Keiko Lee - biography, personal life, photo, participation in projects, show "Dancing on TNT" and the latest news 2021



The talented dancer Keiko Lee is called Korean with an ideal Russian. The girl was born in October 1993. Unfortunately, the exact place of the birth of Keikosh, as she loves himself to call, is unknown. Presumably, she was born in Moscow. But it is possible that she moved to the capital shortly after birth in Korea.

Keeko Lie

The flexibility and love of the girls to the dance pushed the parents to take a 3-year-old baby in a ballet school. Here Keiko did noticeable successes and even entered the Moscow choreographic school named after L. M. Lavrovsky, but on the third year of study injured his back. Young ballerina was forced to leave dreams of a ballet career forever.

But in one of his interviews Keiko or, how sometimes friends are called, Svetlana Keiko Lee, confessed that she did not make a special tragedy because of the inability to become a ballerina. After all, simultaneously with the ballet school, she attended the choreographic, where he learned to dance in the styles of Contemporary, Jazz Modern, Hip Hop and Break Dance. And she liked it much more than a painful classic ballet. As if she, she loves to lose weight, and the named styles just allow it to do.

Keeko Lie

Keiko Lee - a serious girl. After a forced leaving from the choreographic school, she decided to get a higher education. He entered Moscow State University, choosing the Solid Faculty of "Higher School of Cultural Policy and Management in the Humanitarian Sphere". In 2015, Svetlana Keiko Lee participated in the beauty contest, which was held at the university, and received the title "Miss MSU".

In the same 2015, the dance biography of Keiko Lee continued. The girl moved to St. Petersburg, which immediately fell in love. In this beautiful and from recently, she got a favorite city in the theater show "Leningrad Center", where it acts today.

Tele Show

Lovers of rating dance shows got acquainted with Keiko whether in 2015. The girl took part in the project "Dance" and reached the final, taking 5th place. Even then, Keikosh-Svetlana was remembered to many of his incredible plastics, discrepancies, children's immediacy and exotic appearance.

Participate in the dance projects of Keiko liked, and she again appeared on the screens in 2016. This time he took part in the 3 season of the rating project "Dances on TNT".

The season started in August, but whether Keiko appeared only at the end of September. In addition to her, two more St. Petersburg residents came to the show - Stanislav Litvinov and Konstantin Morozov.

The dancer claims that the goal she is persecuted is to develop and improve. And the project "Dance" is just one that will help climb the new professional level. Lee masterfully owns many modern styles, but the beloved calls Contemporary.

Personal life

On the topic "Personal life of Keiko Lee" fans of dance shows spoke after the appearance of a girl on the project "Dance". The dancer went on stage in a pair with another contestant - Boris Shipulin. Ranking, the novel of this beautiful pair broke out on the shooting of the program.

Caiko Lee and Boris Shipulin

But neither Sipulin, not confirmed and did not refute the presence of this novel. Therefore, it remains only to guess, there was love between dancers, or this is a good advertising move, invented by the sake of attracting attention.

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