Loki - myths, marvel comics, photos, movies, actor


Character History

The fictional universe of Marvel Comics inhabited by the heroes of various masters and characters. The creators of comics took them not only from the head. Prototypes of some characters served to legends ancient peoples.

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In 1949, Loki appeared on Marvel comic pages - the god of tricks and deception borrowed from northern mythology. After half a century, Loki moved to the screens of cinemas, films with the participation of a cunning antagonist accounted for fans of fantastic militants with elements of comedy.


God of tricks and cheating Loki to the world presented the Scandinavian mythology. The son of Jotunov (giants) of Farbauti and Louwlya is crucible, symbolizes and good, and evil.

Loki in mythology

Lockey has several monster children. From Woman's Wolf Angrboda, daughter and two sons were born: Hel, semi-dead and semi-dimensional goddess of the kingdom of the dead, hailing the world of serpent Yörmungand and Wolf Fenrir, who eventually chained on the chain, so as not to devour all the living. Sigu's wife gave birth to the deity of the sons of Nari and Vali.

Loki is a comic-demonic figure in northern mythology. For the unsurpassed mind and Smekalka Assa - the gods living in Heaven in the country Asgard - allowed Loki to settle next to them. The role of the hero in the Eddic plots Specific: First, the plow and mischief builds Kozn Assa, and then helps to get out of a difficult situation. In short, without him, the gods would be bored.


However, not in vain invited Loki to live in their abode. It is able to handle animals, it provides various services: extracts fatal gold, helps to return the hammer of the hammer kidnapped from God, steals the jewelry. Thanks to the mythical creature, the Arsov turned out to be a huge ship, capable of swimming on water and land, the magic ring of the DRAPNER and the jar with the gold bristle, which moves with the speed of lightning.

The main role of the character plays in the song of the senior Edda "Loki's passage", where in the colors shows insidiousness and straightness. Gods gathered on a big feast, forgetting to invite Loki. The hero was offended, declared for the holiday and the secrets of the gods exposed to all, accusing them in cowardice and debauchery.

Loki and Sigun

Punishment came up with sophisticated. Son from Sigun turned into a terrible wolf, which broke his brother - his guts tied Loki to the stone of the dungeon, and the snake hung over the face, so that the poison from the crawling reptile and caused an inconceivable torment to the end of his life. A wife stands on it and collects the poison in the container. As soon as a woman leaves to pour the contents of the bowl, the Loki shudders from pain - this is the cause of earthquakes, said Scandinavian peoples.

Comics Marvel.

In the universe comic music, Marvel Loki has seated next to dozens of other heroes, acting as an antagonist. He is the adoptive son of God Odin, who was brought up with his native heir to the Tor. Giant parents were ashamed of a child who does not reach the sizes to the ancestors. Moreover, the growth and proportions of Loki are even less than the physical parameters of the person. In comics, the hero is dressed in a green fitting suit, golden mantle and helmet with horns.

Loki in comics

Loki became a sworn enemy of Torah because of the envy: a consolidated brother enjoyed most popular among the residents of the Heavenly city of Asgard for the strength and courage. Loki did not differ in outstanding physical data, but was endowed with the mind and magical gift. The young man swore that he would destroy his brother and would take the place of the strongest hero in the city.

For the love of jokes, the character churred himself with God of mischief himself, but the harmless tricks gradually began to wear an evil character, for which Loki renamed lies and evil in God. Thirst for the power of the hero of the Hero on crimes against Torah, many times he tried to kill his brother, at the same time supported the enemies of the heavenly monastery of the gods.

Tor and Loki.

One day, one could not stand and even sharpened a foster son into a tree, and the next time I chained the chains to the rock, but the Loki managed to free themselves.

The plots of comics are spinning around the confrontation of Loki and Torah. As a result, the horned villain died at the hands of the gloom, the hourly ruin of Asgard.


High and thin Loki from mythology is transformed into animals, appears in the image of a spider, wolf, foxes, horses and other living beings. Thanks to this ability, it is possible to turn their cunning cases. By the way, being in the image of the mare Loki gave birth to the octopoid horse Slapnira, who began to serve as the Supreme God of Asov Odin.

Loki can turn into animals

The comic character is endowed with a richer set of talents. Like the prototype, it can take the appearance of any creature (in comics I reincarnated into a woman, snake, eagle) and even inanimate items.

It has an incomplete force - to raise 50 tons is not a problem, but with the help of magic the force increases to be multiple. Wounds on the hero are healing instantly, the cropped limb is easily caring.

Male and female Loky Loky

In addition, the character has immunity to human diseases. Loki is a long-lived, although it is not endowed with the ability to live forever, but several millennia celebrated.

In addition, the Antagonist of the Universe Marvel owns black magic, knows how to fly, hypnotize and teleport.


Based on Marvel Comics, famous directors shot five paintings. Films in order:

"TOR" (2011)

In the director of the director Kennet Barry Thor is preparing to occupy the throne of the monastery of the gods, but the plans are prevented by the invasion of Yatunov. Thunders, despite the orders of the Father and with the support of the Sly Brother Loki collects the army and goes to war. The angry one expels his native son to the ground, and the foster clock fasteners rises.

God lies and evil thinks to kill the Father, but the torus returns home. Between the brothers, the battle is tied, in which Loki falls to anywhere with a rainbow bridge connecting Asgard with other worlds.

"Avengers" (2012)

In this film about superegros director Joss Odon added comedy notes. Locks with an inexhaustible energy cube is going to capture the earth.

Once in German Stuttgart, the hero subordinates local residents, but he suffers to the Iron Man and the captain of America, to which the Thor join later. The avengers team, of course, can save the world.

"TOR 2: Kingdom of Darkness" (2013)

Alan Taylor took the third picture with the participation of a cunning character. Loki for the attempt on Earth is sharpened to prison the monastery of the gods, from where it is in return for help in the salvation of the galaxy, reflector Tor.

God Lightning to fight with powerful villain Malekit. Loki allegedly sacrifices in the name of the salvation of his brother, but usurps the throne in the appearance of the father of Odin.

"Avengers: Era Altron" (2015)

Over the film worked again Joss Odon. Humanity threatens death. To protect it, superheroes are taken to complete the peacekeeping project "Altron", but the situation comes out from under control.

The main roles in the film are assigned to the avengers, but also the torus from Loki also appear. The film is expecting a continuation - "Avengers: the war of infinity," according to the promises of the creators, will see light in the spring of 2018.

"Thor: Ragnaret" (2017)

While the last tape for today, telling about the confrontation between Torah and Loki, seen by the eyes of the director Thai Weiti. God Lightning returns to Asgard, where a terrible news is waiting: the brother who captured the throne briefly brought Ragnarec - the death of the heavenly monastery.

With the help of Hulk - Hero, which is part of the Avengers, is trying to correct the situation. On the way, the glorious saviors of the nine worlds face a terrible fire demon Saturn. Release date "Thor: Ragnaret" in Russian rental - November 2.


In all tapes of the main characters, the same actors played. For the role of Torah in the first film about the deities brothers, shot in 2011, several men were tried. Chris Hemsworth's candidacy First, the creators of the paintings were lit, but then they looked and invited to shoot.

Tom Hiddleston as Loki

Tom Hiddleston joined him, having tried the image of Loki. The cast also decorated Anthony Hopkins, he moved one of the complex roles - the Lord of Asgard Odin.

Beloved from the earth with a scientist Jane Foster became brilliant Natalie Portman, bypassing rivalries by Jammu Arton and Jessica Beel. The actress is not involved in the "Thor: Ragnaret" - the director explained that by the time the events of the film unfolded, the torus had already broken up with his beloved. But the Kate Blanchett appeared in the image of the death goddess Hely.

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In the paintings, where the world was saved by superheroes from the bullet, Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Scarlett Johansson (Natasha Romano), James Speder (Altron) lit up. The latter received a role thanks to the "hypnotic voice", the authors of the film were recognized.

Interesting Facts

  • To the shooting "Tore" Tom Hiddleston had to master the martial art of capoeira and sit on a strict diet, so as not to gain weight, because Loki should look sickly against the background of a strong pumped brother.
  • The picture "Avengers: Era Altron" strikes the scale of cast - 120 actors starred in it.
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  • Limestone tunnels, where the heroes of the "Era Altron" were chased, this is just a part of the mushroom farm.
  • The same film broke the recreation of the Sagi Records about Harry Potter and James Bond, and also left behind the legendary productions of the "Lord of the Rings" and "Star Wars".
  • Kate Blanchett agreed to shoot "Tor: Ragnaret" only at the request of Marvel comic fans.

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