Irina Alfereova - Photo, Biography, Actress, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Talented actress, beloved by millions of Russian television viewers, Constance Bonashe, the first wife of Alexander Abdulov and just a beautiful woman of the Soviet Union - which Irina Alförov became for many. Girl with eyes - so called Irina classmates at the Institute. Later, the cornflower eyes of the actress and her smile inspired not only directors, but also artists and musicians.

Childhood and youth

Irina was born in March 1951 in Novosibirsk. Parents Ivan Kuzmich and Ksenia Arkhipovna Alferes passed the Great Patriotic War, and after returning to civilian life, both received the profession of a lawyer and worked with human rights defenders all their lives. In the family, the eldest daughter Tatiana was born, and then Irina.

Irina Alfoerov in youth

The mother of Irina in his youth dreamed of acting profession, she handed his junior daughter. Already as a child, the future star of the screen, along with neighboring children, set fairy tales, and in high school he was recorded in the theater studio. The girl went on the scene with students and researchers.

On the advice of the chief director of the studio after graduating from School Alferan, went to Moscow, in Gitis. This choice approved mom. Ksenia Arkhipovna and accompanied daughter to the capital.


The creative biography of Irina began in 1972, when a beginner actress was awarded a diploma. If at the very beginning of studying a girl was hard to show a creative start, then on the last courses Alfoerov was in a good account. The artist was offered vacancies immediately in several metropolitan theaters.

Identified from the director Vasily of the Orda proposal to play Dasha in the epopea "Walking on the flour" for a long 5 years suspended the exit of Alfer on theatrical layouts. The director set the condition: or cinema, or theater. The image of Dasha, like the film itself, was so fascinated by a young actress that she agreed with the provided condition.

After the release of the painting Alferes in one moment turned into a popular artist. Many critics still argue that the role in this tape is one of the best in Irina Ivanovna filmography. After the end of the work in the film project, Alfoerov went to the theater. The artist was invited to Lenk. But these frames, alas, did not bring Irina expected success.

Much better things were in cinema. Under the urgent request of the leadership of Goskino, Georgy Jungwald-Khilkevich, took Alferes to the role of Constance in the film "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers".

Strengthening in the status of the star Artist was able after the entry of the paintings, according to the right of the Soviet Cinema in the Gold Fund: "Do not part with your loved ones" and "Premonition of Love," where she appeared with Alexander Abdulov.

In the new century, the larger time Irina Ivanovna gives the theater. Sometimes appears on the stage of Lenkom, but more often plays in the "School of the modern play" - a repertoire theater in which he feels like at home.

Here, Irina Ivanovna became a truly popular and implemented actress. Alphereda was lucky to play the main characters in the performances "Male came to a woman", "Seagull", "Bear", "Night with a stranger".

Recent years of the actress infrequently complains fans by the appearance on the screen, but all projects are rating. So it became with the Kinicomedy "Yolki-2", where Alferes appeared in the lead role of Yulia Snegirev from the Episode "Kurats and the Plane", and with the Joint Russian-French project "Rasputin", in which Irina managed to reincarnate to Princess Zinaida Yusupov.

Personal life

The actress does not really complain journalists, because in the essays about it, reporters persistently adhere to a common stamp, depicting an actress "Unhappy". But the personal life of Alphered has developed happily.

The first husband of Irina became a diplomat from solar Bulgaria Boyko Gurov. Young people at one of the creative evenings at the Bulgarian Embassy and soon became friends. Gurov was fond of auto racing and once during the competition fell into an accident. The hipged boyko asked Irina to come. The girl could not leave a friend in trouble and began to visit, the novel began between them.

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After the marriage ceremony, the actress went with her husband to Bulgaria, where the only daughter of Ksenia Alfere was born. Irina had everything that Soviet women could dream, but the actress escaped to Moscow, where there was nothing. Alpherov wanted to play, so I could not get along in Bulgaria.

The second marriage with Alexander Abdulov, everyone considered "Star", and a couple called the most beautiful in the Soviet Union. Alexander Few Ksenia in early childhood, and the girl learned about the existence of his native father only in adolescence. Despite the news, Ksyusha remained in warm relations with Alexander Abdulov, which is visible on all joint photos. Ksenia managed to meet with Boyko Gürov, being adult.

After 17 years of living together, in 1993, Alfoerov and Abdulov diverged. For many, this gap turned out to be unexpected. But, apparently, two stars have become closely together.

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Two years after parting with Abdulov, Irina Alfoerov married again. The third husband was the actor Sergey Martynov. Roman broke out on the set of the painting "Sheriff's star". At the time of dating Martynov was married to Ksenia, the sister of a popular TV presenter, but the marriage cracked on the seams. The lawyer was offered a profitable contract in London. Ksenia Martynova agreed and went to England with two children. Sergey did not want to leave - he was in demand in the profession, which he loved.

Later, when Ksenia died tragically, the children of Martynov Anastasia and Sergey arrived in Moscow. They and the nephew of Irina Alfere, Alexander, the son of her deceased sister Tatiana, found the second mom in this woman.

Despite family troubles, employment in the cinema and on theatrical scene, Alfere looks great. With its height, 165 cm artist retains weight 63 kg.

Irina Alfoerov now

Now the career actresses develops less rapidly, but Irina Alfoeraova remains in demand by the performer. With her participation in the spring of 2019, the release of the program "Tonight", dedicated to the holiday of March 8, and in the summer, the work on the film Alexey Petrukhin "Last test" was completed. 2019 became the year of the premiere of the 2nd part of the filmalman "Happiness is ...", where Irina Ivanovna also played.
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At the end of the summer, the actress was among the guests of the program "Hello, Andrei!", Dedicated to the work of Igor Cool. She travels through the country with creative evenings, which are popular with her fans. With the last news from the creative life of Alfere, he introduces fans from the pages of the official site.


  • 1972 - "Teacher of singing"
  • 1977 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 1978 - "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers"
  • 1979 - "Do not part with your loved ones"
  • 1982 - "Premonition of Love"
  • 1984 - "TASS is authorized to declare ..."
  • 1985 - "Snow Maiden called?"
  • 1996 - "Ermak"
  • 2006 - "Sonya - Golden Handle"
  • 2011 - "Treets 2"
  • 2011 - "Rasputin"
  • 2016 - "Christmas trees 5"
  • 2019 - "Last test"

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