Jody Foster - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, now, in youth, "Taxi driver" 2021



Alicia Christian Foster, familiar to the audience as Jody Foster, it seems, was born of a star Hollywood. Today it is one of the most popular artists and a talented director, and the high intelligence, the versatility and the unique personality of the celebrity allocate it among the famous colleagues.

Childhood and youth

The girl was born in November 1962 in Los Angeles. The father of the baby, Lieutenant Colonel of the Air Force, which was engaged in brokerage real estate operations, took place from a wealthy family. But Jody, who became the fourth child of Lucius Fisher Foster and Evelin Ella Almond, grew up without his father: he left his wife before the appearance of the younger daughter.

Evelyn, who worked as a Hollywood agent for press relations, had to raise Jodi, her two sisters Cindy and Connie and Brother Buddy on their own.

Jody Foster - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, now, in youth,

The youngest daughter was for the family a real gift. Already in 2 years, the baby appeared in commercials, and at the age of 7 began the cinematic biography of Jodie Foster. Debut became the role in the series "Family Parridge".

In the 1970s, Foster starred in several projects of Walt Disney Studio. Thanks to a small star, the house has a remedial existence. The mother, who became an agent of his daughter, agreed on almost all proposals received from the directors.

Surprisingly, with terrible employment, Jody Foster had time to study perfectly in a prestigious Los Angeles school, where he studied in French. True, relations with the peers were not easy. Jodi was not mistrered for star status and considered too smart.

In 1980, Foster graduated with honors from the face. She perfectly owned French, understood German, Spanish and Italian. As the best graduate she was entrusted with a farewell speech at a prom.


The first major role went to Jody Foster in the younger classes. In 1972, 10-year-old artist played in the married picture "Napoleon and Samantha". A girl partner on the set was Michael Douglas. According to the scenario of the film of the heroine Foster as a pet held in a lion house. During filming, the animal attacked Jodi, leaving a terrible memory forever - several scars on the body.

Directors lined up in line for a talented little actress. The benefit of getting agreement on the shooting from Mother did not make a lot of work. New paintings with the participation of young artists went out every year. At the same time, it is impossible to say that they were film sedores and brought Foster something else, except for money.

The exception of the tape Martina Scorsese. In 1974, the famous director invited Jody to the film "Alice here no longer lives." In 2 years, she used the girl in the project "Bagsi Melone". But Glory hit the 14-year-old Foster in 1976 after filming in the painting of the Taxi driver. She played a juvenile prostitute, naive and at the same time cynical. This role turned a teenager in the star of Hollywood, but at the same time he almost became fatal.

After graduating from school, Jody Foster entered the University of Yale and took a career break for several years. She studied perfectly and planned to complete the university in 1984. But in the life of the girl there was a mentally unhealthy John Hinckley. This man looked 15 times the picture "Taxi driver". He became obsessed with Young Jody and decided to achieve the location of Foster as far as possible.

For this Hinckley, he entered the same university by choosing a course of writing skills. He repulsed Foster calls and piled up with love messages. In March 1981, Hinckley after the next viewing of the "taxi driver" made an attempt on Ronald Reagan. The criminal was confident that the murder of the president would certainly help him win the love of the actress.

Foster received a bachelor's degree in literature and a diploma with honors in 1985. After 12 years, Yale University assigned Jody doctoral degree.

Jody Foster - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, now, in youth,

After the role in the "Taxi driver", the talented actress was filled with suggestions. But now she took a career seriously, moving away the mother to the background. Foster agreed only on the roles that considered worthy to move away from the role, which appeared after the "taxi driver". Jody managed to turn the situation. In 1988, her filmography was replenished with the drama "defendants", where the performer literally pulled a major role for himself. And did the right thing. The picture brought the first Oscar actress.

The second statuette fell into her hands after the release of the cult "silence of the lambs." The cinematic biography of Jodie Foster was on the top for which only Hilary Swonk managed to get out of time. The star received 2 "Oscars" to reach the 30th anniversary.

True, after the release of the film, the actress admitted that actor Anthony Hopkins was afraiding on the set, he was so born in the role. In addition, the actress stated that the picture was hard on her psyche. Therefore, she refused to be filmed in the Gunnibal tape.

In 1995, Foster was again nominated for a statuette for work in the picture "Nell", but the actress was ahead of Jessica Lang with the film "Blue Heaven".

Among the best filmmakers, the actresses fans allocate the films "Sommember", where Foster starred in Tandem with Richard Girome and "MEVERIC", in which Jody's partner became Mel Gibson.

In "Contact" Robert Zemkis, the director of the legendary film "Back to the Future", the actress divided the main party with Matthew McConaja. The idea of ​​the author is to show the contradictions between scientific and religious attitudes to extraterrestrial civilizations - they brought success. The tape received a number of premiums and took the second line in the list of the most reliable science fiction films according to NASA.

Jody Foster among colleagues acquired the image of the fan of his work. Each time she did not play, and literally got into the role, after which she needed time to return to reality. At the same time, the star became famous for the fact that she was able to completely different amplua. It is organically and easily reincarnated both in comedy and in dramatic images.

In the Thriller "Flight Illusion", published on the screens in 2000, Foster appeared in the image of Kylie Prett Avianger, who lost her daughter on board the aircraft. In the "Fear Room", together with Jody, then shone the beginning of the beginning artist Kristen Stewart.

In 2013, the artist was awarded the Golden Globe for achievements in cinema. It turned out to be just in time, because in the same year a science fiction film "Elysium - Paradise is not on earth", where for the first time the Foster was ruthlessly criticized.

The audience saw her favorite artist in the militant Drew Pierce "Hotel Artemis" in June 2018. In an interview to the release of the film, the celebrity said that when creating a character, I was looking for inspiration in the heroons of Barbara Stanvik, the highlight of which is in the harmony of emotional and rational with the obvious note of sarcasm.


Foster is not only gifted artist, but also a talented director. Jody's debut in this capacity took place in the painting "Little Man Tate", which she took off in 29 years. Later, the company "Polygram" allocated $ 100 million to the opening of his own studio, where Foster was withdrawn "home for the holidays", "Beaver" and the 2nd season of the TV series "Card House". In Bobre, the main roles of Foster took himself and chalk Gibson.

In 2016, admirers of the director's talent Jody Foster welcomed the new Star project "Financial Monster".

As a director, the Artist performed in the 3rd episode of the 1st part of the series "Orange - Hit Season" called "In the request of the lesbian refused." The director of this series of Jodi asked herself.

Jody Foster - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, now, in youth,

The celebrity was awarded the nominal star on the Hollywood "Alley of Fame." When the star opening ceremony was held, the actress admitted that he had dreamed of getting it for directing work. In the Thanksgiving speech, the actress first of all gave tribute to Mom and told about the baggage of new ideas.

In 2017, under the leadership of Foster, the 2nd series of the 4th season of the popular multi-seater film "Black Mirror" called "Arkangel" was published.

After the break, the star returned to the director's chair and in 2020 she took part in creating the final episode of the scientific fiction project "Stories from the loop" called "House" based on the illustrated Symmon of Syonon's Book of the Symemon.

Personal life

In Hollywood, the actress walked intellectual. Colleagues men were afraid of the girl and did not solve the novels. After the release of the picture "MEVERIC" spoke about allegedly broken down the novel between Foster and Chalk Gibson. But he denied rumors, stating that he could hardly communicate with a partner who can calmly send a man into knockout, because fragile Jody (160 cm height) has succeeded in boxing at that time.

However, many noted that after communicating with Foster, a pleasant impression remains. The actress is a very well-read man.

But the rumors about the unconventional orientation of the star were true. Personal life Jody Foster fell into the top of the news in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The actress gave birth to the sons of Charles and Christopher. The first child appeared in 1998, the second - in 2001. Today the guys have already decided on the goals for the future. The artist somehow shared that it misses the time when it was possible to ride with children on a bicycle and to bother.

The name of the father guys is not known to anyone, because the artist never mentioned about her husband or boyfriend. It is rumored that the boys appeared on the light after artificial fertilization. The donor was allegedly a close friend of Jodi, Randy Stone, subsequently became the godfather of kids. But there are those who call Gibson's father. The artists themselves, this assumption was denied, stating that only professional relationships are associated a couple.

There is information that Randy Stone, who fought for sex minorities, convinced Foster to make Caming Out before death (confess to his alternative orientation). In 2007, the star told that over the past 14 years he lived with partner Sydney Bernard. But a few months after this revelation, the couple broke up.

Soon, Foster has a new beloved - Writer Cindy Mort. But another one came to replace this short novel, also for a short, with the singer Sophie B. Hawkins.

In winter, 2013 at the Golden Globe Award Ceremony, Jody Foster officially stated that she was a lesbian. And in the spring of next year, he registered marriage with actress and photographer Alexander Hedeson.

In addition to 2001, Alexandra twisted the novel with the popular leading Ellen Degerenes. Women consisted in relations for 3 years and then broke up.

In 2011, Father actresses accused fraud and entered into custody for 5 years.

Jody Foster is a convinced atheistry and does not belong to any religious denomination.

The actress repeatedly got into the incident situations, forced in social networks and the press because of its similarity with Helen Hunt. In addition to similar oupers, a woman of almost one age, both received Oscar and have directorial experience.

They were confused more than once, once, a coffee shop employee served Hunt, writing the name of Jodi on a glass with a drink, about which the celebrity did not fail to tell to all over the world.

Jody Foster now

Having collected the well-deserved laurels of his professionalism in his youth, the actress did not stop at the achieved and now continues to please the audience with new colorful roles.

At the beginning of 2021, a digital release of the British-American tape "Mauritan" was held, where a couple of Foster compiled a charming Englishman Benedict Cumberbatch.

In the real events based on the celebrity, the film was a chance to play the role of a lawyer named Nancy Hollander. A woman personally came to the playground as a consultant. The actress noticed in an interview that the director Kevin McDonald has a rich experience in documentary cinema, in this work he wanted not only to reliably uncover the characters characteristics, but also to affect the viewer emotionally.

At the 78th Gold Globe Award Ceremony, the star appeared only virtually. She did not go to the studio, and came to contact from the house. On the screen, Jody appeared with his wife Alexander Hedeson, who provided her support. When Foster was announced among the laureates, she thanked her spouse and kissed her publicly. Photo Couples spread very quickly in the press and social networks.


  • 1972 - "Napoleon and Samantha"
  • 1973 - "Tom Sawyer"
  • 1974 - "Alice here no longer lives"
  • 1976 - "Taxi driver"
  • 1988 - "Accused"
  • 1991 - "Silence of Lambs"
  • 1992 - "Shadows and Fog"
  • 1993 - "Sommersby"
  • 1994 - "Nell"
  • 1994 - "MEVERIC"
  • 1997 - "Contact"
  • 2002 - "Fear Room"
  • 2007 - "brave"
  • 2009 - "Simpsons"
  • 2011 - "Beaver"
  • 2011 - "Massacre"
  • 2018 - "Hotel" Artemis "
  • 2021 - "Mauritan"

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