Alexey Serov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, "Disco Accident" 2021



Alexey Serov is a Russian musician, a soloist and a bright member of the popular group "Disco Accident". Alexey Serov was born in the famous "City of Brides" Ivanovo. The musician was born in November 1974 in the family, where the music was constantly sounded. But the Son decided to go to the "musical expensive" to the "musical expensive" parents only in adulthood. Although he was revealed soon: from 1 to grades, Alexey practiced in the vocal as part of the children's pop-up team "A + B".

As the musician told in one interview, Alexey practiced, but in the days of reporting concerts, the leaders "A + B" to produce Serov on the stage were not solved. The boy crushed, but not particularly, because he had many other hobbies. Alexey Serov was engaged in the Sambo section, visited classes on the large and table tennis, went to a sports orienteering circle, played football and even tried forces in the puppet theater.

Actor Alexey Serov

About the musical career boy and did not think. After graduating from the secondary school, the guy entered the legal entity. During these years, the rapprochement of Serov was held with the founders of the legendary group "Disco Accident" by Nikolai Timofeyev and Alexei Ryzhov. With Timofeev Serov was familiar with the school.

At the 3rd course of the Institute, Alexey Serov has already earned money on life. The young man got out to work as a legal adviser to the Ivanovsky combine of an artificial sole. And also led urban discos.


The creative biography of Alexei Serov is inextricably linked to the team, whose popularity has grown to such sizes, which allowed to participate in star concerts, "Golden Gramophone", "Song of the Year", "Blue Spirit on Shabolovka" and others.

Alexey Serov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs,

Serov and today does not change the team and is still a soloist. But the popular group of "Disco Accident" began with a modest regional radoshow.

Ryzhov and Timofeev from 1990 to 1995 on the Ivanovo Regional Radio conducted a transmission called "Disco Accident". As part of this transfer, the guys made remixes and parodies on popular songs. In 1992, Oleg Zhukov joined them, and 5 years later, Alexey Serov joined.

Since then, much has changed. In February 2002, after a long disease, one of the brightest members of the team Oleg Zhukov died. In the summer of 2012, Nikolay Timofeev went to "independent swimming". But in November of the same year, a new soloist Anna Khokhlova, a member of the Ukrainian talent show "X-factor" appeared in the "discos of the accident".

The group has a bright story in which Alexey Serov played one of the key roles. Since 1997, when the musician appeared in the "Disco Accident", the team released 8 popular albums. A variety of hits of the team sang and continues to sing the whole country.

The group is deservedly considered a musical icon of the 90s and zero. In the group collection, a huge number of prestigious awards and nominations. During this period, the band became the repeated owner of the Golden Gramophone Prize and the "Song of the Year" awards, in addition, was the winner of MTV Europe Music Awards in Barcelona and the owner of the MUZ-TV Prize.

Today the group is no longer so often rewards, but the musicians continue to record fresh compositions.

In the new composition of the group in 2013 recorded the single "K. W. K. L. A, "who became a soundtrack for the Circus Show of the Edgrada brothers and Askold Pastoshnaya. In 2014, the team released a new album "Girl behind the wheel".

In 2016, the light saw the composition "Bright I", recorded in conjunction with Philip Kirkorov.

In addition to musical activity, Alexey Serov also successfully engaged in business. The musician owns its own dry cleaning called "Dry Cleaning No. 1". According to rumors, the musician invested $ 1 million in the opening of the network.

First time, friends and colleagues laughed at the entrepreneur, because the musician had two unsuccessful business: dating site and real estate trade in Estonia. The new project was also almost burned: it turned out that the manager steals, he almost ruined the business. But still in 2015, six years after the opening of the first dry cleaning, the network began to bring first profits. And in 2016 the total revenue has already made 350 million rubles.

However, at the simple opening of the network of dry-cleaners, Serov was not stopped. The musician came up with a rather extravagant business plan, namely, decided to combine with a new network of dry cleaning a new network - coffee beats with "alternative" coffee "Coffee & Moloko". Coffee shops have become famous in the Coffee menu of non-standard welding methods: Kexeks, Airopress, Pubung.

Alexey Serov, Coffee & Moloko Coffee Shop

Alexey himself avid himself, but unlike colleagues in the group Alexei Ryzhov, who, from the words of the artist, it's like drinking, serov is disassembled into coffee and is ready to look for the right taste and fragrance. But even in the capital, the level of coffee shops did not suit the musician, so Alexey decided to open his own coffee shop network, and so that this ambitious project would be easier to be combined with existing working areas.

As a result, it turned out that it was not so easy to combine dry cleaning and coffee shops. Coffee shops have become more likely to work for the idea and for the soul. Although the revenue of each point is 600 thousand rubles per month, net profit varies in the zero area. However, the musician continues to open new dry-cleaners and coffee shops.

Personal life

Unfortunately, Alexey Serov's personal life was not so smoothly and safely as a musical career. On the account of the Solist "Disco Accident" three marriage. And they all ended with the parting of the spouses. Especially loud and scandalous was the divorce with the Third Woman, a blonde beauty from the Baltic States Irina Kachko.

Alexey Serov and Irina Kachko

The official proposal of the hand and hearts Ira had to wait 4 and a half years. Marriage was registered at the Tallinn Consulate. The ceremony was attended by Alexei's son from the 2nd marriage Richard, the daughter of Irina from the 1st marriage of Betty and the common daughter of Polina's pair. The eldest son of Alexey Serov, Mark, born in 1st marriage, remained in the capital.

Idyll las long. After the marriage gave the crack, Serov came to Tallinn and designed a divorce. The sharpness of the moment added the fact that the musician demanded the sole guardianship over her daughter. Court Ivanovo satisfied his petition. Tallinn court also accepted the Father's side.

Alexey Serov with a former spouse and children

Long-term lawsuits of Irina began, who demanded a return to his daughter. In the end, she achieved his own, and today Polina lives with her mother in Estonia. Alexey Serov participates in the life of the girl and tries as often as possible with it.

In parallel with the court with a former wife, Alexey Serov, initiated another trial. In October 2015, after the next issue of the current show "Let them speak" on the "First Channel", this time dedicated to the last channel of the musician, Alexei Serov sued Andrei Malakhov's TV host.

The singer outwritten that the show was discussed that the musician allegedly would not allow the mother with her daughter. This slander and broken around his behalf of the scandal forced the musician to file a lawsuit in the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow, where Serov announced a violation of his right to privacy and demanded to compensate for the moral damage of the sum of 2 million rubles.

Alexey Serov Now

In 2017, the "Disco Alarm" presented a video clip on the song "My Love" and joint with a group "Bread" clip for the song "Mochher", and also gave a large solo concert at the Izvestiya Hall club, where they sounded like 90s, So new tracks.

In 2017, the first coffee house of the Coffee & Moloko brand was opened, not related to dry cleaning. The new point appeared on the territory of the image-laboratory "Person".

In February 2018, in honor of Valentine's Day, the music group presented the "Duman" track, recorded jointly with Nikolai Baskov.

In April 2018, a new reception center "Dry Cleaning No. 1" opened, already immediately combined with a new cafe network "Coffee & Moloko", also owned by a musician. This event musician announced in his account in "Instagram".


  • 1997 - "Dance with me"
  • 1999 - "Song about you and me"
  • 1999 - "Marathon"
  • 2000 - "Accident against!"
  • 2001 - "Maniacs"
  • 2006 - "Four Guys"
  • 2011 - "Nearby Time"
  • 2014 - "Girl driving"

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