Yuri Vyazemsky - biography, photo, personal life, news, "clever and clever", wife, Evgenia Simonova 2021



Yuri Pavlovich Vyazemsky (Simonov) is a bright representatives of the modern Russian intelligentsia. Most of the audience he is familiar as the TV presenter of the Magniki and Mistnie. In addition, Yuri Pavlovich is a writer, a philosopher and head of the Department of World Literature in MGIMO, and still erudite and polyglot, fluent in five languages.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Simonov was born in Leningrad at the beginning of the summer of 1951. The history of the family is such that on its basis it is possible to write an exciting and tragic novel. Grandfather, who was called Stankevich, was convicted of Mikhail Tukhachevsky and shot in Stalin's times. Soon shifted and grandmother. The orphaned boy Pavel Stankevich adopted the sculptor Vasily Simonov, who gave his child to his surname. So the father of the TV presenter became Pavel Simonov, subsequently by the biophysicist, psychologist and academician.

The second grandfather serve - Sergey Vyazemsky, historian and the creator of the richest archive of the history of St. Petersburg, nobleman on origin.

Pavel Simonov and Olga Vyazemskaya got married, and in this marriage two children were born - Yuri Simonov (later who took the last name of the mother as a creative pseudonym) and the actress Evgenia Simonov. Since Yuri as a child often acted, the family council decided to leave the child in Leningrad with his grandparents. Parents with her daughter went to Moscow. This time for Yuri was not in vain, since he was lucky to learn in the musical decade at the Leningrad Conservatory. At 9 years old, the boy moved to the capital.

Yuri Vyazemsky with sister Evgenia Simonova

In the capital, Yuri Vyazemsky studied in a special school with an in-depth study of foreign languages, after the end of which he entered MGIMO by choosing the Faculty of International Journalism.

After receiving a diploma MGIMO Simonov-Vyazemsky, one time worked in the magazine "International Life". And when Sister Evgeny Simonova entered the Schukinsky Theater School, argued with her classmates Yuri Vasilyev and Leonid Yarmolnik, which will also go to Pike. And won the dispute. But in the school he studied only half a year, in time to realizing what was wrong.


Taking the name of the mother as a pseudonym, Yuri Pavlovich sent strength to literary activities. In 1982, Vyazemsky released the first book in which the stories and the story "Jester" were included. The high assessment of this work was given in the review that the influential "literary newspaper" posted.

In the story, Vyazemsky revealed the theme of moral education of young people. The main character of the work of the young writer - the young man, endowed with intellectual abilities, which begins to take revenge on the feeling of resentment. In 1988, the eponymous film was filmed by director Andrei Eshpay. To write a script was attracted by the author of the work.

But the writer did not deepen into journalism, and went to another way. In a year, Yuri Vyazemsky released the philosophical work "On the origin of spirituality", which wrote with his father Pavel Simonov. Then the scientific publications "and on Earth" (1993), "Open Letter Ivan Karamazov" (1994), "Weapons of Odyssey" (2003).

Writer and TV presenter Yuri Vyazemsky

In 1993, the biography of Yuri Vyazemsky enriched another chapter: Yuri Pavlovich appointed the head of the Department of World Literature MGIMO. He works here today: he reads lectures in Russian and English in several disciplines of cultural and religious orientation. Yuri Vyazemsky is considered to be a cult teacher MGIMO. According to colleagues, students relate to him as a native father. On joint photos, which fall into the press, in the burning eyes of Vyazemsky's students, you can judge the rightness of this judgment.

In the early 1990s, Yuri Vyazemsky began working on the ORT channel. The writer came up with and created a unique enlightenment program for children and teenagers "Mokhpers and Umnikni", the analogues of which at that time was not anywhere in the world. Intelligent Olympiad for teenagers immediately gained high ratings. Every year 7 winners of the television show get the right to study in MGIMO.

Yuri Vyazemsky - biography, photo, personal life, news,

The participants of each issue for preparing the material on a given topic is given month. The task of the program is to prepare erudites for admission to the prestigious university of the country and introduce the public with the pages of world history and culture. According to Yuri Vyazemsky, he created this program for his entertainment.

The Vyazemsky program was awarded three times award. In 2003, he received recognition abroad. At the television festival in New York, the "Mokhpers and Umnitsa" entered the final of the competition.

Since 2010, Yuri Pavlovich produces a series of books, which is based on the material used in transmissions. These are collections of questions and answers in different fields of science. One of the popular publications of this series was the book "From Dante Aligiery to Astrid Erickson", released in 2014.

In addition, at the same time Yuri Vyazemsky began to work on the works of the evangelical subject "Poor Parrot or Youth of Pilate" (2012), "Great Lover or Youth Pontius Pilate" (2013). Works are genre mixing of artistic, historical and philosophical views. The first book of this series was the work of "Childhood of Pontius Pilate: Difficult Tuesday", written in the form of a novel autobiography.

Yuri Vyazemsky deeply religious man, his articles are often printed in the Orthodox magazine "Thomas". Works of Yuri Pavlovich highly appreciate the Russian church and public figure Vladimir Romanovich Legolad.

Yuri Vyazemsky

At the meeting of the Federation Council, which took place in March 2018, Yuri Vyazemsky made a proposal to open branches of the Sirius educational center throughout Russia. The main credo of the educational program proposed by Professor MGIMO has become two concepts: self-education and hard work.

Vyazemsky uttered his word in favor of the FGOS developed. Yuri Vyazemsky believes that there must be uniform education standards. The main program will take 70% of academic times, while 30% will be assigned to additional classes.

Personal life

Yuri Vyazemsky had two marriages. The first wife of the presenter became a classmate, in which Jura fell in love with the 9th grade, and married in 1970, when the young man turned 19. Two daughters were born in this union - Anastasia and Ksenia. But when girls have grown, the spouses realized that there were no more feelings. The pair was peacefully separated.

Older daughter Vyazemsky, Anastasia, lives in Switzerland. Junior Ksenia in London. The daughters presented the Father of five grandchildren.

Yuri Vyazemsky with his wife

Vyazemsky's personal life has improved in adulthood. Yuri Pavlovich met the current wife of Tatiana, a French language teacher by profession. For many years, Tatiana Aleksandrovna has been working together with her husband: the spouse - the chef editor of the "Melniki and Mistniki" program, and is also the executive director of the TV studio "TV image", which her husband created.

There are no common children with a couple, but Yuri Pavlovich has wonderful relations with the son of Tatiana Aleksandrovna from Sergei's first marriage.

Yuri Vyazemsky now

Now the writer continues to promote the intellectual project "Mokhpers and Mistnie". With the educational and introductory meetings, Professor MGIMO was already in many cities of Russia. Yuri Vyazemsky assesses modern youth in a positive key, noting that students most of the time are engaged in finding ways of self-expression paths, they lie less than in the times of the Soviet Union. By cons of the younger generation, the professor took the desire to rest more than working, as well as the desire for career growth for the sake of improving material goods.

In the spring of 2021, the writer went with a working trip to the Pskov region, where he met her head Mikhail Vedernikov. The topic of discussion was the prospects for the development of the All-Russian Olympiad.

The governor agreed that the area should focus on improving the prestige of education. Politician made a proposal to make a platform for the movement of the Humanitarian Olympiad Pskov State University. He also promised to help in all matters, including the provision of material and technical resources to ensure useful for youth events.

By the way, the TV host managed not only to chat with the statesman, but also to visit cultural places and iconic events for the region. For example, he found time to communicate with applicants based on the regional library. And also took part at the regional stage of the "Umnitsa and Magniki" in Pskov, which was devoted to the 800-year anniversary of Alexander Nevsky.


  • 1982 - "Jester"
  • 1989 - "On the origin of spirituality"
  • 1993 - "And on Earth World"
  • 1994 - "Open Letter Ivan Karamazov"
  • 2003 - "Armament Odyssey"
  • 2008 - "Sweet spring backerotes. Great Monday "
  • 2009 - "Strange Mrics. Compilation "
  • 2010 - "Childhood of Pontia Pilate. Difficult Tuesday "
  • 2010 - "Bastole"
  • 2012 - "Poor parrot, or the youth of Pilate. Difficult Tuesday "
  • 2013 - "Great Lover. Pontia Pilate's youth

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