Caris Wang Howen - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Caris Wang Howen is a Dutch actress and singer, the star of the Military Drama "Black Book". She played Melisandra in the television series "Game of Thrones". These roles brought her world fame. If you judge by the standards of Holland, then Caris is time to boldly call the superstar. In addition to successful work in the native province, in the service record of the artist, many Hollywood films. In addition, it can boast the extensive number of prestigious premiums and awards.

Caris was born in the town of Leiderdorp on September 5, 1976. The actress family is directly related to television. Mama Margie Stasie worked as an educational channel employee, and the Father Theodore James Wang Howen wrote scripts for gears. Caris has the younger sister of Van Howen, who became an actress.

Actress Caris Wang Howen

The girl herself dreamed of the path of film actresses from five years, when dad took a daughter in a cinema for showing a picture of Napoleon Bonaparte. Colorful costumes and chance of reincarnation in other people fascinated Little Caris. In high school, she visited a specialized theater class in the Lyceum "Bonif Popatius," where she first participated in performances.

After school, two theater universities of the Netherlands were adopted at once - Dramatic Academy of Amsterdam and Maastricht. Van Howen chose the metropolitan educational institution, after the end of which began a career of theatrical actress. In 1999, she even received a prestigious Pussuise Prize Award as the best young performer, and after a year the Award "Top Naeff" as the best actress.

Caris Wang Houthene

It should be noted that Caris was not limited to only one type of art. In 2012, she on the professional studio recorded the Debut Music Album "See You On The Ice". Capital composition and "Particle of Light" became hits in the Netherlands.


In parallel with theatrical career Caris Wang Houtien tried himself and in the cinema. She starred in television films: The drama "Suzy Kew" brought her the main film of the Netherlands "Golden Taurus". Later, the actress will be the owner of this award three times - for the Lady-Cat's family tape, the Anti-Nazi film Paul Verkhovna "Black Book" and the film-biography of "black butterflies". The "Black Book" became the most cash register in the history of the Netherlands cinema and brought van Howen popularity.

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A year before that, the Drama "Black Swans" was released on the screens. Caris performed a major role. For filming in the film, she went to Spain. The workflow was held in 2003, but due to the financial problems, the tape saw the light only in 2005.

In 2007, the actress appeared in the romantic film "Unreal Love". The picture became the most visited by the Dutch comedy in history.

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After the success of the "black book", the actress is beginning to invite foreign film companies. She plays with Maggie Smith in the English psychological mysticism "From time during", with Tom Cruise in the American historical thriller "Operation" Walkiriya ", the Spanish-British horror movie" Eaters ".

In 2010, Van Howen appeared in the historic drama "Black Death". The company on the shooting area of ​​the artist was the actors Sean Bean and Eddie Redmein.

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A year later, the audience saw the actress in the film "Black Butterflies" film. This picture became the fourth in the filmography of Caris, starting with the word "black". The plot of the drama narrated the real history of life poetess Ingrid Jonker. Van Howen performed the main role for which he received the Trybek Prize, the film "Golden Taurus" and Rembrant Prize.

In the same 2011, Caris starred together with Jude Lowe and Forest Whitaker in a fantastic thriller "Rutters", shot on the book Eric Garcia "Dirty Mambo or Rippers."

In 2013, the film "Fifth Power" was released on world screens. One role got Caris. Partners on the site actresses were Benedict Cumberbatch and Daniel Bruhl. The film was brought to the film festival in Toronto. The drama was mostly negative reviews. However, the affection scenario and the director, critics have positively appreciated the game of actors.

The next success Caris received when Melisandra performed the role of Melisandra in the cult television series "Game of Thrones", shot on the novels of the American writer George Martin. As part of the Caste of Project Van Howen twice received the US Cinema Actors Guild for the "Best Actor in the Dramatic Serial" in 2014 and 2016.

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Later, the actress appeared in the film "Sere", where he starred with the star "Games of Thrones" by Kita Harington.

Some of the latest work, the actress is an infringery triller "Incarnation", the sports drama "Will's power" and mystical western "hell", which also played the Dakota Fanning. Spectators and critics met movies in different ways, but did not leave the projects unnoticed.

Personal life

On the set of drama "Black Book" Caris Wang Houthene met a partner in the film, the German actor Sebastian Koch. They met and even 3 years lived in civil marriage. But due to the fact that the career of young people developed in different countries, they rarely paid attention to each other and eventually broke up.

Caris Wang Howen and Sebastian Koh

Later, Caris had a two-year-old romance with a Dutch film director and a screenwriter Kisean Van Newvakerk. And since 2015, she lives in actual marriage with Australian actor Ham Pierce. The couple met on the set of tape "Underworld". In January 2015, the artist was divorced from Kate Mesalitz, who lived 18 years old.

August 29, 2016, shortly before the 40th anniversary, Caris Wang Howen first became a mom. She and Gaya had a son who received the name of Monte Pierce.

Caris Wang Howen and Guy Pierce

Together with the best friend, the Dutch actress Khalina Rain, Caris wrote and published the book "Anti-glamor", in which women expressed a look at the backstage life of the stars of cinema. In several interviews, Van Howen emphasized that, although she would be happy to take off in Hollywood projects, she could not live in America. For colleagues, the actress is strange that Caris still remains in Europe, but she claims that such a lifestyle is suitable for her much more.

In addition to the book "Anti-Glamor", on the account of Caris, the authorship of the children's book.

Caris Wang Houtle and Guy Pier with Son

In 2009, the actress became the Ambassador of the Wildlife Foundation. It actively helps the organization, spreading information about the objectives of the Foundation. The actress participates in the collection of funds and makes humanitarian trips.

Now the actress leads microblogging in the social network "Instagram". Judging by the photo, Caris is busy care for a child. It is divided by private pictures and regularly spreads the bows of the baby for the day.

Caris Wang Howen now

In 2018, the "Domino" film is expected, in which the actress after a biennial break performed one of the main roles. On the set, the star of the Games of Thrones, Nikolai Kosher-Waldau and the spouse of Wang Houten - Guy Pier, starred with it.

Actress Caris Wang Howen

The artist is involved in the filming of the picture "Glass Room", the release of which will be held in 2019.


  • 1999 - "Suzy Kew"
  • 2001 - "Lady Cat"
  • 2003 - "Passion"
  • 2005 - "Black Swans"
  • 2006 - "Black Book"
  • 2007 - "Unreal Love"
  • 2008 - "Operation" Valkyrie "
  • 2009 - "From time during"
  • 2010 - "Rutters"
  • 2010 - "Black Death"
  • 2011 - "Black Butterflies"
  • 2013 - "Fifth Power"
  • 2016 - "Will Power"
  • 2016 - "Underworld"
  • 2016 - "Incarnation"
  • 2019 - "Glass Room"

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