Ellen Page - Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress, Photo, Caming Out, Wife, "Instagram" 2021



Elliot Page is considered one of the influential Hollywood stars. Serious roles ascended the actor to the top of success, his name became a sign in the press and a circle of fans. That only sounded differently. Until December 2020, Elliot was an actress Ellen Page. Operation on the change of floor influenced his life and creative views.

Childhood and youth

Ellen Philpotts-Page was born in February 1987 (a fish on the sign of the zodiac) in the Canadian state of New Scotland. In the city of Halifax, childhood and youth of the future star were held. Father worked as a graphic designer, and the mother is a teacher.

Artistry Parents discovered in her daughter in early childhood, so they gave a child to school with a theatrical bias. At 10 years old, Ellen made his debut in the picture "Pete Pony". The beginning turned out to be quite successful, and the girl was invited to the eponymous series. Then the young actress received the first awards and premiums.

Page graduated from High School of Halifax and some time studied at the Higher School of Queen Elizabeth. Then she decided to develop acting in the famous Vaughan Road Academy. In his youth, Ellen was trained together with a close friend Mark Randall.


Cinematic biography Ellen Page continued in 2003. The artist was invited immediately in three American paintings: "Harvard Bum", "on the verge of collapse" and "My Virtual Ghost". Films warmly accepted viewers. Ellen noticed and remembered. A year later, the girl appeared in an interesting arthoo film "Face to face." This drama is the first European project in which the Page starred. At that time she was 16 years old.

And at 17 she played a role in another drama called "Lollipop". Resonance after the release of the film was loud: Hayley Stark's heroine is a young girl who met the photographer and suspected that in pedophilia. The present name of the tape is "HardCandy" - taken from the Internet slang and indicates a teenage girl. Despite the ambiguous assessments of Morarali's chambers, the picture received positive filing reviews of film critics: the skill of the young artist turned out to be at the highest level.

In 2007, Career Ellen developed a rapid pace. Canadian starred in a blockbuster "X-Men: Last Battle." Maggie Grace was originally planned for the role of Kitty Pride, but the actress could not attend the shooting due to employment in the TV series "Lost".

The main project in which the actress appeared in the same year was the film "Juno" Jason Beitman. Ellen played a pregnant schoolgirl, which is looking for a good parents for the future child. The tape had a deafening success and brought the young artist of the nomination for Oscar and the Golden Globe and awards at various film festivals.

Directors previously offered Page to play smart, charming and ironic schoolgirls, began to call it into "adults" projects. Ellen was filmed in indie films and independent cinema, embodying a variety of roles.

The new career height of Page took off after the appearance in the "Start" picture, where he starred with Leonardo Di Caprio, Marion Cotiyar and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. According to the director Christopher Nolana, he stopped the choice of Page because the actress embodies the balance of innovation, intelligence and maturity, uncharacteristic for its age.

A bold project for Ellen was the film Woody Allen "Roman Adventures". It was believed that after filming Allen, the artists receive a permanent "registration" in Hollywood and seize the personal star on the "Alley of Glory". But this tape caused an ambiguous evaluation of critics.

Together with a colleague in the workshop Willem Defo in 2013, Ellen participated in the project of Quantic Dream. The actress became the prototype of the main character of Jody Holmes in the computer game BEYBEYOND: TwoSouls ("Beyond: Two Souls"). And when creating the product Thelastic, its appearance was used illegally, without the consent of Page, which did not lead a celebrity delight.

In 2014, Ellen returned to work on the way Kitty Pride in the film "X-People: the days of the last future." An important feature filmography of celebrities can be considered the role in the drama "All I Have", based on real events. This is a picture of two women - Laurel and Stacy, which are associated with romantic relationships.

Ollen's on-site love played Oscarone actress Julianna Moore. Main men's roles were performed by Michael Shannon and Steve Karell. Interestingly, a year before the release of the film, Page admitted in unconventional sexual orientation.

At the International Festival in Toronto in 2017, the premiere of the Drama "My Days with Mercy", where Ellen again touched the topic of unconventional sexual orientation. Partner Page became Kate Mara. The remake of the 1990 thriller of the 1990s "Komatozniki" with the participation of the actress received sharply negative reviews of critics based on the fact that there was no need to repeat the ribbon.

In April 2018, the horror film "Third Wave Zombies" with Ellen Page was released on the screens. Decorations to an ominous picture served as a real Crumlin Road GaoL prison located in Northern Ireland.

The first episodes of the popular fantasy series "Academy Ambrell" came out in 2019. In the project, the celebrity performed the main role of Vanya Hargrivz, violinders with superposts. Together with Canadian in the film, Tom Hopper, David Castaneda, Aidan Gallahher and others.

Interesting experience, according to the actress, was the work on the multi-dimensional drama "City Stories", where she had to embody the image of the shocks - girls with a difficult fate who passed through adoption. Protecting from society, the heroine resorts to Sarcazma and other psychological barriers, which Ellen believes, uses every person who collided with a rejection in society.

Page tried himself and in sound. The vote of the actress say the heroes of cartoon "Griffins", "Simpsons" and "Robopes".

In 2020, the fans saw Ellen in the continuation of the series "Academy of Ambrella". In addition, the screens came out the documentary "Something in the water" dedicated to the problems of ecology. In the filming, Page painted as one of the directories.

Personal life

In 2006, Ellen met with Ben Foster, the relationship broke into less than a year. In 2013, rumors arose in the press that the actress Roman with a colleague Alexander Skarsgard. The couple was filmed together in the picture "East", appeared in public places, but the artists did not comment on relationships.

And in February 2014, Paige put the points over I, performing at the LGBT community conference and making Caming Out: the celebrity announced that she was a lesbian. Journalists learned that Ellen prompted to make a recognition of a long-standing friend Drew Barrymore. Fans assumed: between actresses something more than just a friendly connection. However, if Drew did not hide his addictions in love, then Paige was in no hurry to open peace.

However, the moment of revelations has come. In the fall of 2015, Ellen appeared at the Toronto festival along with the artist and the girlfriend of Samantha Thomas. Then the personal life of the artist was discussed on the show Ellen Degensheres. Page stated that he did not regret recognizing in a non-traditional orientation. In 2016, she made a director of the documentary series of the Gaycation, talking about the life of the LGBT community, transgender in different countries of the world.

In January 2018, the celebrity posted a wedding photo in "Instagram", on which two hands were captured. Wedding rings were conquered on ring fingers. Signature to the snapshot (Can't Believe I Getto Call This Extraordinary Woman My Wife) read that Page was combined with her girlfriend - teacher and dancer Emma Portner. Emma on the same day shared the same snapshot on the net.

Later, in 2019, in June, congratulating subscribers with the month of gay pride, the performer posted a frank black and white photo in the instagram photo. In the picture, the nude artist was in the arms of his wife, who, too, was topless. The photo was accompanied by the text in which the Canada urged everyone to share love.

Ellen Page, despite his little growth, managed to become a rather influential person in the world of cinema. She did not seek to attract the attention of candid photos in a swimsuit, and resorted to other methods - bold statements, confused by humor and straightness. Canadian did not want to move to Hollywood, preferring to stay in his hometown along with domestic pets - dogs.

The actress has repeatedly mentioned that she does not seek to live in Hollywood standards. First of all, she wanted to be respected for the work done. Page is a vegan and an atheist, ranks himself for soiling feminists - this is a movement that defends the right of women to make an abortion. Still interested in sports. Among the interests of Ellen - Football, Basketball, Skiing, Snowboard and Swimming.


At the end of the 2020th, the actress shocked the public with new details of personal life: Page made Caming-Out as Transgender. She called on to use the pronoun "he" in relation to it, and also chose the male name Elliot Page.

The year later, in January 2021, it became known that Page was collapsed. The couple was together for three years.

Elliot Page before and after gender change

In an interview with Time, Elliot described that the breast removal operation caused mixed feelings in it: on the one hand, a comfortable feeling of himself in his body, on the other - excitement, fear and anxiety due to change.

For the first time, the actor demonstrated a topless figure after surgery on his page in Instarkama in May 2021. In a conversation with Obrey, Winfrey, the artist stressed that he began to feel more confident, leaving the soul and peering into the mirror. Leading along with other celebrities - Justin Cornwell, Miley Cyrus, Nina Dobrev - provided Page support in the network by writing a number of benevolent comments.

Elliot Page now

Professional experience gained by the star over the years of the career served as a good platform for self-confidence, which supports him now.

Changes in appearance, in life and how the actor boldly demonstrates this, give hope to other people who have encountered such problems. In an interview with Page told that his step was influenced not only by himself - it is useful for those people who face the choice and who are forced to suffer from American laws that restrict the receipt by transgerers of some medical services. Making a problem for open discussion may result in its solution.

Despite the new appearance, Elliot continues to be filmed in the series "Academy of Ambrell".


  • 2003 - "Harvard Bum"
  • 2005 - "Lollipop"
  • 2006 - "Xu People: Last Battle"
  • 2007 - "Juno"
  • 2009 - "Roll!"
  • 2010 - "Start"
  • 2012 - "Roman Adventures"
  • 2013 - "The" East "grouping
  • 2014 - "X-Men: the days of the last future"
  • 2015 - "All I have"
  • 2016 - Tallula
  • 2017 - "My Days with Mursi"
  • 2017 - "Third Wave Zombie"
  • 2017 - "Komatozniki"
  • 2019 - "Academy of Ambrell"

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