Sergey Dorenko - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death



Sergey Dorenko is a famous television and radio officer who are ill-wishers called a media celller, and fans are true. He served as chief editor "Says Moscow".

Sergey Dorenko was born in Kerch in the fall of 1959. The boy was brought up in the family of the naval pilot Leonid Dorenko and the librarian Tatiana Dorenko.

Television and radio officers Sergey Dorenko

Because of the work of the Father, the family often changed the place of residence. Soon after the birth of the son of his parents, together with the child, moved to Irkutsk, from there to Omsk. Then in the suburbs. But in grade 1, Sergey went in the town of Nizhny Novgorod (then the Gorky) region. However, there is no study, and parents transported the Son to Kerch, where grandma lived. Here Dorenko went to grade 3.

The guy was granted himself, the grandmother was not a strict inspector and did not closely follow the success of the grandson. Nevertheless, Sergey studied well. The boy was addicted to reading. The last school, where the young man received the certificate of maturity and the gold medal, was in Volgograd. After receiving the certificate of maturity, Dorenko went to the capital and filed documents immediately in several universities, but a financial institution was a priority for him.

Sergey Dorenko in youth

It was not possible to enter the financial procedure, so Sergey entered the university of friendship of peoples by choosing the Faculty of Philology. The young man decided that he would soon be able to translate into the university, which was aimed initially. But studying at the university, the study of foreign languages ​​and accommodation in the hostel together with Latin Americans so fascinated that Dorenko changed his mind to translate.

Sergey University graduated, receiving diplomas in 3 specialties: a teacher of the Russian language, as well as a translator from Spanish and Portuguese.


Sergey Dorenko's labor biography began in 1982. The young man went to Angola as a portuguese translator. Then returned to Moscow, where the family was waiting. But in the capital of Sergey, the agenda was already waiting for the army. However, the service was short-lived: due to twice transferred malaria, Dorenko served only six months.

In 1985 his journalistic activity began. After work, Sergey's ordinary employee was appointed editor on television. Soon, Dorenko entrusted the transfer of "120 minutes", "Morning", "News" on the "First Channel" and "Vesti" to "RTR".

Fame to Dorenko came after scandalous reports on the events of the early 1990s in Lithuania. Career journalist has rapidly developed. Sergey became the head of the information broadcasting on Ort, the leading news program "Time" and the author's transfer called "Program Sergey Dorenko". During this period, the journalist is gaining ratings due to the acute criticism of government representatives. Dorenko told TV reviewers about the real estate and capital of Yuri Luzhkov. Criticized Anatoly Chubais, Boris Nemtsova and Vladimir Putin.

In the autumn of 1999, Dorenko appointed the Deputy Director General of the ORT channel, but in 2001 he was removed from all posts on the channel due to provocative programs and sharp criticism of power. The program dedicated to the situation with the Kursk submarine was the last release of the Author's program of Sergey Dorenko.

In 2003, Sergey Leonidovich joined the ranks of the Communist Party. And in 2004 began to cooperate with "echo of Moscow." Here, Sergey for 4 years led the transfer of "special opinion" and "reversal."

Sergey Dorenko on Radio

In 2008, Sergey Dorenko left the radio "Echo Moskvy" radio: the journalist was offered to lead the radio station "Russian News Service". Here Dorenko carried out general guidance and led on weekdays the morning information and analytical show "Raising!".

In 2012, Sergey Leonidovich left the Rows of the Communist Party of the Communist Party, making it loudly and significantly: Dorenko said that he would now send party contributions to the development of Wikipedia, which is much more useful for the country than the Communists.

Since the summer of 2013, Dorenko is again invited to "Echo of Moscow", where he became the leading transmission of "reversal." And the journalist since 2012 mastered the Internet and opened a personal video blog on Youtube hosting. Sergey used Rasstriga and Pastushok nicknames. Blogger's speeches immediately gained popularity among journalist fans. Dorenko himself did not consider himself an independent journalist, but called his own character.

From February 2014, Dorenko appeared on the radio station "says Moscow". Sergey Leonidovich was the editor-in-chief of "GM".

Personal life

In marriage with Marina Fedorenkov, three children were born from Sergey Dorenko. After the return of spouses from Angola, the young daughter Katya was born. A year later, in 1985, the second girl of Ksenia appeared. The only son of Dorenko, Prokhor, was born in 1999. But the need to upbringing three children did not save the cracked Marriage of Sergei and Marina.

In the personal life of the famous television and radio friend, a journalist Julia Silavin appeared. They met on the radio station "RSN", where together led the "Lifting!" Transmission.

Julia Silyavin and Sergey Dorenko

In 2010, Sergei Dorenko's personal life was in the top of the news of yellow editions. Julia Silyavin gave birth from Sergey daughter to cook. In the summer of 2013, the pair legalized the relationship. At that time, two girls had already grown in the family of Sergei and the second wife: the daughter of Vera was born in 2011.

In addition to YouTube, Sergey Dorenko led personal accounts in "Instagram", "Facebook" and "Twitter". But if the first social network journalist dedicated mainly personal and family photos, then in others there was often topical posts.


Staying the radio host and chief editor, "says Moscow," Sergey Dorenko took his niche in the Russian blogosphere. His posts on political and social topics did not lose topicality and acute. O

The journalist continued to pour aporishes towards government officials. In the fall, Sergey called Irina Yarina and Elena Mizulina "Swabes", but after a day apologized, explaining that this word meant the beauty of both women.

Television and radio officers Sergey Dorenko

Sergey Dorenko did not stay away from important events in the country, trying to personally comment on what is happening. One of the first editor-in-chief "says Moscow" arrived in Kemerovo after the tragedy of the TC "Winter Cherry". Vladimir Putin flew to the city, Sergey Dorenko informed his "Twitter" subscribers.

In March 2018, a court session was held on the proceedings between the editor-in-chief "says Moscow" and the publishing house "", where the plaintiff represented by representatives of the information site presented a claim in the amount of 10 million rubles Sergey Dorenko for insulting honor and dignity.

Sergey Dorenko

In November 2017, Sergey Dorenko called "" "Pornamet" in the radio program "Lifting". But directly to the court, which was scheduled for March 29, none of the participants in legal proceedings appeared. Later it became known that "" refused the moral and financial complaints to the defendant.


On May 9, 2019, it became known that Sergey Dorenko died after an accident in Moscow. He drove on a motorcycle and fell on the street of an earthen shaft.

Later it turned out that the cause of the death of a journalist was not injured as a result of an accident, but heart problems. Dorenko worsened well-being, which is why he lost control of the vehicle.

On May 10, the media fell in the media to conclude an opening, according to which the cause of the death of Sergei Dorenko was the gap of aorta.


  • 1985-1991 - "120 minutes", "television news service"
  • 1991-1992 - "News"
  • 1992-1993 - "Time"
  • 1994 - "Details"
  • 1995 - "Versions"
  • 1996 - "Characters"
  • 1998-1999 - "Time"
  • 1999-2000 - "Author's program Sergey Dorenko"
  • 2004-2008 - "Special Opinion"
  • 2005-2008 - "Turn"

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