Benicio del Toro - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, killer, in youth 2021



Benisio Del Toro is a Hollywood star, whose authority and talent are not even discussed. Each film in which the actor has appeared is a small masterpiece of cinema. The artist game is an incredible mix of expression, passion, male charm and, of course, talent.

Childhood and youth

Benicio was born on February 19, 1967 in the city of San Herman, the capital of Puerto Rico. By nationality, actor Puertorikan. Catalan and Basque blood blended in the veins of the future artist. Also, the actor claims that he has the roots of the Indian Indian population of America.

In the family of the famous in San Juano lawyer, Gustavo Adolfo grown two children: the youngest son Benicio and the eldest for 2 years. Gustavo. Interestingly, the surname of the artist is one of the most common in Spanish. Translated, it means "Bull".

When Benicio del Toro turned 9 years old, Mom died. The brothers left for relatives in Pennsylvania. "When I was 9 years old, Mom died. She had a viral hepatitis, and medicine in Puerto Rico was terrible. My father was afraid that we would also be ill and would not be saved. Therefore, we left in the United States, in Pennsylvania, "recall an actor.

In the city of Mercerburg passed his youth Benicio. Here he graduated from school. At first, the boy had a problem with communication due to the language barrier. To deal with the new language, he was able to thanks to sports and music. But overcoming difficulties turned out to be useful for Benicio: then he understood that he could cope with any difficulties.

Since there was no special hobbies from Del Toro, then the father sent a younger son in a business school. Gustavo chose medicine, and today he works by a children's oncologist in Manhattan.

Theater's passion was manifested in Benicio del Toro in his youth, during training at the University of San Diego. He began to visit the evening acting courses and realized that this occupation likes him more than others. Then he realized that it was this - his vocation. Therefore, Benisio threw the university after the 1st year and went to New York. But the study at the school of dramatic art did not set himself. Del Toro moved to Los Angeles. For 3 years, he took private lessons from the famous theater mentors Arturo Mendos and Stella Adler.


Cinematic biography Benicio del Toro began in 1987. After visiting the castings, luck finally smiled at the novice artist, and he was entrusted with episodes in the TV series "Police Miami" and "Private Detective".

Benisio del Toro recognizable was 2 years later, when the bodyguard played in the continuation of "bondians" - the film "Murder License". From the moment Del Toro offered large roles in Hollywood projects. He appeared in the first director's picture of Sean Penn "Running Indian", in the rating tapes "Free Money", "Fearless" and "Porcelain Moon".

The first major role, after which the actor acquired star status, appeared in Benisio filmography in 1995. Thriller "Suspicious faces" brought the artist to Glory and the first award - the prestigious Award "Independent Spirit." A year later, in the piggy bank, Benicio del Toro appeared another same award for the painting "Baskin". Del Toro fees rapidly grew, as well as the roles offered by Hollywood director.

In 1998, Benisio del Toro took part in the filming in the film "Fear and Hate in Las Vegas" with a famous actor Johnny Depp. Since then, the stars are friends and support the connection.

As it turned out in 2001, the previous success became a prologue to deafening glory, which fell on the artist after entering the screens of the film "Traffout". For a brilliantly played role in this picture Benicio del Toro awarded the winner of the guild of film actors, the Golden Globe, Bafta and Golden Berliner. But the main thing - thanks to the traffic of Benisio received the first statuette "Oscar".

Great popularity also brought the role of Jack Rufferti in the film "City of Sin". The successful works of the actor can also be considered to participate in the filming of the "Killer 2. Against All" films with the famous actor Josh Bolinine in the lead role and the film "Crumpled" with Tommy Lee Jones.

In 2010, he also starred in the horror film "Man-Wolf" with the famous British actor Anthony Hopkins and Emily Blante actress. Film is a classic film remote shot in 1941. At the same time, del Toro refused to make the role of her husband Frida Kalo in the film "Frida", because for filming should have been gaining weight.

In 2009, Benisio received the Goya Prize for the best male role in the film "Che" about Ernesto Che Guevar. After that, the artist realized that he could play any historical character. So, he fulfilled the role of drug trap Pablo Escobar in the film "Lost Paradise".

"Guardians of the Galaxy", "21 grams", "Fear and Hate in Las Vegas", "City of sins", "Big Kush", "Escape from the Gunaur prison", "Havana, I love you" - the names of these tapes with participation Benicio del Toro is known to all the film in the world. In the film "Havana, I love you" the artist performed the director of the painting. The actor was also starred in many comedies, including "Fear and Hate in Las Vegas", "Perfect Day", "Among Shark", "Free Money", "Excess Bagge".

In 2014, the artist appeared in the debut work of director Andrea di Stefano "Lost Paradise". Together with Benicio in the thriller starred star "Hungry Games" Josh Hutcherson. In the same year, del Toro fulfilled the role of Soncho Smilaks in the comedy drama "Congenital vice". The tape received nominations for prestigious filmmakes. Then Benisio played the main roles in the "perfect day" and "killer" films. Del Toro's voice says the snake in the cartoon "Little Prince".

In January 2017, the premiere of the film director Martin Scorsese "Silence" started. The director hasndensed the idea and dreamed of embody the picture of 30 years. Back in 2011, he invited Daniel Dei Lewis to the main roles, Gael Garcia Bernal and Benicio del Toro. However, the production of ribbons was so prolonged that all three refused to participate in the project.

Critics warmly accepted the long-awaited film, but the Kinokartina has failed. But in December of the same year, the artist appeared as a hacker in the continuation of the iconic saga "Star Wars: the last Jedi." The tape became the most cash film 2017.

In June 2018, a fighter "Soldier" came out. Another name of the painting "Killer 2: against all". The film is the sequel tape "Killer" 2015. Benicio del Toro will return to the role of Alejandro.

And in May 2018, the artist again followed the character of comic MARVEL Taliiriir Tivan in fiction "Avengers: the war of infinity." This hero has already appeared in the second part of the "Torah" and the first "galaxy guards". "War of Infinity" is interesting because the fans of the universe saw almost all key heroes in one film.

In addition to the above projects, Benisio del Toro worked on the mini-series "Escape at Dannemora" and the films "The Corporation", "Agent: Century 21st", "Western" and "Lunar Park".

Personal life

The amplua of the gloomy macho secured as an actor not only in the cinema. Personal life Benicio del Toro is a few bright novels, none of which was crowned with marriage. The beauties seemed to be able to conquer and "tame" the star, each time had to be disappointed.

Despite the recognition of Benichio that love is a drug, he "enjoys" them, without losing control over themselves. Del Toro had a novel with a beautiful and daughter of two stars by Chiara Mastroanni. Then a love story happened to Alisia Silverstone and Valery Golino. With the last artist almost decided to marry, but the relationship remained without a logical continuation.

In 2004, the newspapers appeared the headlines "Benicio del Toro and Scarlett Johanson who had sex in the elevator during the Oscar awards ceremony. It is still incomprehensible, true or not, but the actors themselves claimed that it is gossip.

The fans believed that Benisio is in relations with the actress Emily Blunt, but the actors united only what worked on the filming in the film "Wolf", in which the actor performed the role of the Werewolf.

Actress Kimberley Stewart went further than other beauties: she gave birth to Benicio Adorable daughter Diluel. But even this circumstance did not make a star desire to remain enviable bachelor. Although the actor did not continue the relationship with Kimberley Stuart, he takes an active part in his daughter's life.

At the moment, Benicio del Toro has no wife, and he still carries the status of an enviable hollywood bachelor. Artist has no accounts on social networks. At least the actor does not apply to this. But Benicio fans lead fan pages of the beloved actor in "Instagram", where the staff of the films and photos found on the Internet are laying out.

From youth, the artist admires Mohammed Ali, and the artists Andy Warhol and Pablo Picasso cause Del Toro respect. Benisio and himself enjoys drawing and photographing.

The artist in childhood was engaged in basketball. Even now the actor plays with friends with friends. Still Benisio loves music. It helps celebrities tune in to the role and keep calm.

Benicio del Toro now

Now the career actor continues to go uphill. Benisio del Toro starred in the film "French Dispatcher", director and screenwriter who is Wes Anderson. The premiere of the film was to take place on May 12, 2020 at the Cannes Film Festival, and go to the rental - July 2420. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the film festival was canceled, so the film output was moved away for 2021.

Also, the actor took part in the film director Stephen Soderberga "Without sharp movements".


  • 1988 - "Corotheka - a big bump"
  • 1989 - "Murder License"
  • 1991 - "Running Indian"
  • 1993 - "Free Money"
  • 1994 - "Porcelain Moon"
  • 1995 - "Suspicious faces"
  • 1997 - "Joyful trip"
  • 2000 - "Big Kush"
  • 2000 - "Traffic"
  • 2005 - "City of sins"
  • 2008 - "Che"
  • 2010 - "Wolf"
  • 2012 - "Havana, I love you"
  • 2014 - "Guardians of the Galaxy"
  • 2015 - "Killer"
  • 2017 - "Star Wars: Last Jedies"
  • 2018 - "Soldier"
  • 2018 - "Avengers: the war of infinity"
  • 2018 - "Escape from the jail of Daniagor"
  • 2018 - "Killer 2. Against All"
  • 2020 - "French Bulletin. Appendix to the newspaper "Liberty. Kansas Ivning San" "

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