Povilas Vanagas - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Figure 2021



Povilas Vanagas is the famous Lithuanian figure skater, speaking in a pair with Margarita Drobizko. The duet showed many excellent numbers at the competition, became a multiple champion of Lithuania, Europe and the world in ice dancing. Now Lithuanian left a big sport, but continues to participate in ice shows.

Childhood and youth

Vanagas was born in Lithuanian Schyoul on July 23, 1970. Natives nicknamed the boy was fourth. The first, second and third were the great-grandfather, grandfather and father of Vanagas. Parents had an influence on the Son. But since they represented different professions (mother - the seven-time champion of Lithuania, the figure skater Lilia Vanagene, and the father is a doctor), then the boy was difficult to decide in life.

I barely reaching 3 years old, Potalas, holding a chairs, went out on the rink. So he was under the supervision of a mother who worked by the coach. Then Liliya Vanagene was headed by the federation of Lithuanian figure skating. Later, the figure skater confessed in an interview that the parent gave the Son's son, because it was concerned about the physical development and a bad appetite of the boy.

At the age of 6, Vanagas has already participated in competitions, but after a while, interest in speeches on ice slept. It switched to basketball, volleyball and football. And closer to the end of the secondary school, the young man led to the side of medicine, which almost all relatives were engaged in the father's line. In the youth, Povilas threw the sport and began strengthened preparation for admission to the Medin Institute. To do went to MGIMO, but did not pass the competition.

Personal life

With the future wife of Margarita, Drobinizko Pink was met in 1988, when he was 18 years old, and Rita - 16. For a long time a couple connected exclusively to the sport. After the end of training, each of them walked home. But a few years later, Povilas suddenly noticed that he was feeling a feeling of jealousy when he sees Margarita with other guys.

"Breakthrough" happened in the relationship in 1998, when the pair went to the competition in Switzerland. Vanagas admitted to the girl in love right during training. It caught Margarita surprise. She perceived the ice partner as a friend, so asked time to think, but then looked at a man under a different angle. In addition, Rita could not imagine that after leaving the sport of the life of young people, they would disarm.

In the same year, the couple turned from sports in love. In 2000, they issued relations, and in the registry office, and in the small Moscow church, where the wedding passed. In one interview, Povilas said that the wedding means more than the stamp in the passport. At one time, the figure skater was thinking to become a priest, but after a conversation with the father changed the decision.

In the wedding trip, newlyweds went to Spain. Couple relationships were not always cloudless. It is saying that Povilas and Margarita once found themselves on the verge of a divorce. If you believe rumors, Drobizkoko allegedly had a novel with actor Alexander Dyachenko, who became her partner in one of the seasons of the Ice Age.

And in 2010, Vanagas's personal life hit the top business news. Now he was attributed to the novel with Young Agnia Ditkovskite, who became a partner men in the "Ice and Place" show. Later, in an interview, the couple noticed that if you believe all the rumors that write about them, you can already create your own harem.

Fans of athletes say that the family managed to overcome the tests and save feelings. Povilas and Margarita - frequent guests of television talk shows. They participated in the program "Who wants to become a millionaire?" And they took the houses of Marina Alexandrov as part of the project of the NTV channel "people live." There are no children from spouses.

Figure skating

After unsuccessful entrance exams, the young man went to the army. Having learned how Lithuanian was engaged in the youth, Vanagas was determined in sports. In addition, the guy had an appropriate physique and a suitable growth of 180 cm. So began a sports biography of Povilas. Since then, no other occupation has displaced figure skating from the life of a young man.

Vanagas was engaged in the CSKA sports club. Soon he decided to leave single skating. The coach picked him a 16-year-old partner Margarita Drobinizko. The trigger period was not easy, but the couple coped and soon began to make the first successes. At this time, the collapse of the USSR began. Figurestones decided to move to Latvia. Here, in Kaunas, coach Elena Maslennikova took up for the preparation of a duet. In the 1991/1992 season, the couple participated in all major international competitions, but did not have success.

In the mid-1990s, Vanagas and Drobinico went to England. For two years, Jane Torwill and Christopher Dean trained a couple. In the late 1990s, Povilas, together with the partner, went to Moscow, where the experienced trainer Elena Tchaikovskaya took up for the preparation of a duet. Four years a couple came into the five strongest at world and European championships. And in 1999 received bronze in world and European championships.

In the native to Pakela and Lithuania, he also distinguished himself. Vanagas and Drobizko - 13-fold champions of the country. They participated in the five winter olympiads, where they represented Lithuania. The latter was the Olympic Games in Turin 2006, where the skaters took the 7th place.

After leaving the Big Sports, the couple invited Ilya Averbukh to participate in his bright ice show. In 2010, the audience was able to appreciate the skill of the skaters in the play of "Lights of the Big City", in which Russian athletes, champions in ice dancing, were made together with Pink and Margarita.

At this project in 2012 followed an equally impressive setting of the "Mystery of Treasure Island". The following for spouses with a joint project with Ilya Averbukh was the representation of Romeo and Juliet. The transfer to the ice plot of the famous Shakespeare tragedy did not leave the audience indifferent. In the play, Vanagas and Drobinico performed the role of Signora and Signora Kapulends, the parents of Young Juliet.

In 2018, the athlete, together with his wife, went with the tour of the new production "together and forever." On April 1, a tour of Russia ended in Surgut, and already on April 14, the skaters went to the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague. Ilya Averbukh in his official profile in "Instagram" often shared with fans of the show and photo monomants of the show.

In 2019, Vanagas and Drobizko, together with colleagues on the creative workshop, were presented in Sochi Music on the ice "Carmen". For Margarita, this project was already familiar, and Lithuanian participated in the performance for the first time. The public saw a figure in the form of the bullet. In the show, in addition to the skaters, Flamenco dancers were involved from Spain.

Tele Show

In 2007, an incendiary show "Ice Period" came to the screens. The project gathered professional athletes who made a couple with the stars of the Russian show business. Couple speeches estimated the jury led by a legendary coach in figure skating Tatiana Tarasova.

Partner Povilas became TV presenter Larisa Verbitskaya. Duet liked the audience with lyricity and subtlety, beautiful numbers. Participants managed to go to the final, but the contestants remained without prizes.

A year later, the skater appeared in the 2nd season of sports and entertainment transmission. Actress Ksenia Alferova was stood in a couple with Vanagas this time. The speeches of the dance ensemble were impressed by the audience and strict judges, the audience had no doubt that Povilas with the partner would become finalists.

As a result, the duet really got into the final, but luck smiled more by her husband Xenia Hiru Beroev, who danced with Catherine Gardeva. Their couple ranked 1st place. But the audience did not leave Vanagas and Alferov without a prize - the contestants received the title of the most stylish pair of the project.

In 2009, the athlete was invited to become a member of the 3rd season "Ice period. The best of the best". This time, participants who have already danced in the show came to the ice and showed good results. The audience saw a figure with an actress Anna Baria. The duet presented many beautiful rooms, one of which was the music dance of the composition Where or When Brian Ferry.

According to the results of the Vanagas program and its partner divided the 3rd place with Alena Babenko and Alexey Tikhonov. A year later, the athlete fought for victory together with the beauty of Agnia Ditkovskite in the new project "Ice and the Flame".

In the ice show, the partners of the figure became basically the actresses of the theater and movies. Their artistism and acting allowed a duet to make unforgettable performances. Thus, with a partner Anna Runner in 2014, the athlete demonstrated many lyrical numbers with excellent music, for example, with Romance performed by Nikolai Noskova. And with Evgenia Kregjde in 2016, Potailas embodied on ice images from the beloved many comedy "Marriage Balzaminov". Following the season, the couple took 2nd place.

Povilas Vanagas now

At the end of 2019 - early 2020, the figure skater participated in the incendiary Ice Show "Sleeping Beauty. The legend of the two kingdoms. "

In September, Povilas received an invitation to perform in the new season of the popular TV project "Ice Age". This time, the partner of Vanagas became Maria Lugovaya, the actress, known for the roles in the TV series "Murka" and "Zhuravl in the sky."


  • 1992-2006 - Lithuanian champion
  • 1993 - Silver winner of the Winter Universiade
  • 1993 - Silver Prize Serner Nebelhorn Trophy
  • 1994 - Bronze medalist of the tournament Nebelhorn Trophy
  • 1995, 1999 - Silver medalist of the tournament Skate Canada
  • 1995 - Silver winner of the tournament Nations Cup
  • 1996, 1997 - Winner of the SKATE ISRAEL tournament
  • 1999, 2001, 2002 - Silver medalist of the NHK Trophy tournament
  • 1999, 2000, 2006 - Bronze medalist of the tournament Trophee Lalique
  • 2000 - Winner of the Tournament Skate Canada
  • 2000 - Bronze medalist of the NHK Trophy tournament
  • 2000, 2006 - Bronze medalist of the European Championship
  • 2000 - Bronze medalist of the World Championship
  • 2000, 2001, 2002 - Bronze medalist of the Grand Prix final
  • 2001 - Silver Prize Server Skate America
  • 2002 - Bronze medalist of the tournament SKATE AMERICA

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