Catherine Hayeigl - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Catherine Mary Heyigl is an American actress and producer who received the recognition of the audience thanks to the role of the doctor of Ozzi Stevens in the television series "Anatomy of Passion." And to kinocarty, which brought the glory to the artist, can be attributed "a little pregnant", "life, as it is", "naked truth" and others.

Catherine was born in the capital of the United States, Washington. The father of the child, Paul Hagl, led the financial enterprise, and Mama Nancy Heigle worked as a staff manager. The girl became the fourth child in the family: the actress had two brothers Holt and Jason and the Meg's sister, which parents have fallen.

In 1986, Jason died in the automotive catastrophe. This tragedy has greatly influenced the Hayeigl family: the father and mother became religious and turned into activists of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. Heself, Catherine, because of this, was educated in a strict Christian school.

Heigle's childhood was far beyond Washington. At first she lived in Virginia, then in Denver, and the family settled in the city of New Hanaan, in a large house built in Victorian style.

Catherine Heigl in his youth

From 9 years, Catherine Heigl posed before the cameras. For the first time, she as a model tried herself in advertising hair care products, which produced his native aunt girl. And then the parents began to send photographs of the daughter to the agencies, and as a result, a small girl was called to advertise dry breakfasts "Cheerios".

In addition to the usual school, Heigle also went to the music studio in which he learned to play the cello. But the older classes of the girl attended, so to speak, "once" and eventually threw the highest school of New Kanana in order to focus on filming in the movies.


Catherine Heyigl began a career of film actresses in adolescence. Interestingly, the first melodrama of the artist "That at the very night" became the debut for another star - Elazy Dushku, famous thanks to Fantasy "Buffy - Vampire Fighter". Catherine after a series of small roles after two years appeared together with Gerard Depardieu in the film "My Father - Hero" and nominated on the film as the best young actress.

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Later she starred in the comedy thriller "Chuck's Bride", the adventure action "Prince Valiant", the youth comedy "100 girls and one in the elevator".

The real breakthrough was expected by Heigle in 2005, when the screens began to broadcast the medical diversion of the "Anatomy of Passion". There, Catherine performed the role of a young doctor Ozzi Stevens and received the prestigious AMMI premium for this work.

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The next round of popularity was given incendiary comedies "a little pregnant" with a network of ROGEN, "27 weddings" with James Marsden and "Naked True" with Gerard Butler. For a long time, producers and directors attributed Heigle to the discharge of comedy actresses.

Then Catherine appeared comedy with the elements of the militant "Killers", where the Girl's on-screen love became Ashton Kutcher. Following the film "Life, as it is", in which Heigl starred in the lead role and performed the producer.

At the end of 2011, the audience saw Catherine Heigle in the Romantic New Year's Comedy "Old New Year". Director Harry Marshall collected at the tape truly star composition. Katherine's colleagues became Robert de Niro, Zac Efron, Michelle Pfaiffer, Jessica Bill, Til Schweiger and others. And the beloved artist played the legendary John Bon Jovi.

In the next comedy with elements of the crime "Very dangerous thing", Catherine again performed the role of a key female character. She also produced the film.

Another star composition was close in the comedy melodrama "Big Wedding". But this time Catherine fell into the nomination for the "Golden Malina" award as the worst actress of the second plan.

Soon the star ceased to arrange that it was seen only in the comedy role. To fully return to the dramatic role of Catherine was able to in 2014 due to the political television series "Status of Affairs." However, because of the negative reviews of critics, the project was closed after the first season.

After that, Catherine "Rehabilitated", appearing in the Melodrama "Jackie and Ryan", the premiere of which was held at the Film Festival in Venice. HEIGL and partner of the girl on the site Ben Barnes themselves performed musical compositions that sound in the film. They also participated in the creation of soundtracks.

Catherine Heigle tried herself in sounding. The voice of the artist says Belka Andy in the cartoons "Real Protein" and "Real Squirrel 2".

Special place in the Favorite Filmography Actresses occupies the film "Wedding Jenny". Catherine tried on the role of a girl with unconventional sexual orientation. The output of the picture was timed to the legalization of marriage equality in the United States, and the means for the creation of the tape was collected by crowdfunding. Hayeigl's beloved played Actress Alexis Bledel.

Personal life

In the 90s, Catherine Heigle met with the American actor Joey Lawrence, and later consisted in romantic relations with the star of the youth series "The City of Aliens" Jason Berr. In 2001, they even publicly announced their engagement, and a year later, the romance broke.

Catherine Heigle and Jason Ber

In 2005, Catherine got acquainted with the singer Josh Kelly. They met at the presentation of the musician video clique to the song "Only You" and began to meet. The next summer was announced the engagement, and Hayeigl led himself extremely inconsistently: the couple did not live together before the wedding. As the actress said, she wanted life after marriage psychologically different from dating or cohabitation.

The wedding celebration took place on December 23, 2007 in Park City. Two years later, the spouses adopted the South Korean girl, which Nancy Lee's grandmother was called, and three years later, the second adopted daughter of Adelaide Marie Hope appeared in the family. In the summer of 2016, the public found out that Catherine is first wearing a child under the heart. As the actress said, they and her husband are waiting for a boy.

In December of the same year, the son of Catherine and Josh, who called Joshua Bishop Kelly Jr. appeared.

A close friend of the Hollywood Star is the actor Theodor Reimond Knight. He became the godfather of Children Heigl.

Many people are afraid of life in life. Sometimes fears turn into phobias. It is subject to such an insurmountable to Naughty and Catherine Mary Heyigl - she is aframe afraom of slugs.

Catherine Heigl and Josh Kelly with children

Like most Hollywood stars, the artist leads an officially verified microblogging in "Instagram", followed by a millionth army of fans. Catherine is divided with subscribers of personal photos, sinking pictures and sometimes video.

She is also an active user of Twitter, where actress records regularly appear.

Catherine Heigle with children

Catherine fans know about the love of the stars to charity. It supports the program "Donation of organs and tissues." The choice of this project was not profitable: when the brother of the artist died, the parents of the girl donated the Jason bodies for donation.

Catherine Heigle now

The career biography of the artist continues to evolve. Catherine was able to escape from the comedy role range.

In 2017, the actress played a major role in the triller "Owning". She reincarnated into a woman seeking to destroy the relationship of the former husband with a new beloved.

In the same year, Heigl appeared in the legal series "Doubt" as a lawyer Sadeidi Ellis. However, the project was removed from the show due to low ratings.

In 2018, it became known that Catherine was approved by one of the main roles of the eighth season of the popular series "Force Major".


  • 2000 - "100 Girls and one in the elevator"
  • 2005 - "Side Effects"
  • 2005 - "Romi and Michel: at the beginning of the way"
  • 2005-2014 - "Anatomy of Passion"
  • 2007 - "A little pregnant"
  • 2008 - "27 weddings"
  • 2010 - "Killers"
  • 2010 - "Life as it is"
  • 2012 - "Very dangerous thing"
  • 2013 - "Big Wedding"
  • 2014-2015 - "Position"
  • 2014 - "Jackie and Ryan"
  • 2015 - "Wedding Jenny"
  • 2017 - "Owning"
  • 2018-2019 - "Force Majer"

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