Savad's aminata - biography, personal life, photos, discography, voice show, Eurovision 2015 and the latest news 2021



Aminata Savadoy - Latvian singer and a musician who submitted his country in 2015 at the Eurovision International Valley Competition. She is also known as a member of the Russian Realistic Show "Voice". Aminata was born in the capital of Latvia - Riga. The exotic appearance of the singer is obliged to its origin: she has Latvian and Russian roots for her mother, but the girl's father come from Burkina Faso.

The singer singer dreamed of the singer from the most young years, in the third grade persuaded Mama to give it to the Music Studio "Bolderia", in which the play was learned on the flute. She also participated in all school competitions and festivals. True, the house of the aminata listened to heavy rock and dressed as a rocker.

Aminata Savadogo

At 13 years old in the leather "Kurata" and with a black lacquer on the nails, she came to listen to the teacher on the vocal of the hope of Bukharova and stated that he wants to learn to sing in the style of "Heavy Metal". A talented teacher instantly understood which data is hidden in this unusual girl and agreed to accept it, but with the condition that the repertoire will sing during the year of the aminata, who will pick up the teacher. During this time, Sawadov realized that Rock is not the only genre of music that can bring her pleasure.

Interestingly, for higher education, the girl went at all to a conservatory or any institution of arts. Diploma she decided to receive in a more applied industry and entered the Faculty of Economics and Management to the Latvian State University, which graduated from June 2016.

Tele Show

The first television show of the Young 15-year-old Aminata of the Savadoy became the Latvian project "Zucchini Paul", then there were such contests as the "Music Bank" and "Battle of Chorus", in which she performed as part of the "Golden" choir.

In 2014, the aminata tries himself in selection to the Eurovision festival. The singer performed the song "I Can Breathe", but the choice of spectators and the jury was for the Aarzemnieki group. However, the girl was not too upset: she takes part in another TV show - "Factory of new talents" and wins it.

This success attracted the attention of the public to a gifted performer, so the next selection for Eurovision-2015, the sovereign easily wins. She presented the song "Love Injected" and went to the Austrian capital with her. In the first semifinals, the singer produced a furor, and the final evening ranked the final sixth place that for Latvia is the best result in the last 10 years.

In 2016, the aminata came to Moscow and made a competitator of the popular talent show "Voice". On blind auditions, she performed the song Konstantin Meladze "I will never forgive you" and managed to convince two mentors at once: Polina Gagarina and Dima Bilan. Of them, Sawado chose Gagarin, with whom, by the way, became acquainted on Eurovision.


The musical style of the aminata of the Savad is defined unequivocally quite difficult. In its compositions, a mixture of such genres, like funk, hip-hop, R & B, soul and "ordinary" pop music sounds. On the wave of success associated with Eurovision-2015, the singer recorded his debut studio album "Inner Voice", which included her the most famous composition "Love Injected".

In 2016, the girl produces a new RED Moon plate. Even before the release of this disk, the fans were able to get acquainted with a couple of new compositions "Bridges" and "Fighter", which were shot beautiful video clips. Many of their creations of the aminata writes independently. By the way, it is its authorship that the song "HeartBeat" belongs to the song on Eurovision-2016 represented Latvia singer Yusts Sirmais.

Personal life

Savad's aminata is not yet married, although in the future she plans to build a strong family and give birth to children. But the girl believes that at first she should make a significant career to be an example for offspring.

Aminata Savadogo

Almost every song of the singer talks about love, and not about some abstract. Since the texts of their compositions of the aminat writes herself, then they pour pain and the joy that came across in love relationships. But directly talking about private life, the Latvian performer refuses, arguing that everything that is necessary, fans can hear in her music.


  • 2015 - Inner Voice
  • 2016 - Red Moon

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