Tatyana Tutmyanina - biography, news, personal life, photo, fall, "instagram", Maxim Marinin, Alexey Yagudin 2021



Tatiana Tutmyanina is a Russian figure skater, a multiple champion of world and European championships. In 2006, a pair with Maxim Marinin managed to rise to the highest step of the pedestal of the Olympic Games. It seems fragile, but in fact it has a strong and volitional character. There was a lot of tests on her ways that Tatiana overcame with honor.

Childhood and youth

Tatiana was born in Perm, where the childhood of the child passed. By nationality, it is Russian, and the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio. The girl's health was not strong, so doctors advised parents to give Tanya to the sports section. And since the mother of the future champion in childhood dreamed of the career of the figure skater, then the daughter was recorded in the group of figure skating.

Already at 4, Tutmiann was on skates and learned to the Azam and the initial wisdom of this sport. For a long time, she rode alone, and the girl was led by the girl's choreographic education of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater.

At 14, Tutmianin first met with Maxim Marinen. This acquaintance occurred in junior competitions in the 1995th. Soon the skaters had already been danced in a pair, and a year later, Natalia Pavlova's stronger coach was finally moved to the Sports Palace "Jubilee" in St. Petersburg. So the sports biography of the future champion began.

Figure skating

Under the guidance of the mentor Natalia Pavlova, skaters settled in the top ten athletes of the world, but later the coach wanted to change. The choice of Tatiana and Maxim fell on Tamar Moskvin, but because of the scandal with Pavlova, the transition did not take place. Then Tutmianin and Marinin went to the United States to another famous mentor Oleg Vasilyev. With him, the couple revealed and showed the maximum of their capabilities.

At first they were submitted to the European Championship. Interestingly, until the completion of the professional career, the skaters so no one given the first place at these competitions. Gradually, gold medals of the championship of Russia, the world championship, the Grand Prix stages fell into the piggy bank.

In 2004, Pittsburgh in the United States occurred tragedy - at the stage of the Skate American Grand Prix stage, Tatiana fell on the ice due to the unsuccessful Maxim support. The athlete lost consciousness for 20 minutes and was emergency hospitalized to the hospital. The effects of falling were heavy. Doctors diagnosed - head injury and multiple hematomas. However, two weeks later, after the incident, Tutmianna came out again.

In 2006, at the XX Winter Games in Turin Tatiana became the Olympic champion. After that, the skaters took a time-out, counting later to return to the sport, but then for various reasons did not take participation in competition.

In 2007, Tatiana Tutmianin's names and Maxim Marinina were involved in the scandal, which broke out after the failure of the couple to participate in the show Evgeny Plushenko "Golden Ice Stradivari".

The organizers of the project and Plushenko himself stated that first the skaters signed a contract, and then left to Ilya Averbukh in the "Ice Symphony". Representatives of Eugene even threatened to sue. But Tatiana and Maxim answered that they left due to non-fulfillment by the organizers of a number of conditions, and compromise was made before departure. In addition, the participants of the disclaim were not going to endure litterings from the hut. As a result, no court proceedings followed.

In 2018, it came to the end of the tour in Russia "together and forever", organized by Ilya Averbukh.

Tele Show

Altime, Tatyana Tutmyanin's lover of Tatiana Tutmyanina performed in the ice show, went on tour, participated in the performances on ice. And in 2007, the girl was first invited to the in demand television project of the First Channel of the Russian Television "Ice Age".

In the 1st season, Tatiana's partner was the singer Nikita Malinin, and later she danced with TV presenter Leonid Zakoshansky, Oscar Kucheri and Arthur Smolyaninov.

The following season, which started on October 1, 2016, the Participant of the popular sports television series Mikhail Gavrilov turned out to be a partner and wards of Totmianin.

It is curious that Tatiana was competing not only with a partner in the ice site Maxim Marinin, but with Honored coach Oleg Vasilyev, thanks to which he became famous for the whole world.

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In 2013, Tutmianna for the whole country shared the details of his personal life within the framework of the show "Wife. Love story". TV viewers learned through what Tatiana and Alexey tests were held to be together.

In November 2019, the figure skater appeared in the program "Live Great!". Tatiana spoke about the operation to remove the gallbladder, which she was held in the oncocenter. In the studio, her spouse was present, as well as oncologist and Professor Mikhail Timofeev.

Tatiana did not leave the ice scene and continued to please the fans with performances in the performances on the ice. In September 2020, shooting the new season of the Ice Age project began, which was broadcast on the first channel. Tutmianna rode paired with Vyacheslav Chepurchenko, who is known for the wide audience according to role in the TV series.

The figure skater and the actor stubbornly trained on the ice "Lockey", because the competition is serious. Olga Buzova and Dmitry Solovyov, Regina Todorenko and Roman Kostomarov, Olga Kuzmin and Maxim Trankov and others were fought for victory. Joined the composition of the show and the husband of Tatiana Alexey Yagudin. He took the post of lead, like Alina Zagitova.

In mid-October 2020, Tatiana Tutmianin was injured in training, and therefore was forced to refuse to participate in the project indefinitely. Her place was taken by the figure skater Jan Khokhlov.

Personal life

When Tatyana Tutmianna moved to the United States and trained from Oleg Vasilyeva, love relationships began between her and mentor. They said that lovers, despite the 20-year-old difference in age, they are even going to get married, but as a result, the wedding did not take place.

The first athlete's personal life attracted the attention of a long and not easy novel with the Olympic champion in figure skating Alexei Yagudin. He is a friend of the ice partner of Tatiana, so young people often saw each other, then got together, and soon Yagudin glanced at the miniature figure skater with other eyes. By the way, the growth of celebrities is 161 cm, and the weight is 46 kg.

New 2009 Couple celebrated in a nightclub. That night, Alexey made his beloved sentence of his hand and hearts. And the ring specially ordered in the United States presented in February.

Lovers have long trapped each other. Both have formed ambitions and plans. In relations, the quarrel almost did not arise, but at the same time Alexei left several times from the chosen "to nowhere." As a skater later admitted, he was afraid to lose loneliness. In addition, Tatiana wondered about children, and the man was not ready for them.

Mom's death in the car catastrophe changed the life of Tatiana. She then wore the first child under the heart and went crazy from grief. Alexey turned out to be the most reliable support for Tutmian in this terrible life situation. When the daughter appeared on the light, the man took everything into his hands - the swaren Lisa himself, Pouched, changed.

According to Yagutina, no one instilled family values. He learned everything himself, because before his eyes did not have a worthy example. His parents made a divorce when the boy was very small.

And after 6 years, the second girl appeared in the family, which was named Michel. It is noteworthy that in the second child insisted Alexey - I wanted another daughter. She was born prematurely. Three weeks of Tatiana with Michelle conducted in intensive care. The first 6 days the newborn could not breathe independently. Doctors refused to guarantee and dedicate Alexey to details, but in the end everything cost.

Less than six months after the appearance of the second baby, Yagudin signed with Tutmian, and now they are officially called husband and wife. Registered the marriage of spouses in Krasnoyarsk, where the tour was passed. Tatiana decided not to take the last name Alexei, so as not to change the many documents.

Now the couple lives into two countries - in Russia and in France. The house in France was acquired for a long time, even before the birth of the first daughter. There Lisa goes to school. Tatyana and Alexey shared in an interview that they care about the future of children and they want to give girls a good education.

First, Lisa was hard in the French school, but she was helped by classmates, and now the baby has new girlfriends. Parents decided not to lag behind the child and also learn French to understand the daughter. They mastered the first aza languages ​​with a tutor.

In 2017, during a planned inspection, Tatiana in the gall bladder showed new formation. Doctors were afraid that it was oncology. The disease progressed. A year later, the number of neoplasms increased markedly, so the athlete suffered an operation to remove the organ. And two weeks after surgery, she already went on ice.

Family and working moments a couple shall be divided into "Instagram". In April 2018, Yagudin shocked the photo fans, where part of his face was bandaged. And next to the foot of the foot with the seams. It turned out that Lesha almost was blind because of the front. And the leg belongs to Tatiana. The figure skater during the speech in the "Nutcracker and Mouse King" failed and broke the leg in front of numerous spectators, after which four operations suffered. Alexey in signatures to the frame reported that they and Tatiana "met a family week."

Now in the personal life of Tatiana Happy, like her husband. Alexey is glad that he lives, as he says, in the "Female Kingdom". For some time there were rumors about the third pregnancy of the figure skater, but turned out to be false. And the conversations about what you need to give birth to the son, both spouses stopped in an interview with the magazine "7 days" in April 2021. According to Tatiana, "Factory closed": because of the problems with the health of the mother about the birth of children, there is no more.

Tatyana Tutmyanina now

Tatiana, leaving the sports career, focused on the upbringing of daughters. On the spring vacation in 2021, she got along with Lisa in the United States, so parents decided to encourage a girl who graduated from the 3rd quarter to one five. Photo with heiress Olympic champion exhibited in his instagram account. Of course, the entertainment program included and ice skating.

Totmianin continues to perform on a big scene. In April 2021, she, together with her husband, took part in the formulation of Ilya Averbukha "Ice Age" in St. Petersburg, and the audience enjoyed the wonderful number of Tatyana and Maxim Marinina.


  • 1999, 2000, 2001 - Bronze medalist of the championship of Russia
  • 2000 - Silver medalist of the European Championship
  • 2001 - Silver winner of the Russian Championship
  • 2001, 2002 - Silver winner of the World Cup
  • 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - European champion
  • 2003, 2004, 2005 - Champion of Russia
  • 2004, 2005 - World Champion
  • 2003, 2006 - winner of the final of the Grand Prix
  • 2004 - Silver Prix Final Prize winner
  • 2006 - Olympic champion
  • 2007 - Cavalier Order Honor

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