Oksana Domnina - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Figure 2021



Oksana Domnina - a famous figure skater, who managed to achieve considerable career heights. On the account of Russians many victories and awards. But the athletes who managed to get to the most Olympus, know: the price of achievements is a refusal of childhood and many ordinary human joys affordable to millions of peers.

Childhood and youth

The athlete was born in August 1984 in ancient Kirov, a town located on the Vyatka River and the famous Dimkovsky toy. In addition to Oksana, the sister Tatiana was brought up in the family.

The parents led the girl on the rink, barely 6 years old. After 3 months, the capable and plastic Oksana selected for dances on the outdoor ice. At a young age, the Figureki appeared the first partner Anton Ryabov. And the first coach of the dominant was Irina Fedorov.

Personal life

In 2007, Oksana began to meet with the Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov. Behind the peripets of the personal life of the dominary fans watched with considerable interest. For several years, a couple lived in a civil marriage. In early 2011, Domnin presented with Kostomarov's daughter Nastya. And after 2 years, the family was waiting for considerable tests.

Oksana dreamed of the ring and proposal of the hand and hearts. And Roman Medlil, referring to the last experience of an unsuccessful marriage. As a result, the quarrels removed lovers from each other.

In 2013, the personal life of Oksana Dominna did not go with a top of the news. The tabloids discussed the details of the new relations of the famous figure skater and the popular actor Vladimir Jaglycha. The novel between them broke out on the "Ice Age" show.

Some time of the relationship of Kostomarov, dominary and jaglyc looked like a love triangle. However, later Oksana denied these rumors, saying that there was no triangle. And her departure from Kostomarov only at first glance looked impulsive. In fact, it was a weighted and conscious decision.

Brightly flashed, Oksana's romance and Vladimir quickly smoke. Although the actor managed to introduce his beloved with his parents. To the joy of fans of talented figure skaters of the Domenna and Kostomarov, the pets again reunited. But this time they played a wedding and married to the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachy.

Now this marriage that has undergone heavy tests has become stronger. Journalists learned about pregnancy Oksana. In early 2016, happy parents were celebrated again in the family - they had a son Ilya.

Now spouses spend their free time together. Oksana herself is engaged in children without resorting to the help of nanny. Older daughter is fond of tennis and dancing. The spouse is often divided by family photos in "Instagram", pleases video fans from rehearsals and performances. And the Dominina never ceases to repeat what novel is a sensitive and attentive father.

Figure skating

The first victory came to the figure skater at the age of 16. Domnin in 2000 managed to take the 8th place at the adult championship of the country and the 9th among juniors. At that moment, Ivan Lobanov became the partner of Oksana.

A promising athlete noted the famous coach Alexey Gorshkov and called Odintsovo to Moscow region. Here, Oksana appeared a new partner Maxim Bolotin. The figure skater with him reached the final of the Grand Prix among juniors and won a bronze medal at the National Junior Championship.

However, the differences that emerged did not allow the dominary and swollen further ride in a pair. In the spring of 2002, a new partner appeared at the athlete - Figure Maxim Shabalin. With him Oksana and reached those heights that previously dreamed of.

In 2003, the couple managed to conquer the leadership among juniors on the world championship. In 2004, he took 2nd place at the Russian Championship, and next year, Domnin and Shabalin pulled out gold. The number of Pair "Polovtsy Dance" became unforgettable.

In 2007 at the country's championship, the couple managed to get to the highest steps of the pedestal. But in Turin, Russian figure skaters have missed the French forward, resulting in an honorary silver. Then followed the break. Because of the annoying knee injury, Maxim Shabalina athletes had to abandon participation in the world championship.

After the rehabilitation of Domnin, together with a partner, again went on ice, but the Mentors were Gennady Karponosov and Natalia Linichuk. Under their leadership, skaters won the Chinese stage of the World Grand Prix Cup of China.

In the spring of 2009, the sports biography of Oksana Dominnoy and her partner enriched in the gold championship. Thus, the couple became the only one in global figure skating, which was able to win the junior, and an adult World Cup in the same composition. In 2010, skaters performed at the Olympics in Vancouver. Here the Russians presented a bright number to the music of Waltz from the ballet Aram Khachaturian "Masquerade".

Excellent technique, plastic, emotionality helped athletes get a bronze medal. This triumph was marked by the presentation of the shapers of the medal for "merits to the Fatherland" of the 2nd degree. Domnin leaves a big sport with excellent results: she is a bronze medalist of the Olympics and a three-time champion of Russia.

After the completion of the career in figure skating Oksana received an invitation from Ilya Averbuch to participate in the Iceration "Romeo and Juliet". At work on the project, six Olympic champions were involved, among whom was the Roman Kostomarov. The presentation was based on the tragedy of William Shakespeare, telling about the love of Veronian teenagers. In the Dominna show, a unusual role went - the figure skater presented the image of the plague. The premiere took place in July 2017.

A roller dedicated to a romantic relationship was removed to the release of the performance. In short ribbon, with its own stories with the audience, not only Kostomarov and Domnin, but also Maria Petrov and Alexey Tikhonov, Tatiana Tutmianin and Alexey Yagudin, Maxim Marinin and Natalia Somov.

And in 2018, Averbukh announced the start of the tour tour of the new project with the loud name "together and forever." The program is devoted to the Olympic Games - 2018. Ilya with the team decided to express support to athletes not admitted to competitions.

In the performance, figure skaters showed how important to overcome the tests together and not to give up in complex and unfair situations. Ilya Averbukh attracted to the participation of the dance duet of Alexandra Stepanova and Ivan Bukina, who were removed from the international tournament. Oksana Domnin and Roman Kostomarov went on tour with the team. April 1, 2018 ended tour in Russia. And from April 14, "together and forever" appeared in front of the audience in Prague.

After a year, Averbukh surprised the public with the new bright project of the Wizard of Oz. The basis for the formulation was the same name of the American writer Lymeman Frank Bauma. In an interview, Ilya Ilyaslavich admitted that he had long dreamed of presenting this plot on the ice arena. Roman Kostomarov in the show got the role of the evil sorcerer of Brungilda, Oksana Dominna - Fairy Amelinda.

Tele Show

In 2012, a new show "Ice Age was launched on Russian television. Cup of professionals. " The project participants were 20 famous skaters who worked in pairs. During the competition, which included 10 stages, athletes changed by partners. Speeches were evaluated by the judges on the 6-point system. The public could also choose the figure like a figure, in this case the athlete received a prime of visual sympathies.

At the 1st stage of Oksana, together with Maxim Shabalin, presented a bright number supplied by the coach Alexander Zhulin to the music of the La Verdine Quarter of the Latcho Drom. In the following issues of the program, the figure skater made other athletes. Especially remembered by the audience dance with Peter Chernyshev with the original musical arrangement of the Hita Clint Eastwood Group Gorillaz.

In 2013, Domnin was invited to the "Ice Age - 4" show, where the partner of the champion became the actor Vladimir Yaglych. Throughout the competitive stages, the pair demonstrated exciting performances and good execution techniques. As a result, the contestants became the winners of the project.

In the next season of the "Ice period", the figure skater performed with the skater Ivan Skobrev and again ranked 1st. Then the partner of Oksana became the Honored Artist of Russia Daniel Spivakovsky. Before the final, the couple did not reach.

Oksana Domnin now

In the fall of 2020, another season of the "Ice Age" show was presented on the screens. This time, professional skaters and stars of show business were opposed to the audience. Wolfgang Cherni, Austrian by nationality, known on the film "Mission Impossible, turned out to be a partner of the domain in the project. The tribe is a rogue. "


  • 2003 - Junior world champion
  • 2003 - Bronze meditator of the Russian Championship
  • 2004, 2006 - Silver winner of the Russian Championship
  • 2004 - Silver winner of the FINLANDIA TROPHY tournament
  • 2005, 2010 - Champion of Russia
  • 2007 - Silver winner of the European Championship
  • 2007 - Winner of Charles Shepher Memorial
  • 2007 - Bronze meditance of the final of the Grand Prix
  • 2008 - European champion
  • 2008 - winner of the final Grand Prix
  • 2009 - World Champion
  • 2009 - Silver winner of the final Grand Prix
  • 2010 - European champion
  • 2010 - champion of the Winter Olympics

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