Cola Belda - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Songs, Death



"We will go, we will surround on deer in the morning in the morning ..." - sings no one generation. But not everyone remembers the singer who performed this hit. His name is Nicholas Beldi, and the scenic pseudonym is the cola of the Belf.

Cola was born on May 2, 1929 in the village of Muha, in the distant Khabarovsk Territory. The boy early remained orply, began to stutter on the nervous soil. Cola was treated at the local chaman - hospitals was not. The first time of Nicholas brought up aunt, and then the boy hit the boarding school. Native or not was aunt, now no one will say for sure, because in the village of Fly, all the inhabitants wore the surname of the Beldi.

Singer Cola Belda

The boy could not get used to the boarding school for a long time, and in 1943 he fled to the front. Cola hid in the drawer under the train car and is unknown where he would come if at one of the stations a teenager did not find military sailors. The military regretted the guinea and took with them to Vladivostok. Cola has quickly oriented and attributed for two years - so he fell to Jung on the Pacific Fleet. The guy stopped stutter, and soon the colleagues heard the wonderful voice of a young colleague.

At first, the cola of the Beldi performed in amateur time, and soon became the participant of the team of the song and dances of the Pacific Fleet. The young man entered the music school and graduated from the establishment of external. After receiving a diploma, the Beldi continued to serve on the fleet, received several medals and the Order of the Patriotic War for the liberation of Korea. Demobilizing, I decided to professionally engage in music. He entered the Saratov Conservatory, he studied and worked at the factory, worked in the urban drama device.

Poland in his youth

After the conservatory, the Cola worked in the ensemble of the song and dances of the Voronezh Military District, in the Kalinin and Khabarovsk philharmonic, but above the level of the regional artist, then he could not go up.


"Star Hour" in the creative biography of the Nanayan nugget struck in 1957, when the cola of the Belda became the laureate of the youth festival, which took place in Moscow. Cature Minister Ekaterina Fursheva drew attention to him. She immediately realized that the representative of the Northern People with a unique repertoire was a new for Soviet pop. Soon the Cola received an invitation to Moscow and began working in Moskoncert. In the 1960s, the young singer won the All-Russian pop contest and toured the following three decades in the USSR and abroad.

In those years of ethnic music as a genre on the stage, there was not yet, so the Belda brought Nanaay's flavor to pop songs or took the songs of shamans in modern processing. When the cola appeared on the stage in the national costume, the hall fell in anticipation. BELDA concerts have always passed with anchlage.

A popular young artist invited the director Gregory Alexandrov to his film "Russian Souvenir". In the comedy, the love of Orlova, Rolan Bykov, Erast Garin, Elina Bystritskaya. By a talented nugget could not pass on television. The musician becomes a regular guest of the Blue Light. The execution of the "Song of the Olenevoda" to the music of Modest Tabachnikov loved by the Soviet audience. A television video was even created on this musical composition.

In addition to Soviet songs, the Kola Belda performed national melodies. In the late 60s, the song "Hanin Ranin", Nanaya Tale about the Sun-Tuben appeared. Later, the musical composition was imposed on footage from the film-concert Leonid Menacher "City and Song", creating a video clip. At the same time in the repertoire of the Nanice appears the "Yahatyanochka My" hike.

In 1964, the song in the execution of the cola of the Belf "Naryan-Mar, My Naryan-Mar", the music of Grigory Ponomarenko wrote the music. The musical composition has become an unofficial anthem of the Northern Town, the capital of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

In the 70s, the Poland was at the peak of popularity. In 1972, in the final of the Song of the Year, the musician performed the legendary composition "I will take away you to Tundra", and next year at the festival in Sopot, I received a second prize for this song and for "Nature sings." The popularity of the cola of Belda gave rise to the people of love for jokes about the naive inhabitants of the North, who cannot be adapted in the urban environment. By the way, the anecdote about Chukchi, who came to the capital, appeared after the song of the cola of the Belda "And Chukchi in a plague is waiting for dawn."

There was a period when the belt tried himself exclusively as a performer of fashionable hives, but then returned to the songs of the peoples of the North. In the 70s in the North Rhapsodia program, the musician performed National, Yakut and Chukchi songs. For his song career, Kola Belda recorded seven disks, gave concerts in 46 countries of the world, including in the famous Concert Hall "Olympia" in Paris. The popularity of the singer in Nanai costume in Europe was no less than in the USSR. The mayor of the French city of Mezen called the singer's "Golden Voice of the North" immediately after the presentation of the Belf.

At the beginning of the 90s, the Poland stopped appearing on the stage. Despite the fact that the singer remained demanded in the years of restructuring, the Cola decided to return to the native edges.

Personal life

Cola Belda was married three times. For the first time, the singer married in 1950. Nina Pavlovna's wife was 15 years old by Nicholas. They met and got married in Saratov in the hungry post-war years. But in Saratov Kole failed to be realized as a singer, so in 1954, the Beldé with his wife moved to Khabarovsk. In marriage, the spouses lived until 1965 and parted.

The second wife Larisa Semenovna was also older than Cola for 5 years. These relations were strong - they lived together for 23 years. In 1989, Larisa did not.

Poland with wife Olga and daughter

In 1991, the Poland became acquainted with Olga, who became the third wife. Olga - a doctor by education, came to St. Petersburg to his brother to write the dissertation. At that time there was a singer. Brother decided to introduce a girl with a popular compatriot. Cola turned out to be older than the spouse for 30 years, but Olga says that he fell in love with him immediately. The day after the acquaintance of Kola made the girl a sentence. Olga then was 29 years old.

Signed in love already in Khabarovsk, when Olga was pregnant. The last name of the girl was also the blunder, so she did not have to change the passport. In 1991, Kola was born daughter Elena. Lena is the only child of the musician. The first time of the newlyweds lived in the hotel room, later the city administration highlighted the young family of an apartment. The cola of the Bel was a grocery man, so friends and relatives of the musician often stayed in the house.


The cola of the BELDA was not December 21, 1993. In the morning he went to the grocery store, the singer grabbed the heart. Called an ambulance, but the first brigade arrived only in an hour and turned out to be not a cardiology. The second specialized car was waiting for the same amount. Doctors are late - the heart of the singer stopped. The musician died of an extensive heart attack, without surviving 10 days before the new year - the holiday, who loved so much. A musician is buried at the Central Cemetery of Khabarovsk.

The grave of the cola of Beldi

After the death of the spouse, Olga became the organizer of the Poland Public Foundation. The widow of the musician itself turned out to be creative in nature: Olga's free time gives writing paintings by national crafts. Every year in Khabarovsk are copyright Exhibitions Olga Bel, who are popular with compatriots. The daughter did not go to the footsteps of the parents, and graduated from the Institute of Economics and Law.


  • "Fisherman"
  • "Greetings"
  • "Sons of Russia"
  • "I will take you to the tundra"
  • "Love me"
  • "And deer better"
  • "Red horse"
  • "You do not know me yet"
  • "Eh, Lakes"

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