, but Sharonov lost the sacrifice of the victim - she herself changed her chosen one.

Now, nothing is known about the relationship of the couple, but on a personal page in "Instagram" Natalia left an ambiguous post dedicated to Her Union with Obolonkov.

In the summer of 2019, Ilya survived another shock: his family had information about the once missing father. For a long time, the artist and his mother believed that Yuri Obolonkov died. But after 18 years after the tragedy, the familiar realtor said that he found a man in one shelter, like signs on Father Ilya. The deception revealed later - the friend and her accomplice tried to take possession of the real estate of the family. The mismatch of the Men's DNA was discovered on the broadcast of "actually", which addressed the Obolonkov for help.

Ilya Obolonkov now

The popularity of the artist is confirmed by new projects that regularly replenish its filmography. So, in 2018, for the game Ilya Obolonkova, television viewers watched in the melodraman "My Heart with You", the detective "her secret" and the rating comedy TV series "Psychologies". The main character of the executor presented in the project "Rosa and Chertopol". This is a thriller, which also starred Evgenia Lose and Alexey Anischenko.
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In 2019, the premiere of a detective "Women's version was held with Obolonkov. Romantic from the USSR. " The film was intertwined the events of the past and present. Also, the actor appeared in the 7th season of the popular project "Sklifosovsky" and the serials "settlers" and "Chernov".


  • 2007-2009 - "Platinum"
  • 2009 - "Justice of Wolves"
  • 2009-2010 - "Kremlin cadets"
  • 2010 - "Ancentny Bath"
  • 2011 - "Afghanistan. Point of no return "
  • 2013 - "Check for Love"
  • 2014 - "Mock Smile"
  • 2016 - "Fate for rent"
  • 2016 - "Stolen Happiness"
  • 2017 - "Single"
  • 2017 - "Mitigating circumstances"
  • 2018 - "Rose and Thistle"
  • 2019 - "Women's version. Romantic from the USSR "
  • 2019 - "Chernov"
  • 2019 - "Messages"

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