Batman (character) - Photo, biography, movies, DC Comics, actors


Character History

Batman - comic character created by DC Comics, superhero fighting evil. Under the mask man - bat hides the hero named Bruce Wayne. Among other world superheroes, Batman was one of the most popular. The image of the character appears in comics, feature films, cartoons and computer games.

History of character creation

The character came up with the American artist Bob Kane in two days off. In his fantasies, Kane was repelled from the film "Zorro" and adventure magazines of the 1930s, first, to the light of a Birdman's bird. Frank plagiarism criticized the colleague artist Bill Finger. The illustrator did not like the wings, a bright outfit of a character and a mask, partially closing face. Finger suggested changing cumbersome wings on a raincoat (it is more convenient to fight with enemies), make a mask completely closed, and the red trico change to gray.

After that, the appearance of the hero began to resemble a mysterious bat, and not just a flying person. As a result, the creators decided to change the name of the hero - Batman appeared instead of Berdman. A millionaire Bruce Wayne with a difficult history of life was hidden for the superhero mask with a difficult story of life, the author borrowed from popular magazines, films and comics.

History and image of Batman

The character of the character was influenced by the tragedy that happened in childhood. The parents of 8-year-old Bruce Wayne killed a small criminal. The boy swore that when he would grow, punish all the villains of the native city of Gotam. Psychological trauma and drives the hero through the fairytale epic. Adult Bruce Wayne leads a double life: the day of Lovelace and a rich entrepreneur (Millionna State remained from the parents), the patron of money, giving money to charity, and under the cover of the night - a dark knight, challenging evil.

An ardent fighter with crime, in fact, anti-heger - they are not going to achieve justice, but revenge. The character image from time to time is transformed: a strong, courageous and brave man sometimes turns into a real psychopath, ready to take revenge. Plus to everything - hiding behind the mask also because it fears the violence by law. The bright qualities of Batman are excessive suspicion and infractiveness to people, the fear of attachment to someone, perfectionism and stubbornness. The hero does not seek to kill, believing that this will stand on one step with the criminal.

The appearance of the character is changing over time - each artist gives a description of the hero in its own way. Initially, Batman is dressed in a gray suit (in the future - blue and black) with a logo on the chest, a long blue raincoat will be thrown on top, gloves with three inserts-scallops, and the face is closed with a hood, the outlines of which are reminded by a bat of a volatile mouse. Cloak has a special design that allows the owner to fly.

Superhero costume serves as a tool for intimidation of enemies. Gradually, clothes changed functionally. The mask turned into a helmet that not only defended his head from injuries due to strengthening from kevlar plates, but also became a touch device capable of calculating the physical parameters of the dark knight. Such a helmet worked as an x-ray, the owner's voice changed. In fact, the dark knight has no superconductors, it is an ordinary person who enjoys the fruits of technical progress. The lack of magical superstil compensate for detective skills and sharp mind.

Friends and enemies

During the adventures, tightened for decades, Batman gained an incredible number of friends and enemies. The farewell Waynov family belongs to the faithful supporters of Bruce, the former Military Alfred is a provider of weapons and information, a doctor of his ward. Often in the battles back to the back of Batman stands with a cat's cat beloved (Celina Kyle), which once moved from the rows of enemies into the clan of friends of the main character, and then in the spouses. Lady's life is also double, so it understands the dark knight well.

Charge to hunt for the bat and realizing the idea of ​​the opponent, from opponents to the allies also swinging the Commissioner of the Police of James Gordon. Batman had five pupils - Robinov, who had to continue the case of a superhero. Four Robin, including the girl Kerry Kelly, reception, and one - Damien Wayne - native. Bruce trained young people to imprint the hunt for criminals. The character's detachment included several Batgerl's assistants, Bahgetumen, a cousin of the main character, came to the company.

The army of enemies surpasses the number of friends. He heads the list of Joker, in the past, a simple clown, who does not know how to joke. From lack of money, the character goes to the robbery of the bank, where it cares the dark knight. Joker falls into the tank with chemicals, having obtained disfigured appearance. The evil column comes into an endless war with an offender. Joker helps the beloved Harley Queen.

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Also Batman is opposed to two-limit, in the past district prosecutor. The character suffers from the split personality, which manifested itself after the loss of half of the face. The criminal boss of Gotam Penguin is considered an ambiguous antihero: a person who looks like a polar bird is malicious, but at the same time inspires pity and even sympathy. For the time of the Batman epic, the villains appeared more than 50, they were all deeply unhappy, survived a personal drama or tragedy.

Batman in films

The first film appeared shortly after the debut appearance of the hero on the comic pages. In 1943, the series "Batman" came to the screens. The picture included 15 episodes in which the Dark Knight with another Robin fights with the main enemy of America, the Second World War - Japanese. An opponent was the head of the criminal grouping, a spy Dr. Frak. The role of the main character was performed by actor Lewis Wilson.

In the late 80s, the shooting of the tetralogy about Batman from Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher began. The work of the director Tim Burton carries the title of the best film about Batman. The picture was successful and became the most cash film project in 1989, gathering $ 400 million. The plot unfolds in the city of Gotheme, mired in crime. The mysterious avenger in a black mask - Bruce Wayne arises to protect the weak. The hero is opposed to the criminal world in the face of Joker. Images of the main characters were trying to Michael Kiton, Kim Basinger, Jack Nicholson.

In 1992, Sequel comes out, telling about the superhero war with a penguin (which played Danny de Vito), who decided to take the post of mayor of Gotam. A series of films continued to direct Joel Schumacher, replacing the kiton with actor Vahl Kilmer. The enemies become a two-faced, crazy genius a migrate and a former city prosecutor.

In the last picture of the tetralogy "Batman and Robin" in the image of the superhero, George Clooney appeared. Joel Schumacher's film is highlighted by the Star Makeup. "Cold" monster played the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mr. Frieze volunteered in the assistants a mentally unbalanced woman to poisonous ivy performed by the former Music of Quentin Tarantino - Tourman's minds.

In 2005, the director Christopher Nolan took up the superhero biography. The main role was approved by Christian Baila, whom the audience then called the best Batman. Chronology in films is consistent. In the act of trilogy, the childhood and adolescence of Bruce Wayne, the formation of a man as a superhero. The boy loses his parents and, being the heir of a multimillion state, goes on a journey around the world.

Gotham's city meets a man who decided to fight evil under the mask of Batman. There were several interesting facts on the set. When the film was filmed on the streets of Chicago, a drunk driver crashed into Batmobile. Later, the man admitted: thought that the invasion of aliens began. Lamborgini's "Marelago" model was chosen as Bruce Wayne, which is translated from Spanish as a bat.

A year after the events described in the first film, Batman unites forces with Lieutenant James Gordon and the Harvey Dentus prosecutor. Clear streets from crime almost succeed, but a strong opponent enters the game - Joker (het Ledger played, and Vladimir Zaitsev voiced in Russian dubling).

The war, broken up for a joke, takes the life of the prosecutor. Superhero takes guilty and goes to voluntary expulsion for 8 years. The plot of the third film is tied to the return of the Dark Knight to the fight against evil. Now the hero will fight with the new enemy in the face of Bane (which Tom Hardy played). The criminal just like Batman, does not want to issue himself and wears a mask. The phrases of the heroes became popular quotes.

In 2016, the screens appeared a picture "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice." The film in the militant genre was the continuation of the film "Man of Steel". There is a conflict of interests between heroes, everyone has its own truth. While there is a war of superheroes, the planet turns out to be an even greater threat. Together with Ben Affleck, the actors Henry Kavill, Amy Adams, Jason Momoa, are involved in the lead role.


Sometimes the truth is not good enough, sometimes people deserve more, sometimes people deserve that their faith is rewarded. It is worsening before getting better.


  • 1943 - "Batman"
  • 1966 - "Batman"
  • 1989 - "Batman"
  • 1992 - "Batman returns"
  • 1995 - "Batman Forever"
  • 1997 - "Batman and Robin"
  • 2005 - "Batman: the beginning"
  • 2008 - "Dark Knight"
  • 2012 - "Dark Knight: Revival Legends"
  • 2016 - "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice"

Computer games

  • 1986 - Spectrum and Amstrad CPC
  • 2012 - LEGO BATMAN 2: DC Super Heroes
  • 2013 - Batman: Arkham Origins
  • 2014 - LEGO BATMAN 3: Beyond Gotham
  • 2015 - Batman: Arkham Knight
  • 2016 - Batman: The Telltale Series
  • 2017 - Batman: The Enemy Worthin - The Telltale Series

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