Alexander Nostec - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Alexander Valerievich Nostek became known for a wide range of spectators after the triumphant appearance in the series, which not one year went out on television screens. A courageous and tall, externally, he is little similar to his famous Father Valery Noste, who played comical Otto Fukin in the cult film "Big Change".

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born in November 1971 in Moscow. And the father, and the mother's nose (Maria Stermerov) were artists. The boy got great in school because of close kinship with the famous actor, although Alexander did not silek the popular dad.

In childhood, the nose-junior rose with mom, an actress of the Small Theater, on tour. In school years, on the screen, he appeared in the short film Sergey Gourzo "We will go with the mushrooms in the forest ...". In this film, Alexander played with his father.

After the divorce of the parents (at that time, Alexander Nosta turned 9 years old) he began to see his father less often. Mom got married a second time. The spouse of the woman was the people's artist of the Russian Federation Alexey Kudinovich. The creative atmosphere reigned in the house, and talk about the theater and cinema were constant.

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Nevertheless, Alexander Nostek did not want to become an artist at all. In high school, he became interested in economy. After receiving the certificate, went to the Plekhanov Institute, but failed exams. Not grief desire to go to the army, the guy took the documents to the correspondence department of the financial and economic technical technician, and after 3 months, the nose after all, they called on the army. He served in air defense in Belgorod, which today does not regret.

When Alexander Nostek returned home after the service, his father advised him to try his strength and enroll in Schukinsky Theater School. Sasha risked and was taken from the first attempt.

Personal life

The artist does not like to talk about personal, although rumors and gossip appear on this topic. It is rumored that there are many novels and three civil marriage. On the first chosen, Alexander lived for about 7 years. From the second one called Yana, stayed together for 5 years. They met on the shooting platform of the series "To me, Mukhtar". The girl at that time was a student-trainee of the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting.

After parting, the artist remained alone for a long time, but then the personal life of the spout has changed. Random during the next airfare to shoot a new project, he met Olga von Zinger. In the specialty she is a lawyer, but at that time he worked as a producer and general director of the company "Kit film".

On October 14, 2011, the couple officially became her husband and his wife. After registering Olga took the surname of the nose.

About the children, the artist dreams for a long time, but the toddles have not yet decided, because he wants to participate in their upbringing. However, the current employment does not allow to concentrate on the family.

In March 2017, there was information that Alexander Nostello broke up with his wife, and the Singer Anastasia Krainov became a new beloved artist. In July of the same year, Sasha and Olya arrived at the registry office, to officially terminate the marriage. A little later, the love triangle appeared in the program "Let them say", but the expected quarrels and scandal did not take place: women hugged, because "it is beautiful to part".

With Anastasia, the actor also stayed long, soon the pair broke the relationship. But the former wife and the girl spout friends to this day.

Thousands of fans are watching the creative biography of the artist in the microblog "Instagram", where it is divided with the subscribers of workers and personal photos. With an increase in 180-183 cm and weighing 75 kg, the actor looks sports and attractive, so often under his pictures of the fans leave pleasant comments.

Alexander was a good friend of Vladimir Turchinsky, so in December 2017, on the anniversary of the death of the comrade, he dedicated 8 years ago by Artist post in his profile.

In December 2019, the news about the disappearance of the Mother of the Artist was leaked. Woman suffers from Alzheimer's disease for a long time. An unpleasant case occurred while walking with the dog, while Sterrodov was with the nurse. At one moment, the pets fell off the collar, and Mary's assistant rushed after him, leaving the ward for a couple of minutes alone, and when he returned, she was no longer on the spot.

Police, volunteers and just not indifferent people sought her to deep night and found only the next day in one of the Moscow hospitals. According to the nose, this case is not the first, the mother has problems with memory, and sometimes it is difficult for her to remember even his own name, not to mention the address of living.

Theater and films

After the end of the "pike" of the novice artist accepted into the troupe of the Small Theater, where he felt quite comfortable. In his youth, besides the mother, he worked here side by side with a stepfather and his native Uncle Vladimir Nosik.

Alexander went to theatrical layouts and managed to appear on the screen. At first, these were episodes in popular TV series "Mosseck, 12", "Turkish March" and "Kamenskaya", but roles quickly became larger.

In 2002, the "Special Forces" series was released on the screens, in which Alexander Roste was entrusted with one of the main roles. He played the senior guard of Kobrin, who responded to the nickname snakes.

The success of the tape was so huge that the creators continued to shoot. The project was closed after the terrorist attack in Beslan, but Alexander Roste saw and remember the audience, and the directories.

Soon he was invited to new films, as a rule, it was militants. The most successful of these tapes was the one in which the actor appeared on the screen along with a pretty dog ​​named Mukhtar. The TV series "Return of Mukhtara" came out on the NTV channel and continued not one season. Nose was filmed to the third.

In 2004, the audience saw the favorite artist in the TV series "Fighter", which was broadcast by the Ren-TV channel. The main role of Maxim Paladin silently fulfilled Dmitry Maryanov, who was not in October 2017.

Alexander played one of the antagonists of a multi-sized film, his name was Gennady Damer. At first, he portrayed Max, and then assigned the name of the comrade for the sake of a huge inheritance. In addition to Alexander and Dmitry, the famous artists of Gennady Hungarian, Anna Snatkina, Alena Yakovlev, Alexander Ilyin, starred in the picture. Then the role of one of the central characters got the nose in the television series "Big Walk".

In 2009, the actor changed the image, repainted his hair in red color. Such spectators saw the nose in the painting "Such Life", where he appeared as a sense of Solklly.

For more than four years, the actor collaborated with the TLC channel. Here the fans saw the pet in the new quality - the TV host "I want a house abroad!". And in 2012, Alexander Nostek appeared in the program "Between us, girls." It is also worth noting the serials "paths", "wild", "family circumstances", "Guardian of the Law" and "Berega" with his participation.

In April 2017, the mini-series "Torgsin" was released on the screens, where the nose appeared in front of the audience as Matthew of the Torgsky - Chairman of the Board of Torgsin.

The film takes place in 1934. The plot tells about the young girl Lida, who, together with Brother, Leshe moves from Leningrad to Moscow. Lydia owns several foreign languages.

During the move, young people find an old father's pendant. Then the girl negotiates with the owner of the department store Viktor Silver, so that he will help with the relationship to deal with a pendant, and it will become a translator in the owner's store. The mystery impact will lead the girl to the history of the family of the family of the Lida, and acquaintance with silver - to great love.

One of the main roles was executed by Alexander in the militant "the last chance".

The nose is often called at the events. So, on April 19, 2018, he was among invited guests at the opening of the capital bar. And already on April 22, the second Astrum was held by the Siberian half-marathon, where Alexander, together with actor Alexey Ogurztsov, went to the start with the fans of the run.

In the same 2018, the show was started showing the dramatic series "Caspian 24", where, in addition to the nose, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Leonid Agutin, Dmitry Astrakhan and others appeared. The criminal project from the NTV channel was created with the support of the producer of Igor Ugolnikov. The main part of the filming took place in Astrakhan and Minsk.

Alexander Noska now

2019 was not issued for a carriage career icon, but in the 2020th its demand as an actor rose again. In January, Alexander filmography was replenished with a picture of the hot spot. In addition to him, Arseny Robak, Irina Savitkov, Elena Lotov, Pavel Popov, Irina Lukina and others were shot. Directed by Denis Carro.

The plot carries the audience in 2001, the story unfolds around the chief hero of the Zhenya, who after the 7-year-old service under the contract returns to his native provincial town. The guy learns that during his absence, the girl from which Eugene met, became a drug addict, and his older parents lead a fierce struggle for the sawmill. She is striving to capture the gangsters. To resist them and discontinue drug production activities, Zhenya calls on other veterans of hot spots to rally.

The shooting of the television series took place in the Moscow region and Moscow for six months. In total during this period, 24 series were created. Robak played the main character, and the nose tried on the image of Taranov - the owner of the sawmill.

Also, the audiences are waiting for the 4-serial tape "windows to boulevard" screens, the date of its premiere has not yet been announced.

Despite the tight schedule, the actor now plays in the theater. With the production of Hanuma, together with Denis Matrosov, Olga Arntgolts, Miroslav Karpovich, Anatoly Vasilyev, Olga Volkova and other artists, visits various cities with tour. In the musical comedy-waterway, created based on the classic Georgian play of Avcente Tsagarel, Alexander tried out the image of Akopa, Mikich's cousin (Sergey Rubekov) and his clerk.


  • 2002-2003 - "Special Forces"
  • 2004 - "Return of Mukhtar"
  • 2004 - "Fighter"
  • 2005 - "Return of Mukhtar - 2"
  • 2006 - "In the first round"
  • 2008 - "Craobiles"
  • 2009 - "Quiet Pines"
  • 2010 - "Revenge"
  • 2011 - "Lecturer"
  • 2013 - "Coast"
  • 2014 - "Alpinists"
  • 2017 - "Torgsin"
  • 2018 - "Caspian 24"
  • 2020 - "Hot Point"

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