Valeria Shodbleva - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Valeria Shodbleva - Russian TV presenter of the news program "News" on the "First Channel".

Valeria Shodbleva was born in Moscow on August 16, 1978. After school, the girl who has been to the humanitarian science, entered the Moscow State Linguistic University, where the specialty translator received. By graduation, Valery was perfectly owned by English and French.

Professional biography of journalist began while studying. In January 2000, when the ship studied at the last year, she together with fellow students came to an internship to the office of the First Channel office, which a graduate of a linguistic university was organized, at that time had already worked there.

TV presenter Valeria Shodbleva

The girl liked the furnishings in the studio at the Ostankinskaya Telbashne, and she herself liked the leadership of the canal. As a result, after receiving a diploma, Valery was invited to the position of editor of the International Directorate Directorate of Information Programs on the "First Channel".

Although the employment of Valeria at the "Channel One" and looked pretty simple, it is worth noting that only two student remained from the whole group of internships in the international department: Valery Shogubeva and Dmitry Schugoryv, who today leads the "Vesti-24" channel today.


At the aforementioned position, Valery Shop worked for six years, after which she received a new proposal - to try himself as a speaker and TV host day issues of the program "News". The young woman agreed and since then regularly appears on the TV screens.

Valeria Shodbleva

The appearance of the new TV presenter quickly attracted the attention of journalists. Already in 2008, Valery Corableva received an invitation to become a party to the thematic photo shoot for the popular Gala glossy magazine. The photo session was called "Says and Shows Moscow", and the photo was made in the style of the 60s of the last century.

The photographer of the project was the German professional Gulliver Tais. In addition to shipyards, Marina Kim from the program "Vesti" and Inga Yumashev from the Transmission of Vesti-Moscow, both from the TV channel "Russia" made partners for the photo.

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In the fall of 2010, the TV presenter appeared on the pages of another glossy publication - "Harper's Bazaar". Valeria was photographed for the project under the "Stylish Channel One" and gave an interview, where he told about personal addictions regarding fashion and style.

In general, many viewers call Valery the decoration of the news of the "First Channel", although not all representatives of the public share a similar enthusiastic opinion. Judging by the comments on social networks, some of the newsmen "news" have the impression that the leading diction somewhat does not comply with the standards of modern television.

Valeria Shodbleva,

In 2016, Valery Shodbleva also led the 14th "Direct line with Russian President Vladimir Putin. With its responsibilities, the journalist coped perfectly and held this direct air at a high level.

Personal life

When Valeria Corableva came to an internship at the "Channel One", there she met the editor of the International Department, whose name was Peter. The man immediately drew attention to the slender (the accurate growth of Valeria is unknown) and the spectacular girl, especially in the yard there was winter, and Valeria came tanned, as the New Year holiday held with their parents in South Africa.

TV presenter Valeria Shodbleva

But Valeria reciprocately answered far from immediately. Colleagues talked about the girl as a cold beauty - how Peter himself later recalls, the man did not even worry about competitors, because no one could approach the new journalist. At first, Peter did not work anything. A man has a bright sense of humor and a special, "stern" manner of a conversation that at first forced the girl to blush and ignore the obsessive Uhager.

However, soon Valery appreciated eloquence, and a sense of humor of a man. After some time, Peter invited the ship on a date, after which they began to meet regularly. Peter thanks for this the best friend who spontaneously persuaded him to finally call the girl on a date.

Many colleagues soon began to assume that Valeria and Peter are already married, but in fact the head did not hurry to make the proposal of his beloved-subordinate. As a result, the wedding was played only 10 years after dating.

It is curious that Petra's parents got acquainted with Valeria's mom only on the day of the official celebration. Since then, the spouses are actually separated by any afternoon or at night, as they continue to work in one company: Peter has already advanced in his career to the post of Deputy Head of the Information Program Directorate. That is why Valery's marriage is constantly interested in journalists - a strong family, in which her husband and wife have no opportunity to relax for each other even at work, has already become an interesting material for a number of magazines with plots from the life of stars.

Valeria Shodbleva

A year after marriage in the family, replenishment appeared: Valery Shopheva gave birth to Peter Son, who was called Artem. Interestingly, the TV presenter continued to work until the latter and went to the decret only a month before the birth, and when the topic was eight weeks, it was again back on the ether of the "First Channel".

TV presenter does not hide personal preferences. So, in an interview with Valeria, he said that the Formula of Love and Avatar paintings also believed, and the Roman "Lord Mukh" of William Golding prefers from books. On the question of his favorite food, the journalist replied that he loves sweet.

TV presenter Valeria Shodbleva

Also, Valeria Shopubeva told about how the birth of a son changed her life. According to the TV presenter, it began to be much softer or sentimentally, it can pierce on a touching moment in the film.

But, despite this openness as well as known to fans, the TV presenter does not lead an account in "Instagram" and is not divided by news from personal life directly in social networks.

Valeria Shrubleva now

In January 2017, Valery Shozubeva changed a few jobs. Valeria Shopubeva remained a TV presenter of the "First Channel", but began to have issues of "evening news." However, this situation lasted only until September of the same year.

In the fall of 2017, Andrei Uharev was released on the air, and the leadership again translated Valery to the day for daytime issues.


  • 2000 - editor of the International Division of the Information Program of the First Channel Information Programs
  • 2006 - TV presenter of day issues of the program "News"
  • 2008 - Photoproject "Says and Shows Moscow" magazine "Gala"
  • 2016 - the leading 14th straight line with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin
  • 2017 - TV presenter of "Evening News"

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