Count Caliostro - biography, character history, prototype, facts


Character History

Count Alessandro Caliostro, also known under the names of Phoenix, Tisko, Belmont and Marquis de Anna, became famous in the world due to his own smell. A man who started his career from selling fake treasure cards, years later became a worse in the royal houses of Europe and Russia. It is not surprising that such a mysterious character moved to the pages of works written by world classics.

History of origin

The biography of the famous Alchemist and the hypnotist is full of unreliable facts and contradictions. At the same time, most of the information was obtained from one source - from the Count of Alessandro Caliostro himself. A man gladly shared his friends with his friend's details and adolescence.

Count Alessandro Caliostro

Contemporaries were amazed by the ability of the graph to file themselves in society and noted the inexplicable interest of women to Alchemist in the ultimate appearance of the latter:

"Smuglolic, wide in the shoulders of a middle-aged person and low growth. He spoke in three or four languages, moreover, at all, without exception, with a foreign accent. Held mysterious and pompous. Flare persted with rare precious stones.

The greatest fame of history associated with the name of the graph, after the release of Roman Alexander Duma-Father Joseph Balsamo. The book created an unprecedented excitement and even caused conversations that the great mystifier is still alive. The interest of the writer was reinforced by the next work of the writer - the Queen Necklace, which affects the Asphar Madame de Lammotte de Valua with the jewels of Mary-Antoinette.

Writer Alexander Duma

The forgotten image of the Great Deceiver again captured the minds of writers and historians. Now the former predictor and immortal MAG began to devote scientific treatises and explore the schemes of the effect of the magician on people. Long-killed in prison, the Count received immortality thanks to his own practices.

Biography and prototype

According to Caliostro, the graph was born from the love alliance of the princess, whose name cannot be called, and an angel. The boy was born in the eastern country, not far from the place where Noah built the ark. By the way, the Count personally was familiar with the Great Righteous and even took an honorable place on the ship during the Flood.

Count Alessandro Caliostro in the Society of Ladies

Later, by moving to Medina, Alessandro spent his youth in luxury. Reaching mature age and with the blessing of his native uncle went into a world journey with a respected mentor Altotas. A man visited Africa, spent a lot of time in Egypt, where he studied the secrets of the pyramids and communicated with the pharaohs. Later, the enlightened husband moved to Europe to learn more about the mysteries of the universe, which now tells the elected.

Historical sources argue that Giuseppe Balsamo is such a real name of Caliosostro - was born in Sicily in the family of cloth merchants. Pietro and Felicia could not cope with his son, which since childhood was distinguished by a difficult character.

Portrait of Alessandro Caliostro

The family council was decided to send Giuseppe to the monastery, located near the city of Caltagiron. However, and there they did not cope with the young squad. The world of medicine and chemistry for the future stay in the monastery was discovered for the future of Caliostro. But, having caught a young man on fraud, the monks kicked Balsamo from the monastery.

So began the independent life of the Great Mysteritor. The young man trampled theft and deception until the native aunt Juseppe died in Messina. The guy went to his native edges, hoping on the part of the inheritance. But as a result, simply appropriated the name of the relative and added to the sonorous name Caliostro undeserved title.

Relaxing with the new way, the young man went on a trip to the east, in which he met his own mentor - a sinister Altotas. Now small fragrances have grown into large-scale operations.


In Rome, a man meets the beauty of Lorentia Felicati, who gladly marries a charming deceiver. It is not known whether the girl knew about the true lesson of his beloved, but soon his wife became an equal partner of Caliostro in fraud.

The first years of the column's scam did not bring sufficient income, so a man was often paid for their own mistakes and debts with Lorentia. The girl traded himself to rescue her husband from a debt prison or get money for food.

In the wandering between Italy, France and England passed several years. Everything has changed in 1777. For unknown reasons, repeated arrival in England has developed for Savioro's spouses successfully.

Alessandro Caliostro gives a session of magic

Having spent a lot of money on creating a new mystical image, the Count acquired a clientele, which happily carried the fraudster his own savings. A special demand for the Aristocrats of England enjoyed the elixir of youth and mysterious fortune telling on water, telling about the future.

Saying the adventures of Caliostro and the faithful Lorentia left a profitable business in Europe, deciding to move to Russia. The first six months, the famous couple caused the second unprecedented interest from Catherine subjects. But the success of Caliostro passed after the news of the Lorentia novel with Potemkin and unsuccessful resurrection by the Graph of the Little Son of Prince Gagarin.

After unpleasant incidents, fraudsters urgently put out the country, so the alchemist and his companion had to return to France. Already known in wide circles, Caliosostro reappeats defeat. An attempt to deceive the Jeweler of the Royal Court ended in the champion's persecution that helps familiar fraudsters develop laughter of adventures.

Alessandro Caliostro, frame from the film

A man returns to his homeland. Only orders in Rome during the absence of the graph changed. Alessandro is arrested, accusing in Frankmonia. During the trial, the fraternist was released on the light. And the testimony of his beloved wife, in which Lorentia spoke about the deceptions of the graph, only fastened the result.

The intrinsic Graph Caliostro's own death met in San Leo Castle, enclosed in a single camera with a single hole located under the ceiling. According to the contemporaries, the Great Scope died from the attack of epilepsy. But they say that the alchemist and friend of the pharaohs from poison died, fell into the food jailers by order of deceived aristocrats.


In 1943, the Hungarian director Josef von Tanks on request of the Third Reich removed the full-length film "Munchhausen", in which the protagonist goes to Russia for adventures. Count Caliostro appears in a film as a minor character. The role of the graph was executed by actor Ferdinand Marian.

Jean Mare as Caliostro

The next appearance of Caliostro on the screen took place in 1973. Mini-series "Joseph Balsamo" became the screen following the name of the novel by Alexander Duma-Father. Kinokarttina talks about the attempts of Count Caliostro to overthrow the monarchy in France and affects the difficult relationship of a man with a young wife Lorentia. The role of the conspiratorist and the intrigue was performed by Jean Mare.

In 1984, a comedy was released on the screens, filmed by the Soviet director Mark Zakharov. Film Formula Love is a free interpretation of Alexey Tolstoy Tolstoy "Caliostro Count". The role of a fraudster and hypnotist went to Nodar Mgaloblishvili, and the voice of the character presented Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

Nodar Mgaloblishvili in the image of Caliostro

In 2001, the screening of the work of Duma-Father was removed by the American film company "Warner Brothers". The film "History with the Necklace" was nominated for Oscar, but did not receive statuettes. The role of a powerful hypnotist played Christopher Wacken.

Interesting Facts

  • The group "Dead Dolphins" dedicated to the singers a song called "Count Caliostro".
  • According to Caliosostro, Count every 50 years spent a starvation session, after which it looked under 25 years old.
  • Having been angry because of the amournlessness of Potemkin with Lorentia, Catherine The second wrote a comedy "deceiver", in which the ability of Caliostro.


"The fire was also considered divine until Prometheus stole him. Now we boil water on it. I will make the same with love. "" The heart is the same body as other. And he was suspended with the orders of more than. "" All people are divided into those who are needed from me, and on the others, from which something needs me. "." Time must be fill in the events, then it flies unnoticed. "

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