Elena Vinnik - photo, biography, personal life, news, leading 2021



Elena Vinnik - the face of the first channel, the main information resource of Russia, the owner of the title of the most stylish and feminine TV presenter. For commitment to a healthy lifestyle, she was awarded to the Prize of the All-Russian Competition of Journalists. Vinnik personally browsing the stories that will be on the air:"The main principle of feeding news is that this is just new. If we start talking about the history of the event more than about the event itself, this news no longer has the right to exist. "

Childhood and youth

Elena was born in September 1976 in Pskov. According to information received from some media, the maiden name of the TV host Malinskaya. By the sign of the zodiac, she Virgo. As for nationality, individual sites, not leading any evidence, write that Vinnik is a Jew.

As a child, Lena dreamed of becoming a veterinarian and treat animals. In school years, in parallel with general education lessons, she was engaged in the dance team "Lada", attended the section of rhythmic gymnastics and became a master of sports. Having received a maturity certificate, Vinnika entered the Pskovsky Filty Institute, then graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of Russia.

The specialty of the lawyer was given to Elena fairly easy. TV presenter emphasizes the role of practitioners who have learned not bare theory, but to life things. Now, when preparing news texts, it sees where and what errors - the wrong link or is not specified by the legislative act, and measures measures in advance.

Thanks to deep knowledge, Vinnik won the Grant of the Open Society Institute, founded by the George Soros Foundation, for additional training at University of Manchester. From the UK, the girl returned with a master's degree in international family law.

Television and journalism

Televant career Elena Vinnik began in his native Pskov in 1994. The fact that the local TV channel holds a competition for the role of the lead, her mother learned. The woman insisted that her daughter had tried herself in this casting. Elena passed the selection and first received the place of the correspondent, and then the speaker in the Pskov GTRK. Largely girl passed on Telecom 7 channel, but soon returned to the previous place of work.

In 2000, Vinnik was in search of other horizons went to Moscow. Regional and federal television, according to Elena, distinguish not only the scale, but also send, the method of filing information. To the first one should not make high demands. But the second are obliged directly from the entry to keep the attention of the viewer, which, as is known from psychology, is dissipated already on the 15th second.

In the capital, Vinnika fell into the studio of the popular NTV channel. Soon, the girl was selected to the place of the leading program "Today" - began with the morning esters, then moved along with Andrei Ukharev, before that she was working in the news on the first channel, on daytime issues.

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The new format of federal news demanded from Elena maximum collaboration. Daily broadcast live did not give an error right. Work in the information agency taught the TV presenter with attention to reports and always recheck the facts. The duties of the Great Programs "Today" included the creation of the text, the release layout. A pair with the chef editor Elena Vinnik regulated the order of the news.

Favorite girls had plots about culture, about charity events, household problems of citizens. The journalist believed that if about the latter to talk on a popular channel, the authorities will react faster. And in reports about the meetings of the government, Elena did not see sense at all and tried to "run to" them as soon as possible.

On NTV, Vinnik worked for more than 12 years. During this time, he managed to gain confession of colleagues as the most charming TV presenter of 2007. The same rank is proud of Larisa Verbicksk and Julia Bordovsky.

TV presenter Elena Vinnik (Frame from the Evening News program)

In 2011, Elena Vinnik participated in the filming of the social documentary tape "Live, Kid!" Charitable Foundation St. Vasily of the Great and Foundation "Life Window". The purpose of creating the film was the preservation of the lives of the children not yet born, the prevention of abortions. The famous media individuals and part-time loving motines were performed in the frame - Natalia Metnina, Diana Gurtskaya, Irina Slutskaya, Irena Ponaroshka.

In April 2015, Vinnik and Andrei Ucharev switched to work on the first channel. Now you can see the Ether News Information Program. After the departure of Elena with NTV, Julia Bekhtereva, Lilia Guildeev, Dmitry Warystnoye and Egor Kolyvanov were introduced into the project "Today".

Personal life

When the TV presenter arrived in Moscow in 2000, the fellow countryman met, the future of the wife of Andrei Vinnika. Selected - Candidate of Economic Sciences and Biotechnologist. Quite quickly, Andrei and Elena became her husband and wife.

According to the popular publication "Komsomolskaya Pravda", Vinnik - the second spouse of the journalist. In his youth, she was first combined with a marriage with a classmate for the free institute, but before moving to the capital divorced. Now Elena happens in a small homeland every six months. In Pskov, the TV presenter remained friends - teachers of the university and mother.

In 2000, the firstborn was born in the family - the daughter of Catherine, followed by 2 girls. In 2016, information spread that the first channel of the First Channel was pregnant with the fourth child. Elena Vinnik began to appear on the air in free clothing, and from December officially designed maternity leave. She temporarily replaced Valery Shozubeva.

Presumably, in May Elena gave birth to a son, and in September 2017 he returned to official duties - Dmitry Borisov was replaced by the release of "evening news", which went to the transfer "Let them say."

Chet Vinnikov takes care of children's health, so it lives not in the megalopolis, but in a country house, next to nature. Family often travels. TV presenter is interested in Asian countries and all that is connected with them: kitchen, dancing, languages. From each trip brings exotic souvenirs, which decorate the interior of the house. In his free time, Elena attends the Eastern Dance classes.

"Sometimes you read on the Internet:" Nowhere to find photos of Vinnik. " I appreciate it very much. I do not go to the parties. I do not want someone to climb into my personal life, "so Elena explains why information about it is so dosed.

For this reason, a large mother who has retained the maiden figure (weight of 55 kg with a height of 166 cm), does not demonstrate itself in a swimsuit in social networks, not being removed in advertising, although the proposals came repeatedly. In "Instagram" from her name, an account is registered, still not completed. In addition, in the "enetsyshnyy" times, the channel management gave to understand that it is not forbidden to be removed, but then it will have to decide where it is still working.

TV presenter Elena Vinnik (Frame from the Evening News program)

It is known that Elena periodically holds master classes for students of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino" and the Higher School of Cinema. At lectures introduces students of universities with the secrets of the profession, as well as the fact that the work of the TV host implies publicity. This means that and out of the air it is important to look worthy, not to give a reason for rumors.

The Vinnick itself does not catch without makeup, in a bad mood. A woman comes out with a neat haircut and in restrained outfits. True, users note that the dismissal from NTV entailed changes not for the better: the image of the TV host became too faded and conservative, if not to say old-fashioned.

Elena Vinnik Saiza

In 2019, against the background of the exacerbated confrontation of Russia with the West Elena, Vinnik recalled his studies abroad for the money of Soros. Telegram-channel "MediaTechnologist" issued a publication that the presence of such people "on one of the main news fields of the country" is equivalent to the penetration of the enemy intelligence officer straight into the enemy headquarters. This is definitely a blow to the reputation of the first channel, whose leaders should be carefully selecting frames.

Elena Vinnika in 2019 (frame from the Evening News program)

With the name of Elena, Ekaterina Andreva and the disappearance from the "first button". In any case, the Channel Channel "Channel" hinted on this, who said that the "expansion" of Vinnik in the evening news pays a certain businessman. Allegedly he is personally interested in the leading airtime has increased.

Similar news, rather looking at rumors, did not attract special attention, the media-space reaction did not follow. Did not give comments and Elena.


  • 1994-2000 - Dictator of Pskov GTRK
  • 2003-2015 - Speaker of the program "Today" on NTV
  • 2015- on N.V. - Leading "Evening News" on the "First Channel"

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