Ksenia Alfere - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, Irina Alferova, Egor Beroev 2021



Ksenia Alfererov is an artist of Russian cinema. At first glance, it may seem that Glory came to actress thanks to the famous parents. However, the talented game of the performer and the ability to get into the role is talking about the opposite. Now, in addition to creativity, Ksenia is engaged in charity.

Childhood and youth

Future artist was born on May 24, 1974 in the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia. Mother of the girl - the loved one of the public, actress Irina Alföhrov. She gave birth to a daughter from Bulgarian diplomat Boyko Gürova. Irina and Boyko met in the embassy and soon got married. Alfoeraz left her husband to Bulgaria, but she did not want to live there, so there was soon a couple divorced.

When Ksenia turned two years old, the mother married the sex symbol of the Soviet cinema Alexander Abdulov. He oversalled the girl, gave his middle name and brought up as his own. For a long time, the whole country considered Abdulov Father Ksenia. The girl herself learned that the artist was a native father, in adolescence. The girl supported warm relationships with a folk artist to the death of Alexander Gabriolovich. She met his native dad in adulthood when he went to Bulgaria.

Ksenia Alfere from an early age is used to independence. Parents constantly disappeared at work. The girl learned to do without excessive guardianship: she studied well and did not give parents any trouble. To the theater life of Ksenia is accustomed early. While the peers played with dolls, she found her classes behind the scenes. The favorite place was the Bouta Forest Theater. Ksenia Alförova "set" their performances there, in which all the roles played.

On the screen of Ksenia appeared in 1981, when she turned 7 years old. Stephip took Ksyu with himself to Leningrad, where he filmed in the picture "Woman in White". Then the girl starred together with her mother in the episode of one melodrama.

After graduating from school in 1992, Ksenia Alförov, at the insistence, chose not the theatrical, but legal university. In the 90s, the cinema was in a state of decline, and Mom wanted the daughter to receive a profession that can feed the girl. Yes, and a family tradition (along the mother's mother, everyone was successful lawyers) played a role.

In his youth, after the end of the Metropolitan Law Academy, Alföhrov was an internship in one of the best in Britain of the law office. But the mother of the genes won: Ksenia threw the jurisprudence and entered the MCAT studio school.

Films and television

The creative biography of Ksenia Alfere, which took the start in childhood, developed in student years. The artist went to the Sovremennik layout. But Ksenia appeared and on television: she became coordinates in the rating program "Look."

In the cinema, Alfere-younger seriously announced itself in "zero". The first noticeable role came to her together with the popular television series "Moscow windows". In 2003, Ksenia received a stellar role in an interesting film of the American director John Dale. The drama was called Express St. Petersburg-Cannes. Ksenia's heroine - a student who was attempted at the prosecutor, "spoke in English. Events in the ribbon have developed in 1904. Alförov was filmed with English actor Nolan Hammings. Experience under the guidance of a famous director for young artist turned out to be invaluable.

In 2005, a Russian-American project appeared in the filmography of the performer - the Mirror Wars. Reflection first. " In this exciting film, the daughter of Irina Alfere played Catherine, the environment involved in the secret operation.

In 2007, the artist starred in the drama "Capan", where Alexander Abdulov and Irina Alfoerov played the main characters. At that time, the spouses were already divorced, but they remained on the set by professionals, playing "sincerity of feelings." For Ksenia, this circumstance seemed instructive.

Next year, Alphered-younger got a role in the New Year's melodraman "Santa Claus to unwitting", removed by Elena Typakov. The actress played the main heroine here with Egor Beroev. The picture of the audience took warmth.

But the work of Ksenia in the detective tape "Cool shores" critics were accepted ambiguously. Perhaps the reason was the new role, in which the artist tried. If she used to get cute and romantic young ladies, the role of the investigator of the metropolitan prosecutor's office for particularly important cases was resonant with previous images.

In 2012, the series "Duty Angel-2" was released on the screens, in which Alphery-younger got the role of clairvoyant Alina Belousova.

In the "tenths" fans often saw the actress in popular TV shows. So, the performer successfully performed in the "Ice Age" project. Before that, in 2003 and 2006, Alfere-younger participated in the game "Fort Boyard", in 2015 - in the project "Dancing with the Stars". A partner of Ksyusha was the dancer Denis Tagintsev. And in 2016, the Guest of the Talk Show of Julia is a little "alone with everyone".

From 2014 to September 1, 2017, Ksenia Alfoerov, together with Alexander Galibin, was the leading program "Wait for me". Before the actress, the program of Egor Beroev in a pair with Maria Shukshina.

In 2015, the performer appeared on the stage in the main role of the play "Fear of the soap bubble".

In 2016, Ekaterina Movibskaya "Cold Heart" was released on the screens. This is a story about maternal love, a woman who is ready for all for the sake of a child. But the habit of fulfilling the whims of his beloved Chad can turn against the parents. Ksenia performed a major role in the film.

In the same 2016, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with a fantasy ribbon director Alexander Varta. In June 2018, a military drama "say goodbye will not" appeared on the screens. Central male characters in the film played Andrei Merzlikin and Bourge.

In 2019, the executiver included roles in the film projects "Thank you by my grandfather for victory" and "Happiness is ...".

Personal life

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Ksenia Alfer, like mom, also an acting age. But with her husband Egor Bourieov, the performer was not at the set on the set, but at a press conference.

Egor also took place from the acting dynasty. Elena Boreva's mother is an artist of the Mossovet's Theater, and Grandfather Vadim Bourge is known to the older generation of viewers as "Major Wich". Father Egor Vadim Mikheenko is also an actor. But the Son does not communicate with a relative, refusing to even take the father's surname.

The wedding of lovers passed quietly and modestly in 2001, and no one would know about the wedding at all if the Ksenia itself was told in one interview. In 2007, an adorable girl was born a charming girl, which they called the ancient name Evdokia.

In 2008, the personal life of Alphery was under the sight of the press. Then the performer, together with his spouse, participated in the Glacial Project. Later there were rumors that Yegor succumbed to the temperament of the passionate partner Catherine Gordeva and changed his wife, and the spouses were preparing for the divorce. However, Ksenia, who danced in a couple with Povilas Vanagas, responded calmly into such conversations. The family continued to live in love and harmony.

In 2012, the couple created a charity foundation "I am", collecting funds in support of children with the peculiarities of development, in particular, for children with Down syndrome. Spouses participated in programs aimed at improving living conditions for "sunny" kids.

Since Ksenia and Egor did not seek to show a daughter in public, but often appeared with the wards of the Fund, then the press appeared "false" articles against Evdokia. For example, journalists, complementing articles photos with actors in a company with "Sunny" girls, wrote that the heirs of spouses are seriously ill. The baby was attributed not only the presence of excess chromosome, but also autism. Later, Alferes and Beroes began to appear at the Foundation events with Evdokia, and the public saw that their child was healthy.

Evdokia inherited natural beauty from parents, as well as talent. In an interview with Ksenia, noted that the daughter of Music, artist, likes to discover new hobbies. In particular, the schoolgirl was fascinated by slots. In addition, the girl began to worry the issues of careful attitude towards the environment. So, at the request of the heiress Alfoerov placed a post with his photo in a swimsuit in the "Instagram" (Ksenia's growth of 167 cm, weight - 55 kg) against the background of beautiful nature with the text in animal protection. The actress has added a drawing of a daughter and an artician-composed story about how important to keep the world in pristine purity.

In 2018, the "second child" was replenished in the artist's family. The wop Foundation Vlad Sanotsky lost his mother, which regularly in contact with employees "I am." A young man threatened to spend the rest of life in a psycho-neurological boarding school. Having learned about this, Ksenia was able to achieve guardianship over a "sunny" friend. The actress understood that the new "place of residence" would become a destructive "place of residence", because the width of the Foundation showed excellent successes in socialization, played in the "Theater of his ingenuous", filmed in the film.

After registration of the necessary documents, Alfoerov began to spread the rollers in the instagram account, taken with the participation of Sanotsky. The performer does not cease to admire the reading of the "adoptive son", the amazing memory of a young man, the ability to reclaim a huge number of poems, which may, according to Ksenia, not every professional actor.

Ksenia Alfoerov Now

In 2021, Alfoerov continued to work with the charitable center. Actress's free from the filming is spent with his family. The performer supports close relationships with his mother, and also keeps the memory of Alexander Gabriovic. So, in the "Instagram" in early January, the artist laid out the retro-photo on which, while still little, got into the lens along with Abdulov. To the image of Alferov, the junior added the touching text.


  • 1984 - "Right to the Choice"
  • 1991 - "Higher Class"
  • 2001 - "Moscow windows"
  • 2001 - "New Year's Adventures"
  • 2003 - "Taste of the Murder"
  • 2005 - "Mirror Wars. Reflection first "
  • 2006 - "Chase of the Angel"
  • 2007 - "Capan
  • 2009 - "Windows"
  • 2011 - "Steep Shores"
  • 2016 - "Santa Claus. Battle Mages "
  • 2016 - "Cold Heart"
  • 2017 - "Thank you by my grandfather for the victory"
  • 2018 - "I will not say goodbye"
  • 2019 - "Thank you by my grandfather for the victory"
  • 2019 - "Happiness is ... Part 2"

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