Igor Talkov - biography, personal life, photos, discography, songs, death, killer and last news



A talented poet and musician Igor Talkov came from the nobleman. Igor's parents were repressed before his birth and lived in the Kemerovo region, where their eldest son Vladimir was born. After the rehabilitation, Vladimir Talkov-Sr. and his wife Olga Schwagarus could not live in Moscow, so settled next to the town of Shchekino, in the village of Welding, where Igor appeared.

Igor Talkov with parents and elder brother Vladimir

In parallel with the average formation of Talcov, he studied at the Music School in the Bayana class, but his main passion in childhood was hockey. The boy was seriously trained, the teenager even went to Moscow and tried to pass the selection in the clubs "CSKA" and "Dynamo", but unsuccessfully. In high school classes, Igor independently mastered the guitar, drums and piano, organized the school ensemble "Guitarists". Interestingly, on the most beloved musical instrument, the saxophone, the talcs did not know how to play, but he adored to listen to his sounds.

Schoolboy Igor Talkov

It is also worth noting that the magical hoarse voice that will later love the whole country, it turned out because the boy was a voice and earned chronic laryngitis. Thanks to the special respiratory gymnastics, Igor loosened the influence of the disease, again developed a bundle, but the hoarse was left.

Another passion of Talkov was the theater. In the dramah, he did not consist, but he adored to watch the productions. Having received a maturity certificate, Igor rides the conquest of the capital for the second time and submits documents to the Theater Institute. But this time, Moscow did not open his arms: he could not withstand the exam in literature, although he coped with a creative competition successfully. The young man returns home and enters the physico-technical faculty of the Tula Pedagogical Institute.

Igor Talkov

In a year, the guy takes the documents, as it does not feel about the exact sciences, and becomes a student of the Leningrad Institute of Culture. However, and here one year Igor Talkov turned out to be enough to understand: the Soviet system of education does not suit him. In the same period, Igor first appears with the criticism of the communist regime. Before the court, the case did not reach only miracle, but people from the military registration and enlistment office were seized: Talcs are sent to serve the Fatherland to the Moscow region of Nakhabino.

Igor Talkov in the army

In the army of ordinary engineering troops, Talkov organized the "Star" ensemble, and demobilized, decided to earn music for life. He leaves in Sochi and is arranged in the group of Alexander Barykin. But in 1982, Igor stops restaurant concerts, as it believes that it is humiliating, although commercially very beneficial, and comes to a large scene.


The first songs Igor Talkov began to write in the youth. His first composition was "I'm a little sorry", and he himself considered his own creative debut of the "Share" ballad about the fate of a man who lives in such a difficult world. The singer called this thing with his first professional creation.

In the mid-1980s, Talcov tours with the Lyudmila Schinchina group and works as an arranger at Stas Namina Studio. At that time, Igor writes such songs as "a closed circle", "Aeroflot", "I am looking for a beauty in nature", "holiday", "the right to everyone", "hour before dawn", "devoteed girlfriend" and many others.

In 1986, Igor Talkov in a pair with Irina Allegrova becomes a vocalist of pop rock band "Electroclub", which David Tukhmanov created. Quite quickly, the team took the leading position in Soviet pop music. In 1987, the song "Clean ponds" performed by Igor Talkova enters the mega-popular program "Song of the Year", which Angelina Vovka led. At that time, Igor turns into a very famous person.

But this lyrical hat was very different from those hits that Talkov usually wrote and wanted to convey to the listeners. He is very pulling into social and civil and the topics, so the musician leaves the "Electroclub" and bases his own group "Rescue circle". In 1989, the TV shows "before and after midnight" show the video clip on the song "Russia", and the singer from the discharge of famous turns into a legendary artist who is listening to tens of millions of citizens.

The peak of the popularity of the talkov-musician fell in 1990-91. His songs "War", "I will come back", "CPSU", "Lord Democrats", "Stop! I think myself! ", Globus sounds in every entrance. During the August coup, Igor with a rescue circle group performs on the Palace Square in Leningrad and immediately after that he writes the song "Mr. President", which expresses the disappointment of the politics of the first president of Russia.


Igor Talkov received the first experience in the movie Igor Talkov in 1983, when I starred in a short-term lyrical song tape. Also as part of the group "Rescue Circle" he appeared in the criminal drama "Hunt for a pimp".

Igor Talkov in the film

After the release of the video "Russia", the director invited him to play the main character in the historic film "Prince Silver". But in the course of the filming, the guide changed the director, the genre from the historical was transformed into the comedy-farce, and the new title of the tape was "Tsar Ivan Grozny". Talcov refused to continue to be removed and did not voice the role of Prince Silver, and later he even asked for forgiveness from the audience for seeing him in this film.

Igor Talkov in the film

At the same time, Igor managed to play a raketira in an isgeful militant "for the last feature." Interestingly, the singer offered the main positive role, but for this he needed to crash her hair and shake his beard. Talcov refused and appeared in the image of a negative character.

Personal life

In the life of the musician there was only one big love. In July 1979, Igor Talcov became acquainted with the girl named Tatiana in the cafe "Metelitsa". At that time, a man played a guitar in the ensemble of the transmission "And well-ka, a girl" and invited a new girlfriend to participate in the crowd.

Igor Talkov with his wife Tatiana and son Igor

Then young people began to meet, and in 1980 they got married officially. A year later, the son of Igor Talkov Jr. appeared in the family, which became literally the meaning of life. Interestingly, Talkov's son as a child categorically did not want to play music, but gradually genetics said his weightless word. At the age of 14, the boy found an old synthesizer and mastered him himself. And in 2005 he released a solo album "We must live."

Igor Talkov with a one-year-old son Igor

Wife Igor Talkov after his death studied at a psychologist, but threw the institute. Now the woman works as an assistant director in Mosfilm film companies and collaborates with famous domestic films authors, including Stanislav Govorukhin. She helped the directors to shoot such pictures as "vice", "styles", "Inhabited Island: Fight".


There is a legend that Igor Talkov predicted his death. Once he flew in the plane, with whom an emergency occurred. Passengers began to worry violently, and then the musician said: "No need to be afraid, since I am here, the plane will not break. I will be killed with a large crossing of the people, and the killer will never find. " By the way, after this incident, Talkov wrote the famous hit "I will return."

Igor Talkov

On October 5, 1991, Igor played an acoustic guitar at a creative evening, and suddenly a string broke. That's such a sign was the last speech of Talkov in public. According to his wife, the day before the singer called on the phone and seriously threatened, but he did not tell the spouse who was.

And, on October 6, 1991, Igor Talkov was to take part in the team concert with many other performers at the St. Petersburg Palace of Sports "Jubilee". But in the exact location there was a conflict between him and Igor Malakhov, director of the singer Aziz. Men quit, the administrator of his group "Rescue circle" was intervened in the case, Valery Svyfman, tied the scuffle, turned into a shootout.

Igor Talkov

Several shots were produced, and one of the bullets got talc in the heart. The doctors who arrived at the ambulance asked the death of the artist. The singers buried on October 9, 1991 in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Police tried to investigate the murder, but the investigation found that Igor Malakhov could not produce that fatal shot. And Valery Hisfman by the time the questions arose to him, had already left Russia, settling in Israel, and then disappearing from there. As a result, the investigation of the murder turned out to be frozen, and the versions of the events occurred there is not enough.


  • 1982 - When the city falls asleep
  • 1983 - let's worship kindness
  • 1984 - Love and separation
  • 1985 - all his time
  • 1986 - Igor Talkov
  • 1987 - Clean ponds
  • 1991 - Russia
  • 1992 - My love ...
  • 1992 - Nostalgia
  • 1993 - this world


  • 1983 - lyrical song
  • 1990 - Hunt for SUTENER
  • 1991 - for the last feature
  • 1991 - King Ivan Grozny

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