David Finchercher - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, thriller "MANK", filmography, director 2021



On the account of the American director David Fincher, there are not so many kinocartin, most of which are psychological thrillers. But the master takes not by quantity, but by quality, creating some masterpieces for years, breathing life into every creation. In addition, Fincher has established itself as a talented author of video clips, which worked with pop and rock stars.

Childhood and youth

David Fincher was born in the town of Denver, located in the center of America - in Colorado. But rather soon, parents transported the Son to California, where the father, the reporter and the journalist Howard Kelly Fincera were offered a highly paid position. Mom boy, Claire Mei Botcher, was considered a high-class nurse, so for a woman with a popular profession was not fundamental, in which place to live and work.

David was 7 years old when a desire appeared to associate life with cinema. The fact is that the child watched the popular Western "Buch Cassidy and Sandens Kid" and wanted to become a director. A year later, the Fincher was already confidently held in his hands to the film and filmed his own short films, of course, or children.

David did not receive special education. Immediately after school, the young man got a handyman for a film studio and watched how the masterpieces occurs. The 2nd part of the "Star Wars" epic made such an impression on the guy that Fincher had every effort and came to the creation of special effects created by George Lucas. The authorship of David owns effects in such famous ribbons as "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Fate" and "Star Wars: Jedi's Return."

Video clips

In his youth, David received a proposal to become a director in the field of commerce. Fincher did not refuse and managed to invite advertising in the rank of art. The social clip on the order of the American oncological society was affected by the scandalous popular, in which the baby smokes in the mother's womb. For the mid-80s, such special effects looked on the verge of fiction. The master created spectacular video for brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nike and Levi's.

From under the "pen" of the director there was a lot of music clips. Fincher took a video for world-class stars: George Michael, Aerosmith Group, Michael Jackson, Sting, Justin Timberlake and many others. But David's greatest success was achieved in collaboration with Madonna.

Together with this extravagant singer, Fincher took a roller roller, which can be called mini-films: Bad Girl, Oh, Father and Vogue. The last one at the ceremony of the MTV 1990 awards was in all 9 nominations, becoming a record holder in the number of victories in history, and David recognized the best clipmaker of the end of the 20th century.


The first artistic ribbon shot by David became the 3rd part of the fantastic saga "Alien", which was the continuation of the creations of Ridley Scott and James Cameron. The picture was not too successful in a commercial plan, but behind the finger, the characteristic of the director with its own author's vision, ready to defend an opinion in front of producers and project managers.

Then David removed a more successful thriller about the serial killer "Seven" and the psychological drama about the alternative reality "Game", which at first critics were not very warm. However, over time, the audience examined all the verge of the Creation of the Fincher. Fans believe that the action was ahead of his era for a couple of decades.

The first Popular Tape of David is the screening of the novel Chuck Palanik's "Fight Club". Here the director managed to show himself as a man of ironic, who knows how to neatly ridicule the shortcomings of society. The picture became the leader of the video rental and became among the religious films required for viewing. Edward Norton played the main characters, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter.

Later, Fincher removed the triller "Fear Room", the Zodiac Detective and the Mystical Drama "Mysterious History of Benjamin Button", which acquired incredible popularity thanks to a non-standard plot and surrealness of what is happening.

In 2007, David tried strength and as an actor, appearing in the role of himself in the episode of the dramatic series "Dirt", telling about unprincipled journalists. The American weekly TV Guide called the project "Theoress, vulgar and incredibly exciting".

In 2010, the director replenished the filmography of the biographical picture on the Creator "Facebook" by Mark Zuckerberg "Social Network". The tape was awarded the Oscar premiums, the Golden Globe and a number of other prestigious awards.

Detective "Girl with a dragon tattoo" deserves separate attention among the creations of the Fincher. Russian film critic Roman Volobuev highly appreciated the project, stressing "flawlessly licked Fincherovsky Misanszen", which "are shot from the screen in the ruthless, almost disco rhythm, so do not have time to exhale."

Like a "girl with a dragon tattoo", the tape "disappeared" with Ben Affleck is the screening of the same name of the novel of Stong Larsson, the first book from the Millennium trilogy; Fans of the series along with fans of the creator of the director continue to wait for the sequel "The girl who played with fire."

In 2013, David completed the work on the political drama "Card House". The series tells about the revenge of Congressman, who helped the US presidential candidate, but did not receive the post of State Secretary, as the candidate promised. The picture received numerous positive feedback, so it was extended for 6 seasons. At the end of 2017, the actor of the leading role Kevin Spacy accused of sexual harassment. Netflix channel manual suspended shooting.

After a series of successful full-length films, Fincher added a multi-line tape into a creative biography of the real serial killers "The Hunter for Mind." The project is filmed rather in the drama genre, and not a detective. David was directed by 4 episodes from 10, and the rest participated as an executive producer.

In the same role, Fincher manifested himself in working on the animation of 2019 "Love, Death and Robots". The first season consisted of 18 episodes, each of which was created by different teams from around the world. Together with Tim Miller, David was inspired by HEAVY Metal comics.

Personal life

Fincher first married in 1990, on a wave of his own success in the music segment. The spouse became the model and photographer of Dona Fuorentino. The Union presented David Daughter Felix Aimogen Fincher, but existed only 5 years. Later, the former wife married the popular actor Gary Oldman, but he also lived with him about the same length of time.

The director himself soon gained happiness with the producer of Sian Chaffin, with which he met during cooperation in the work on the film "Fight Club". Now Sian is engaged in moving the paintings of her husband. There are no joint children.

Fincher repeatedly admitted that an alien view for him does not have almost no meaning. David comes as it considers the right and necessary. Personal life to exhibit applicants does not like - family photos are rarely becoming public domain.

David Fincher now

At the end of the 2020, Fincher presented the biographical film "Mank". Almost immediately the project has earned a number of premiums. But at the ceremony "Golden Globe - 2021", where the nominees were attended by remotely, the tape did not receive awards. The director remains to hope that nominations for Oscar are justified. Amanda, Amanda Seyfried, starred in the "semal" in the second plan, was among the possible applicants for the cherished statuette.

In February 2021, David announced work on the thriller "Killer", which will play the main role in Michael Fassbender. The picture is based on the French comic-novel Alexis Noulenta. The start of filming was announced for September.


  • 1992 - "Alien 3"
  • 1997 - "Game"
  • 1999 - "Fight Club"
  • 2002 - "Fear Room"
  • 2007 - Zodiac
  • 2008 - "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton"
  • 2010 - "Social Network"
  • 2011 - "Girl with a dragon tattoo"
  • 2013 - "Card House"
  • 2014 - "Disappeared"
  • 2017 - "Reason Hunter"
  • 2019 - "Love, Death and Robots"
  • 2020 - "MANK"

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