Robert Patrick - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Robert Hammond Patrick Jr. is familiar with a wide range of admirers primarily a star role in the militant "Terminator 2: Judgment Day", where the T-1000 liquid crystal robot has played. Then the American filmography was replenished with other popular filmmakers, and Robert's fans began to forget that the path of idol in the cinema was long and thorny.

Robert was born in November 1958 in Georgia. Carefree children's and youthful years of celebrities were held in the suburb of Cleveland in the circle of a friendly family, where Robert Patrick was the eldest of 5 children. Robert Patrick-senior, father of the future actor, was a banker. The family lived in prosperity and children did everything that they liked. For example, Richard Patrick, Robert's younger brother, was fond of music, became the frontman of the Filter rock band.

Actor Robert Patrick

Roberta liked football and light athletics. But the acting art did not lie to the acting art. The boy even refused to play in the school play "Peter Pen", motivating this lack of desire to go to the scene in the trico tight.

Everything has changed at the university. Suddenly, Robert Patrick is so fascinated by the actor who refused to continue studying at the university: the guy considered it in vain spending time. The future artist went to Los Angeles, hoping that this would be able to quickly get into the field of vision of directors.

But the long-awaited meeting with the first role was delayed for years. Patrick Jr. to survive, worked at the waiter bar and worked with Malar. I slept right in the car. But the time of the gift Robert did not lose: he independently studied the Stanislavsky system.


The cinematic biography of Robert Patricks, although he began at the age of 28, but started immediately with a stellar role. The cult director Roger Kormman drew attention to the young man. The director entrusted Patrick to play biker in the Trash film "Angels Hell." And immediately, as it is called, hitting the top ten.

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In the Renni Blockbuster Harlin "Strong Oreshk 2" on Robert, who played in the episode, drew the attention of James Cameron. The director was just looking for an actor with a brutal appearance for the role of a killer killer into a new project "Terminator-2: Judgment Day". In addition to Robert in the new Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Ferlong, Joe Morton and other representatives of American cinema.

So Patrick turned into a robot famous for the whole world named T-1000. This role is also associated with the name of the artist.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robert Patrick

The main role came to the actor in 2000. Attention to Patrick turned Chris Carter, the creator of the rating series "Secret Materials". Urgently needed to replace David Spiritual. So from 2000 to 2002, Robert appeared on the screen in the image of John Dogget, who replaced Fox Mulder. The replacement was not just favorably accepted by the audience and critics - Robert Patrick was awarded the work of the prestigious Prize "Saturn". In 2001, the actor brought to the list of ten beautiful men's television.

A new splash of popularity came to this wonderful artist after entering the picture "Move the hell," where Patrick got the image of the father of the chief hero. Ribbon received Oscar.

The audience and film critics were rated the biographical mini-series "Elvis. Early years, "in which the actor entrusted to play Father Elvis Presley. The ribbon was awarded the AMMI and Golden Globe Prizes.

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In recent years, the Hollywood Star is removed without tired. Among the films involving Patrick, it should be noted the roles in the pictures of the Flags of our Fathers, "Fur Balls", "Bridge in Terabitiya", "Snowman", "Mad Special Forces" and "Will Gardner".

"Terminator 2: Judgment Day"

Liquid Terminator - It is such a nickname that the Robert has been fixed after entering the screens of the film "Terminator 2: Judgment Day". Terminator T-800, Hero Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the second part arrives again on Earth from the future. The task of the Terminator is to save John Connor, Sarah Connor's son, who will have to grow and defeat the robots rebels against humanity.

Robert Patrick as T-1000

In turn, the Character of Robert Patrick became the opposite of the "good" terminator. The T-1000 liquid robot represents a threat to John Connor, as the purpose of the machine is to eliminate the future leader of people. The advanced model of Cyborg T-1000 can take any form, and because it becomes almost invulnerable. The liquid crystal robot seeps through the walls and ceilings, catches bullets without harm to health, but it makes it impressive - on the place of firearms, even in the head, there are instantaneous shiny holes.

Similar transformation - the result of computer technologies, which were first used to create special effects in the second "Terminator". Yet new techno-prospects are not under the power of creating a silent handsome villager in a police form, so Robert Patrick took the case. The negative hero is regenerated and the family of Connors is being pursued without a break, and also differs with intelligence and intelligence, slyly reincarnated even in Sarah, trying to deceive opponents.

In memory of this role, Robert Patrick called the Austin's daughter - as a policeman, whose appearance accepted the character of the actor.

Personal life

High, Static (183 cm - Robert's growth) The actor is always in the center of attention of the American public. The personal life of this Hollywood film acter never becomes the topic for discussing the yellow press. Robert simply does not give reasons for scandalous missions.

Robert Patrick with his wife

Personal life of Robert Patricks was surprisingly happy. With his wife Barbara Hooper, a man met that a difficult period when she walked around the castings, lived in the car and worked with a bartender and a painter. By the way, with the future spouse Robert met just during work in the bar.

The spouses Robert and Barbara became when Patrick was filmed in the Terminator. Two children had a couple of children - Austin Girl and Samuel Boy.

Robert Patrick now

Today, Robert Patrick is not at all on a well-deserved holiday. In February 2017, the film "Ghosts Eloiz" came out on the screens. In this film actor played Dr. Grayss.

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Thriller Robert Legato tells about friends who broke into the abandoned institution of a crazy house ("Eloiz"), trying to discover evidence of death. The document will provide Jacobu Martin (the role of Chase Crawford) the right to inheritance. Despite all efforts, the group learned that "Eloz" keeps a terrifying story, and also hides the secret of their own past.

In March 2017, American media reported that Patrick entered the acting of a television project from Amazon - the film was filmed by the popular horror podcast of Aaron Channel Lore ("Knowledge").

This podcast became the best in 2015 on iTunes and one of the best subcastors of 2016 according to the Entertainment Weekly magazine. In one issue, paranormal stories associated with mythical creatures and creatures in which people willingly believed in the Middle Ages. The role of Patrick has not yet been named.

The producer of the new ribbon will be Gail Ann Herd, known for working on the series "The Walking Dead". The film is expected at the box office in 2018.

In the service Instagram and other social networks, fans already predict the success of the new work of Patrick, believing that their cummy will surprise and other roles.


  • 1990 - "Strong Oreshk 2"
  • 1991 - "Terminator-2: Judgment Day"
  • 1993 - "Last kinhero"
  • 1993 - "Fire in the sky"
  • 1994 - "Double Dragon"
  • 1994 - "Zero tolerance"
  • 1995 - "Body Language"
  • 1995 - "Western"
  • 1998 - "Faculty"
  • 2000 - "Clan Soprano"
  • 2000-2002 - "Secret Materials"
  • 2007 - "Bridge in Terabitiya"
  • 2011 - "The right day to do it"
  • 2012 - "Cape Town Access Code"
  • 2017 - "Ghosts Eloz"

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