Hermione Granger - History, photos, books, film, actress


Character History

Magliangian Magician, Vnieka and simply ambitious Hermione Granger time and diligently comprehend the basics of magic in Hogwarts, and participate in incredible adventures. The girl skillfully manages the time, valid, appreciates friendship, for which she gained respect for classmates and love readers of a fairy tale written by Joan Rowling.


Hermione replenished the Pleiad of the main female characters of a series of books about Harry Potter. The writer Joan Rowling invented the fabulous history of the confrontation of a young wizard with a dark magician Volan de Mort in 1990. Six years later, the first edition of the Semitomic Cycle "Poriana" saw the light, making the writer not only the famous, but also rich.

Hermione Granger in childhood

The author of books thoroughly thought out names for characters. A girl with long brown hair is a bright character, so it was necessary to choose a complex and rare name so that the Hermione's young Obeke does not have any problems with peers. Book heroine, which entered the circle of Potter's friends, is named after Queen from the "Winter Fairy Tale" of William Shakespeare.

Interestingly, in the drafts of the author Hermione, he was named Pacchal, but later the "mother" of the young wizard changed his mind and decided to give the character more than one surname.


Almost every hero of Ptteriana has a prototype, and Hermione is no exception. The writer calls the girl with a reflection of himself.

Joan Rowling in childhood

Rowling was also distinguished by the knowledge of the knowledge, his beloved animals chose the otter in childhood (Hermione, the image of this waterfowl takes a patronus - a magical creature that protects the owner from evil forces). Yes, and the second name of a fabulous girl - Jin, like the name of the writer, is considered a female version of the Men's name John.


In childhood, the girl did not even suspect the chosenness. I learned that the wizard, and also enrolled in Hogwarts at 11 years old. Hermione immediately rushed to buy magical books and armed with knowledge before her studies. The first independent attempts to conjure, using simple spells, crowned with success.

Hermione Granger is one of the most outstanding magicians of his time due to diligence and hardworking, science grabs on the fly. The heroine is distinguished by talents in the potion and riddling of riddles. It is easy to use the "Magic Fire" spell - a blue flame gives a lot of heat, but it does not heat the items.

Hermione enjoys a wand of a vine and a dragon cardiac vein acquired before admission to Hogwarts. These items are almost all the wizards, however, sticks do not have magical power - they serve, rather, a pointer to the target, with respect to which it is necessary to apply energy. Therefore, the result depends solely on the personal power of the magician.

Hermione Granger with a magic wand

The wand served as faith and the true mistress of seven years, while in the imprisonment of Henmen not seen it. In the future, in Arsenal, Hermione is a wand, aqueous Harry at Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the Death Eaters. The subject did not want to obey the new hostess. But in the end, the girl tamed the knitness of the capricious stick, proving his extraordinary opportunities.


All seven volumes of adventures of beginner wizards do not cost without Hermione Granger. The girl together with friends is struggling with evil in the face of the dark magician Volan de Mort.

"Harry Potter and philosopher's stone"

Hermione appears in the first book as a full participant in events. With Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, the girl met the train on the way to Hogwarts, but did not like the future faithful friends and unsenters.


Relationships change after the boys saved the young wizard from a huge troll, violating the ban to leave the bedroom. In return, Hermione helped them to avoid punishment by taking the blame for themselves. Finding the philosopher's stone was also in many ways thanks to the logic of the girl and knowledge in the botanist.

"Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets"

This time, the heroes of magical stories learn that in Hogwarts there is a secret room where the founder of Salazar Slytherin school closed the terrible monster - Vasilisk. Diary of Tom Reddla, who ultimately turns out to be a dark magician Wolan de Mort, helps to get to the premises.


To release Vasilisk and destroy all Mages-half-breeds to see the heir to the Slytherin. And in order to understand who he is, Hermione is preparing a revolving potion, helping to take the appearance of another person. But I was mistaken with the ingredient - instead of the desired hair put a feline and turned into a cat. I had to be treated for a long time.

Hermione realized who was locked in the secret room. The girl got information in the library, pulling out the page with the monster from the book, however, telling friends did not have time - like many inhabitants of the school of school from Char Vasilisk. This page helped Harry and Ron to solve the riddle of the room.

"Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban"

In the third book "Poterians", the girl does not have a relationship with friends and teachers. Hermione bought a cat's cat, which does not give a passage of a manual rat Ron. The rodent disappeared, in which, of course, was accused of a pretty pet heroine.


With Potter, too, friendship hangs on the hair. The young wizard suspects that the wonderful broom, presented Harry, belongs to the Azkuban Sirius Blake who escaped from prison. The criminal, allegedly haunting a fairy tale, could impose terrible curses on the thing. In fact, Black turned out to be a godfather Harry. At the end of the book, the flywheel of the time, which Hermione was presented before the start of study, helps save the former prisoner.

The conflict with Draco Malfoy, the evil boy even flies the singing from Hermione. In addition, it swears with the teachers of Severus Snape and Sivila Telleon.

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

The fourth course of study in Hogwarts was marked by the fighting of three wizards, where Harry's participation is determined by the Volan de Morta spells.


Hermione helped to prepare a friend to the tasks. In the same book with a light hand of the girl, the light saw the public organization G.A.V.N.E., protecting the rights of home elves.

"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

Hermione, together with Ron Weasley, took over the duties of the Old Town of the Faculty Gryffindor. In this book, she creates a "Dumbledore" detachment "- a secret society, where young wizards learn protective spells by community bypass.


The girl participates in the battle passing in the Ministry of Magic, and loses consciousness from the spell of Antonina Dologov.

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"

Readers are waiting for love peripetics. The heroine is in love with Ron and trying to attract the attention of the chosen one: helps to become a team goalkeeper on the game in Quiddich, and then invites to a party in honor of Christmas. However, the young man does not pay attention to courtship and begins to meet with a classmate lavender Brown. The relationship of young people was tense until Ron was poisoned with a nisexual honey and almost died.


Hermione continues to participate in the main events of the plot. The girl breaks down the righteous anger to Harry Potter, who, thanks to the textbook with a signature of a certain prince-half-one, becomes the best student on the object of manufacture of potions and drugs. Hermione almost managed to get to the truth that the Prince's name is hidden a professor of protection against dark arts Severus Snape.

The death of the director of Hogwarts Dumbledore strengthens the friendship of the three heroes - Hermione and Ron to always support Harry.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

The last book from Ptteriana, where Hermione is assigned a huge role: the girl, together with Harry Potter and Ron, is sent to search for the Waolars de Morta's preservations - items that store particles of the soul of a dark magician. Here it is most fully revealed as a strong wizard, while intelligent and resourceful.


In the seventh Tome of Hermione and Ron, first kiss, and at the end the readers will plunge into events that happened in 19 years, the characters are happily married and grow two children. The Granger after studying in Hogwarts works in the Department for Regulation and Control over Magical Bees. In the future, the girl was raised - it works in the department of magical law enforcement over the abolition of laws directed against unclean magicians.

Like all the characters of the sensational books, Hermione Granger, together with the other characters of Roman Rowling inspired comic authors and fan fiction. Funny stories in pictures flooded the Internet, causing a smile even in people who did not read the Harry Potter. The very best book of fanfics was "Hermione and the Crystal of Time", on the pages of which the girl settled together with Severus Snape. Readers leave enthusiastic reviews by Aurette.


The production of the first film about Harry Potter began in 2000. After 11 years, the kinomans saw eight paintings taken on the novel Joan Rowling - the last book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" The creators of the film were divided into two parts:

  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part I "
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part II "

The decade of filming hand in hand passed, grown in front of the audience, young actors Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and actress Emma Watson (Hermione Granger). Children were picked up for a long time and carefully, I had to put up with the requirement of the author of books that all the characters will present exclusively English actors.

Emma Watson as Hermione Granger

The composition of the major roles turned out to be brilliant. The antagonist of a young wizard played Raif Fayns - in the make-up of Wolan de Morta actor is convincing. Those Felton became the sworn enemy Draco Malfoy. The image of Sirius Blake tried to Gary Oldman, and Severus Snape presented Alan Rickman.


Readers and viewers get acquainted with a girl with lush brown hair and brown eyes. Hermione older than fellow students for a year: birthday fell on September, and in Hogwarts accept children who have reached exclusively.

Lack of appearance - long front teeth. The situation was aggravated when the heroine struck the speech of Draco Malfoya "Dentisimus" - the teeth rose almost before the chin. In the hospital, with the help of a magic mirror, Hermione managed not to get rid of the results of magic, but adjust the shortcomings of nature. Since then, the teeth have a suitable size.

Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy

The girl is distinguished by a sharp mind and logic, love for study, science grabs on the fly, therefore he deserved the title of the best student of the course. Sometimes the pride for their own success overwhelms the heroine, for which it is considered to be treated. The fellow students also ridicule the passion for the order and discipline, which gives Hermione share of the bore.

As a positive character Hermione Granger reveals gradually. The main heroine "Poteriana" above all sets justice, the girl is brave and brave, will not refuse to his friends.

Family and friends

Hermione was born in the Maglian family (ordinary people who are not related to the wizard dynasties). She is the only child of the spouses Granger, working by the dentists. According to the original design of the writer, the family lived on the island near Potters, it was Hermione's father first arrived at the Harry's parents killed by Volan de Mort.

Hermione Granger and Harry Potter

The news that the girl is involved in the magical world, parents are confused, but in the future they are proud of the child.

In the train on the way to Hogwarts Hermione met Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, but the boys counted the girl too bored beggar. Friendship has long to go to school. A little later, a young magician gained a girlfriend in the face of sisters Ron - Ginny Weasley.

Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley

Back in school years, love flashes between Hermione and Ron. In the future, a couple created a family, giving birth to the daughter of Rose and Hugo's Son. In addition, the heroine took the duties of the godfather's Senior Son Harry Potter.

Interesting Facts

  • In the middle of 2016, the premiere of the play "Harry Potter and a damned child" took place on the stage of the London Palas Theater. The plot, like the list of actors, was kept in a strict mystery. What was the surprise of the audience, when Granger was made in the role of Hermione, the black actress Nom Dumuzene was performed.
  • Hermione is the only one of the trinity of friends who graduated from Hogwarts. Harry and Ron abandoned the last course, while the girl after the destruction of Volan de Morta returned to the School of Wizards and passed the exams.
  • Joan Rowling explained the true reason for the hatred of Draco Malfoy to Hermione - the young man was in love with the main "boring" of Hogwarts. And behaved ugly, so that no one would guessed the feelings.

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