Justin Tera - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Justin Terau is a famous American actor, screenwriter and director. Starting a career with poor roles on theatrical layouts, the artist eventually won the popularity of the audience in cinema. Fame thanks to the paintings "American Psychopath", "Duplex", "Thirst for Strangers" and "Girl in the train".

He was born in the capital of the United States. Mom Justin, Phyllis Teru, was a writer and composed articles for the newspaper "The Washington Post", and the Father of Eugene Theer was engaged in jurisprudence. It is worth mentioning that the famous writer Paul Teutre, winner of literary awards, has to act a native uncle.

Actor Justin Teru.

When Justin went to Lafayette elementary school, he had no certain thoughts about the future profession.

Theory could not be called a diligent boy. He often conflict with teachers and peers. As a result, a young man was excluded several times from school.

Justin Teru.

In the middle classes, he went to study at the Massachusetu school BUXTON. There he regularly participated in the student performances and gradually imbued with love for the scene. In addition, rigid discipline was observed at school. This led to a change in the nature of the young man.

With a certificate of maturity, Justin Tera went to Vermont and entered the private Bennington College, where until 1993 studied acting skills and became a bachelor of scenic arts. The young performer was invited to theaters, but in some noticeable productions at the initial stage, career did not participate.

Actor Justin Teru.

After some time, the life of Justin's brought with comic book with Ben Stiller. The styller influenced the creativity of the novice artist.

As a result, Justin focused on cinema and, as life showed, did not lose.


The debut in the movie Justin Tera took place in 1996, when he starred in an extreme biographical drama "I shot in Andy Warhol".

The first serious role went to the actor in the youth comedy "Romi and Michel at a meeting of graduates." Justin also appeared in such well-known projects as the Thriller "American Psychopath", the humorous series "Sex in the Big City" and an adventure fighter "Angels Charlie: Full ahead."

In 2003, the artist appeared in the Black Comedy Danny de Vito "Duplex". He fulfilled the role of a friend of the main character. Following the two TV series "Spy" and "Client Always Deck".

Popularity came to the actor after entering the screens of the mystical thriller "Inner Empire", where the therter fulfilled the lead role. The picture was presented at the Film Festival in Venice. Critics highly appreciated the film, as a result of which he received the Golden Lion.

Thriller followed the romantic melodrama "Love with a dictionary".

In 2011, the artist's filmography was replenished with the Comedy "Brave Pepper". The picture caused ambiguous opinions from critics and spectators. Justin on the set amounted to Natalie Portman and James Franco.

From the works of the teer, the sparkling comedy "Thirst for Strands", religious fantasy "left" and the psychological thriller "Girl in the train".

In the television series "left" Justin performed the main role of the Chief Police of Kevin Garvey. The spectators warmly met a multi-sized film, as a result of which the tape was extended for two seasons.

One of the main roles Thera played in the sensational film "Girl in the train". It was the expected picture of 2016. However, the tape received mixed critics reviews.

It should be noted that Justin Tera is involved in the set not only as an actor. He wrote scenarios for the militant "soldiers of failure", Action "Iron Man 2", the musical "Rock on the century" and the comedy "Exemplary Male 2". In addition, a man made a director of the lyrical drama "Dedication" and the video clip of the group "MUSE" on the song "Hysteria".

Personal life

Actor Justin Tera, for 14 years, met with Heidi Bivens stylist. They became acquainted in 1997 and were considered an inseparable couple. Justin and Heidi lived in actual marriage and did not hurry with the wedding. Later we walked rumors that Bivens wanted family and children, and the Teutre was not ready for this step.

Justin Tera and Heidi Bivens

On the set of comedy "Thirst for Strasts", Tera fell in love with the leadership of the leading role Jennifer Aniston. Jen is known to the audience as Rachel in the series "Friends". Then the artist lived with Heidi, but the feelings for Jennifer took the top. As a result, he collected things and moved.

During the year, Tera and Aniston often glow together, but did not comment on their connection. Then the actor with a new girl moved to New York. Jennifer abandoned the shooting for a year and with his head plunged into relations. In the next birthday, Jennifer Beloved made her an offer, and the couple officially announced the public about his engagement.

Justin Tera and Jennifer Aniston

But if about the hoops, Tera and Aniston reported loudly, then fans and journalists learned about the wedding only postfactum. The fact is that they got married secretly, on the night from 5 to 6 August 2015, in his own mansion in Los Angeles.

In early 2018, the couple announced a divorce. Fans of the Union Teurtu Aniston do not cease to guess about the causes of spouses. Former beloved did not give comments about this, but indicated that the breakdown in relationship had long ago, but they tried to save the family.

Justin Tera and Jennifer Aniston

Later, the network has information that the divorce in the family happened due to the lack of children. Although Justin knew about the problems of Jennifer about maternity, he hoped that his beloved would give birth to a man's man.

During the collaboration of the wife of four dogs. After the divorce, Jennifer left three favorites at home, and Justin took one.

Now the former husband and wife went to different cities. Justin Terau lives in New York, Jennifer Aniston - in Los Angeles. To come to yourself after the divorce stars help close friends. Later, the media wrote that the couple officially did not register the marriage.

Justin Teru.

After the announcement of parting on the network, rumors about new novels of artists appeared. Jennifer again brought in Brad Pitt. One edition even joined Jen and Brad's pictures depicting a kiss, and placed a photo on the cover of the release.

And with Justin, pictures of the paparazzi appeared, on which the Teutre walked under the handle with the actress of the Obry Plasa. A little earlier, the actor was attributed to Petro Collins. So after divorce, the personal life of Justin Teru is a sweat careful supervision. But during announcement of parting Justin and Jennifer asked fans not to believe that the media would write about them.

Justin Tera and Obry Plaza

Like most celebrities, Justin Tera, headed microblogging in "Instagram". The artist is divided with fans of personal photos and snapshots of Backstej.

Justin Tera now

The career biography of the actor does not stand still. It continues to be filmed and regularly appears on the screens.

In December 2017, the world premiere of the religious film "Star Wars: the last Jedi", in which Tera lit up as "cracker masters".

In February 2018, a fantastic picture of "Smey" came out. Justin tried on one of the main roles. In the press the film received for the most part negative reviews.


  • 1996 - "I shot Andy Warhol"
  • 1997 - "Romi and Michel in a meeting of graduates"
  • 1998-1999 - "Sex in the Big City"
  • 2000 - "American Psychopath"
  • 2001 - "Exemplary Male"
  • 2003 - "Duplex"
  • 2003-2004 - "The client is always dead"
  • 2006 - "Inner Empire"
  • 2007 - "Love with a dictionary"
  • 2011 - "Brave Pepper"
  • 2012 - "Third Strangers"
  • 2014-2017 - "left"
  • 2016 - "Girl in the train"
  • 2017 - "Star Wars: Last Jedies"
  • 2018 - "Some"

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