Timur Karginov - biography, personal life, news, photo, wife, Nurlan Saburov, height 2021



Timur Karginiov is a Russian humorist, a former participant of the KVN team "Pyramid" and a permanent resident of the Stand Up project. The role of the Brutal Caucasian Men-Bachelor, telling about the solitude of loneliness, turned out to be a thoroughly reheated stage. However, the artist himself does not see any problem in this and is not going to frank about the details of personal life and make adjustments to their monologues.

Childhood and youth

On June 6, 1984, the son was born in the traditional Northosetinsk family in the traditional Northosetic family, who was given by Timur. The boy appeared under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini, so the nature has charm and attractiveness.

Already in the young years he attracted the attention of classmates and teachers with a sense of humor. Timur did not climb in the word in his pocket, for each situation he was already ready for a witty joke.

After receiving the certificate of maturity, Karginiov entered Vladikavkaz University, but lectures and seminars were interested in the guy much less than the rehearsals of the KVN student team.

As part of the Faculty Faming, he performed at the "Student Spring" competition, after which it was finally convinced that he wanted to associate life with the scene. Timur threw the university and turned into a professional cavancecker. From this, the creative and humorous biography of Standap-comic comic biography.

Humor and creativity

Karginov received the first popularity in the scale of the country due to the performance of the KVN team "Pyramid". The guys attracted attention to the topical topics of numbers: miniatures raised social, and more often national issues. A feature of the Pyramid was the presence of permanent entertainer, whose role was performed by Timur, and soon the audience admitted the right to be called the "brainstorm" team.

The comedian was not going to linger in KVN for a long time, where necessary to be a team-oriented. Timur wanted to work alone, so I turned first at Comedy Woman's TV show. Then the humorist took a niche in the alternative program "Comedy Club" - a comedic project Stand Up. Almost all the jokes of Karginov takes out of life, but it is funny to exaggerate real situations, turning into grotesque.

The monologues of Timur are dedicated to Caucasian relatives and their ability to joke, religion, he also covers current social and global problems. The idea is straightforwardly joking about Caucasians Karginiov inspired Amiran Sardarov to create his own blog with ironic and not precipitory title.

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The memorable speeches of the comedian became "about Timati", concerning the video of the rapper "Lada Sedan, Eggplazhan", and "about realtors", whom Karginov does not like and consider useless people. It is also worth paying attention to the monologues "On the elevator in a new house, neighbors and politeness", "On the purchase of wine, spa and gay", "about bike and how to select it", "rich and poor rape" (as the basis is taken Real history of the media) and others.

In one of the speeches, the comedian told how the neighbors were flooded during the pogroms in the Biryulyovo area and how happy the case helped settle this everyday situation.

In 2016, Timur presented the number "On prices for oil, a political talk show and the program" Military mystery "," which built a joke on repeated phrase "aircraft carrier of aircraft carriers". The public reaction was ambiguous: many did not consider the monologue ridiculous and accused the comic thing that he was "blown up."

In 2017, the show "Open Microphone" started, where Timur became a mentor along with Ruslana White, Yulya Akhmedova and Slave Commissar. The comedian team called the party. Karginov trusts the guys and leaves the last word for participants. In the 4th season, Timur replaced Nurlan Saburov.

The humorist was invited as a participant in the comedian music show "Studio Soyuz". He fought in a musical duel with a colleague in the stand of Ivan Abramov, who eventually went around Timur to 1 point.

More Karginiov, together with the comic station, Stas Starova, participated in the 3rd seasons of the show "Where is the logic?". The rules of the game are to combine things, phenomena and characters in a logical chain. However, at first glance, the pictures are not connected with each other. The Stand Up team fought against the actress "Universa" Julia Franz and Catherine Shumakova. According to the result, the guys went around girls for 2 points. In the 4th season of the program, Karginnov's opponents and Nurlan Saburov became Rita Dakota and Anastasia Myskina.

With the first large Standap Timur spoke in 2017. A solo concert called "ambiguously" was broadcast on TNT. Then there was a large-scale performance of 2018, as part of which Karginov touched on the topic of moving to Moscow, told the journey to Prague, spoke about the stage of starry disease.

Standaper appeared in the comedy "Zomboyel" director Konstantin Smirnov. He fulfilled a secondary role and made a creative producer of the film.

In the 2018 monologue for Stand Up on TNT "On roles in the family and male handshake", Timur wondered about the Caucasian and Russian cells of society, their fundamental differences. The audience was remembered by passages about his grandfather and uncle.

In the spring of the same year, the Yutiub-channel KUJI PODCAST appeared. Timur Karginiov and Andrei Konayev argued on the air on top-of-day topics and invite guests to discuss guests.

Comic in June 2019 visited the program "What was next?". The idea of ​​Yutiub-Show is such that the participants must continue the story told by the guests, making it in the humorous vein. Karginova was Timur Batrutdinov.

The airway of the TNT channel in 2020 replenished the new show Talk. Timur Karginiov, Azamat Musagaliev, Ruslan White and Nurlan Saburov discuss everyday issues, share reflections on childhood, creativity and relationships with loved ones. Contrary to expectations, there is no humor in the show.

Personal life

Timur Karginnova has a bright Caucasian appearance: dark hair, an expressive look, beard and height 201 see. He always attracted the attention of the girls. Therefore, the question of the personal life of the humorist at the fans is on the agenda.

And although the stedap comedian is registered in the "Instagram" network, social networks uses exclusively as a platform for the news of his creative life. True, a man has repeatedly hit the frame to journalists who could install: the artist is not alone, he has a favorite woman.

Whether Timur stamped in the passport is still unknown. For a while, by the way, he was attributed to the novel with the party of KVN "7 hills" by Sasha Nekrasova, but the rumors were never confirmed.

The role of a childless bachelor was destroyed completely by chance. In one of the esters of the show Kuji Komika Colleague - Journalist Andrei Konayev, Nevsta asked him the question of his son. Karginiov jumped, after which he parried that he was not obliged to tell everyone about his personal life.

But this pair of phrases instantly picked up in the media. The fans of the Brutal Caucasian man reacted into the news disapprovingly, because they considered a carefully built image of the artist to be insincere. And the intentional concealment of his wife and son is an alleged way to extract personal benefits.

Timur Karginiov Now

Today, looking at your creative way, the artist confesses: half of his speeches could be safely removed. Timur critically responds about his humor, but recognizes that the experience gained is useful, and hopes, in the future it will be useful.

However, dissatisfaction with his own monologues did not cause career. Now Kargini also performs on the Stand Up show, alone developing Kuji podcast. In 2021, a sociologist Kirill Titayev, designer Sergey Helmunas, directed by Zhora Gojovnikov visited the Youtyub-project. By the Day of Cosmonautics, the presenters prepared an interview with the cosmonaut Tester Oleg Artemyev.


  • 2006-2008 - "KVN"
  • 2008 - "Comedy Woman"
  • 2013 - "Stand Up"
  • 2017 - "Open Microphone"
  • 2017 - "Zomboyashik"
  • 2017 - "Studio Soyuz"
  • 2017 - "Where is the logic?"
  • 2020 - Talk.
  • 2020 - Kuji Podcast

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