Victor Komarov - biography, photo, personal life, news, "STANDAP" 2021



Victor Komarov - Russian comedian, participant of the TV show "Stand Up" from the day of the project. He fell in love with the audience not only for funny and witty jokes, but also for unique performances that are compared with a mini-theater played by one person.

Victor Komarov was born in spring, on May 9, 1986, in Moscow. Ros boy here in the capital of Russia. From early childhood, he loved to make fun of familiar and relatives, arranged draws and staged situations that were left unexpected for others.

Humorist Viktor Komarov

In school, Komarov studied very well, and since the Viti class was with an in-depth study of the economy and mathematics, then after receiving the maturity certificate, the young man remained in the exact sciences. The choice of a young man fell at the Faculty of Computing Machines and Systems at the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.

As a result, Victor even had worked as an engineer of security systems and a digital cinema engineer at Mosfilm. But from the student bench Viktor Komarov attracted the scene. He tried himself in the famous club fun and resourceful, played comical scenes with a partner, but everything was in vain.

Victor Komarov

Once a young man saw on the webpage Video recording of the British Standap-comic Comic Eddie Izard. Victor tried to write the text on his own and realized that I found what it was necessary! As a result, Komarov threw the profitable, but unloved engineer's work and plunged into foggy and dubious prospects of humor.

Humor and creativity

Viktor Komarov began to perform with the author's numbers, as soon as "open microphones" appeared in Moscow. It was 2010, and at first there was no speech about television concerts, but only about living speeches, where the novice artist learned to interact with the hall.

And next year, Victor appeared on the TV show "Battle for Ether" at MUZ-TV. The first experience of filming gave a mosquito confidence, and he went to a kind of contest at Comedy Battle, where she came to the final. Win the show Viktor failed, but he was convinced that he found his job. At the same time, a comedian couple with Marat Sekayev organized a specialized project "Funny for Money", and along with Oleg Yesenin went with tour of the cities of Russia.

And when the new humorous TV show "Stand Up" was launched on the TNT channel, Viktor Komarov, along with Ruslan White, Slava Commissar, Timur Karginov and Yulia Ahmedova, became one of the first residents.

It is one of those few participants who have no clear role and a narrow topics of jokes. Victor writes scenes on various topics, talking about experienced events, and in a comical, but at the same time in a positive form that charges spectators with optimism.

The humorist attracts attention not only by jokes: every sketch of the artist is a mini-play played by one actor.

Victor Komarov - biography, photo, personal life, news,

In April 2014, the premiere of the film "Startup" was premiered, where the main roles were performed by Shamil Hamatov and Yevgeny Tkachuk. This is a story about creating the largest Russian search portal. In the center of the plot - two friends who have become business partners. The prototypes of the guys were Arkady Volozh and Ilya Segalovich. Victor Komarov performed a secondary role in the picture. Hero of humorist called Roma.

Then he participated in the show "Do not sleep!". The leading project was Sergey Gorleikov. The essence of the program is that each participant contributes 10,000 rubles. This is the prize fund. Then comedian jokes. And the jury decide whether the performance was funny.

Personal life

In the TV project "Stand Up", Viktor Komarova represent as a "positive loser, which girls constantly throw." But in fact, the Moscow humorist met for a long time with his beloved, and in 2015 she married her officially. The comic wife is not a public person, and he himself does not like to advertise a personal life.

On the marriage, only the bride, groom and the registry office were present. Victor believes that it is meaningless to spend money on a celebration with the hope that the money will be met with gifts. It is better to leave funds for a child. And the appearance of the kid did not make himself wait. At the time of registration, the girl was in the 7th month of pregnancy, so I didn't even become shoes, but came to the registry office in sneakers.

Victor Komarov

So soon a son appeared in the young family, and now comedian - a happy husband and a loving father.

Like many modern people, Victor is registered in "Instagram". There is a humorist posing photos from performances and becstreji, funny videos and frames from performances. Less often - personal pictures.

Victor Komarov now

In February 2018, the 4th season of the program "Where is the logic?" Started. The contest rules are to associate incoherent things, characters and phenomena into semantic unity. The leading show was Azamat Musagaliyev.

In the new season, they are not just a group against each other, but teams defending cities. So, on February 26, Voronezh and Moscow agreed in Battle. Voronezh presented Ruslan White and Anton Shazhun, and the capital of Russia - Victor Komarov and Edgard Sparable. According to the result, the Voronezh team beat Muscovites for two points.

A year before, in September 2017, Komarov, together with the comic team, the Nurlan Saburov defeated Artem Umrikhina and Anna Jube from the group "Artik & Asti". Then Victor and Nurlan were represented by Standap, and Artem and Anna their team.

In March 2018, Victor spoke with a solo concert in Bryansk. And in April, he is waiting for the viewers of Moscow, and travelers will go with the program to the city of Volzhsky.


  • 2010 - "KVN"
  • 2010 - "Comedy Battle"
  • 2012 - "Battle of Ether"
  • 2013-present. BP. - "Stand Up"
  • 2014 - "Do not sleep!"
  • 2014 - "Startup"
  • 2017 - "Where is the logic?"
  • 2018 - "Where is the logic?"

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