Igor Yasulovich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Igor Yasulovich - an actor of the second plan. He played episodic characters in the iconic Soviet films. Thanks to the unusual voice, Jasilovich became an actor dubbing, whose account is about hundreds of paintings.

Childhood and youth

People's Artist of Russia Igor Nikolayevich Yasovilovich was born in 1941 in the village of lumps of the Samara region, known for the fact that until 1952 she was called Reinsfeld and was a German settlement-colony. But the ancestors of Jasilovich by nationality were not the Germans, but by Belarusians.

Parents of Igor Nikolaevich attitude to the world of art did not have. Father was a Soviet officer and walked war. Mom kept home the hearth. After the war, the family moved to Tallinn, where Yasulovich went to school. During these years, he was carried away by the theater, engaged in the circle of Ivan Rossomakhin, Tallinn actor, and already at this age decided to become an artist. Children in the family differed in different character and dreams. Mom wanted Igor to take an example from his brother and entered the Polytechnic Institute. Father immediately supported the beginnings of the Son.

After receiving the school certificate, Igor Yasulovich went to Moscow, but he could not enter Gitis, as planned. But passed to VGIK, where he was enrolled on the course of Mikhail Romma.

12 years after the end of Vgika Igor Nikolayevich continued the education of Romma, but this time at the director's faculty. Diploma on the second higher education was Vasovilovich in 1974.

Personal life

Natalia Egorov, the daughter of the Soviet director and the People's Artist of the RSFSR Yuri Egorov became the spouse of the artist. Igor Yasovilovich assures that relations were built only on love: despite the star parent of his chosen, he was not going to "promote" due to family connections.

Natalia Yuryevna is not an actress, but is directly related to the world of art. The actor's wife graduated from Moscow State University and, having received a specialty art historian, teaches at the Department of Art History of the MCAT School Studio. The couple met in the company of friends when Natalia was still a student. Lovers quickly gathered and began to live in the house of Grandparents Egorova.

The relationship in the pair was simple, there was no unnecessary pathos and stripping. Even the wedding they played suddenly and simply: once in the morning they took and went to the registry office. And after staged a home holiday, which only close friends came with their appetizers.

Personal life Igor Yasovilovich was happily. He has a son Alexey Yasulovich, who went in the footsteps of his father and also became an actor and director. He starred a lot in childhood, and his father supported him. Judging by the youth photo of the son, he like two drops of water look like a father in his youth.

From the first marriage, Alexei had a daughter Vera, who continued the father's dynasty and grandfather and graduated from the Production of the Faculty of Rati. In 2008, the family had replenished: Alexey, Glafira daughter was born with a new wife. A happy grandfather cannot get ready for her, tells in an interview that the girl grows intelligent and creative.

The family of Igor Yasovilovich lives together in Townhouse in the Moscow region, not far from the Metro Altufievo. The actor likes that around both rustic fresh air, and all the convenience of the developed infrastructure of the capital. Previously, Yasovilovich lived in the center of Moscow, but the house needed major repairs. At one time it was not possible to find investors for restoration, then there were problems with privatization. After all the experiences about the house in the center, the family decided to find a calmer home.

The actor leads social and political life and does not hide it. Igor Yasulovich takes part in charitable events. Also, the artist can often be seen on mass human rights and anti-war shares of an opposition nature. He entered the public commission, which investigated the events that occurred on the Swamp area. Yasulovich openly advocated the liberation of the political prisoners of Vasily Aleksanyan, Plato Lebedev, the musical group Pussy Riot and others.

In 2012, he supported Mikhail Prokhorov in the presidential election, and also became the initiator of the collection "Congress of the intelligentsia against war, self-insulation of Russia, the restoration of totalitarianism."


After receiving the first diploma of the theater university, Igor Yasulovich served as an actor of the pilotema experimental studio (Ektemim) for two years. The high growth of the artist (185 cm) and the angular angularity helped create eccentric images. And in 1964, he switched to the metropolitan theater studio of the film actor, where he worked for 30 years. On this scene, a man played dozens of roles.

From the 1994th, the artist performed on the Mtuza scene, where theatrians appreciated his skills in the play "Black Monk", "Violin Rothschild", "Thunderstorm" and "Boris Godunov".

Igor Yasulovich began to share acting experience with new generations of artists. He leads a workshop in Vgik and together with Alexander Title - in Gitis. The actor believes in the dynasty and believes: the fact that children of film and theatrical stars also go to this profession, there is nothing wrong. These are not related links, but a consequence of upbringing. According to Yasovilovich, young people who have grown in the creative atmosphere and since childhood, the world of scenes and movies are more suitable for this profession.

This affected the actor's teaching approach: when grouping a group in his workshop, from two applicants with similar data, he will choose in students whose surname will be familiar to him. When Jasilovich voiced this principle in an interview, it resulted in a wave of indignation among his fans.


The cinematic biography of Igor Yasovilovich began with the painting "nine days of one year", filmed by a talented director and mentor Mikhail Romm in 1961. The tape is considered a reference to the cinema of the time, it was a complex intellectual drama. Igor got a small role, but even this did not prevent a talent in all its glory. The young actor was picked up participating in the film of the teacher, he became the only one of the workshop, who Romm called to him.

In the collection group there were many stars - Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Alexey Batalov and Kirill Lavrov. The young actor surprised how simple they are, without the slightest signs of starry disease. Artists have not sought their status, asked for calling them on the names and "on you." This created a friendly atmosphere on the filming, but Igor still considers it to be a panibrate and, after years, tries not to allow this to itself towards himself or other well-deserved actors.

Since then, he starred continuously. His filmography has more than 170 titles of full-length paintings and serials. Most often, Jasilovich got the roles of the second plan, but even episodes with his participation were remembered to the audience, and the phrases of his characters became aphorisms. Nevertheless, the sign, which brought a stunning success of the role in the core of Yasilovich was not.

Fans celebrate the extinguishing external similarity of young jasilovich with another actor Alexander Abdulov, but Igor Nikolayevich is still 12 years older than his colleague, and they have a completely different game manner.

Dancer-Shakharik in the "Adventures of Croša", White Clown in "Aibolit-66" Rolan Bykov, Larichev Engineer in the tragic film "One hundred grams for courage", a citizen with a dog in the Comedy "Diamond Hand" Leonid Gaiday, Appel in the painting "Major" Vortex ", Ellochka Ellochka, engineer Schukin in the" twelve chairs ", which forever remember the country by shocking appearance naked, in the foam, on the staircase, the Corn in the TV series Svetlana Druzhinina" Midshipman, ahead! ", Speculant with a" bat "phrase" she " What, from the Urals? " In the comedy "most charming and attractive." These and other roles that are not called key, nevertheless, were well remembered by the country's filmmakers.

The actor was not against the experiments in the film in which he participated. He starred in various genres - dramas, detectives and comedies. He had an unusual role - the right, modest, small intellectual with a chipper, worm.

When Igor Yasulovich turned 33 years old, he received a diploma of the film director. Try yourself in this picture I was able to three times. The debut turned out to be a family melodrama "Everyone dreams of a dog." A year later, in 1976, the audience saw a new melodrama Yasulovich "disappeared and found", and in 1978 a film was released for children "Hello, River!". But it is acting, and not the director's profession brought Igor Nikolayevich popularity.

The greatest success was waiting for Igor Yasovilovich in kindergarten. He played Eno in the Fairy Tale "Mio, My Mio", Koscheya Immortal in the "Lilac Share" and an employee of an electron cosmodrome Ivanovich in the movie "Guest from the Future". From 1976 to 2010, Jasovilovich regularly appeared in the transfer of "Yerals", and in 1966-1987 - in the satirical van of "Fitil".

In the 2000s, Igor Yasulovich began to act more in the multi-sieuled paintings. The actor did not stop appearing in the experimental and author films. He participated in the filming of the film "A Wind", whose script was written on the work of Marquez. Igor Nikolayevich played the touching role of angel who agrees.

In 2000, Igor Yasovilovich became a laureate of the State Prize of Russia, and in 2001 he received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Recognition of merit at a high level, of course, was a pleasant artist, but in an interview with the transfer "alone with everyone", he admitted that he really did not like to receive awards, not silent the titles and did not tolerate anniversary celebrations. The best reward for the actor is the applause of the public.

From subsequent work, Igor Yasilovich in the cinema highlights the full-length paintings "Salomew", "Box" and "always say" always "", the series "Kamenskaya", "Brezhnev", "Yermolov", "Stat adviser" and "to death beautiful."

In the melodramatic comedy "Bridegroom for fool", Yasulovich played the main heroine life experience of the neighbor's vital experience. A simple and easy story about the viciousness of love to the viewers told the executors of the main roles of the series Elena Velikanov, who reincarnated in the accountant of the medical clinic, accidentally revived the already deceased patient, and Andrei Chernyshov, who played the patient himself. Yasulovich contributed to the creation of a family saga "Silver Bor", which was broadcast on the first channel.

In the film on the play Anton Chekhov "Three Sisters", Jasulovich performed the role of the doctor Chebutykina. Igor Nikolayevich's company made up his no less famous colleagues Lyudmila Polyakova, Anna Kamenkova, Irina Mazurkevich, Maxim Sukhanov, Alexander Baluyev. The premiere took place at the Festival "Kinotavr-2017". The director was not afraid to postpone the action of the play in modern realities and significantly increase the age of each of the main characters.

In 2018, Igor Jasulovich starred in a military film about the Blocade Leningrad "Corridor of Immortality". An episodic image of the artist embodied in the melodrama "personal space".

Another premiere of 2018 was the comedy project "Only not they" about the heroes, which are destined to save the world from an impending catastrophe. For various reasons, these characters are not superheroes at all, but the 20-year-old lazy, lifesters of life and partyers. Igor Yasovilovich diluted the youth acting company, where Daria Chramzov, Polina Maksimova, Evgenia Turkova, Denis Buzin, Julia Khlynina, Danil Gliskov, as it was more than 30 years ago in the cult for the Soviet young spectators the movie "Guest from the Future".

In February 2018, the series "Bloody Baryna" came out, telling about the fate of the cruel landowners Darya Saltykova. Yasilovich in it got the role of Prince Ivan Gavrilovich Cycianova.


The actor has a unique voice that directors are used when visiting pictures. The Tombrom Yasulovich rich on the shades of the tenor speaks for the frame of the famous film "Theater", where the star role was played by Viya Artman. His voice is spoken by Aramis in "D'Artagnan and three Musketeers", the heroes of the drama "Schindler list", Blef movies, "Professional" and "Fifth Element", and in the 4th episode of "Star Wars" - C-3PO Robot .

Voice of Igor Yasilovich is in demand and in cartoons: in all parts "Shrek" he voiced the King Harold, in the "Sleeping Beauty" - Stephen, in the "Mermaid" - the servant of the yummus. In a computer game Total War: Warhammer Actor reads text behind the scenes and gives tips to the player.

Igor Yasulovich now

Now the actor began to pay more attention to the theater than the cinema. He plays on stage, and also puts the plays. Despite the fruitful theater work, Igor Nikolayevich is aware of his age. He understands that old for Romeo or Hamlet, for other main and desirable roles, is why they are ready to be content with what they will be asked to play.

In 2019, the actor appeared in such paintings as "Dear Dad", "diplomat", "Formula Vesti". Another news was his participation in the new production of "Melnikov. Documentary Opera "in the center named after Sun. Meyerhold in February 2020. In the official "Instagram" the theater explains that the basis of the new work is the history of the life of the avant-garde architect Konstantin Melnikova, created on the basis of his diaries. Igor Nikolayevich played the main hero in the late years.


  • 1961 - "Nine days of one year"
  • 1966 - "Aibolit-66"
  • 1968 - "Diamond Hand"
  • 1979 - "That Munchhausen"
  • 1984 - "Guest from the Future"
  • 1985 - "The most charming and attractive"
  • 1987 - "Midshipmen, ahead!"
  • 1987 - "Mio, My Mio"
  • 1994 - "Petersburg Secrets"
  • 2001 - "Salome"
  • 2005 - "Brezhnev"
  • 2012 - "The reverse side of the moon"
  • 2017 - "Three sisters"
  • 2017 - "Silver Bor"
  • 2018 - Bloody Baryna
  • 2018 - "Only not they"
  • 2019 - "Dear Dad"
  • 2019 - "Diplomat"
  • 2019 - "Formula Revenge"

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