Oleg Borisov - biography, movies, roles, personal life, photo, cause of death



People's Artist of the Soviet Union, the laureate of numerous awards, an actor, an actor with a complex character - Oleg Borisov who remembered and fans. He was born on November 8, 1929 in Volga region of the Ivanovo region. It seemed fate playing with him from birth. At first in the maternity hospital, children were confused and gave Borisov's parents instead of a boy. At home it was discovered: Mother Oleg was worth the nerves to fix this confusion.

Full Oleg Borisov

Yes, and not Oleg, and Albert. Borisov received such a rare name for the Soviet man in honor of the Belgian Prince, whose visit to Moscow made a strong impression on his mother. Relatives and friends of the family since childhood were called His Alik, and already at the Institute Alik became Oleg, although he remained albert on the passport.

The Borisov family was not related to art, his father led the agricultural technical school, the mother worked as an agronomist. But Borisov decided not in adolescence that would be an actor. Love for the theater His mother attacked his mother, who took her son with him to a self-sufficient circle.

Oleg Borisov in youth

Gradually, he began to go on stage and fell in love with this craft. Example Oleg followed and his younger brother Lion Borisov, who later managed to become a famous and worldwide favorite actor.

Oleg Borisov adulted in the complex military and postwar years, early began to work on the tractor, so that at least somehow help the family. In 1947 she went to school-studio MCAT and unexpectedly easily passed the entrance examinations and became a student. In 1951, he also graduated from the theater university.


Immediately after the end of the Institute, Oleg Borisov came to work in the Kiev Drama Theater. Lesia Ukrainki and remained faithful to him as much as 12 years. In the first year, he was involved in three productions - "walking on the flour", "dance teacher" and "enemies." In the following years, with the participation of Borisov, 2-3 new performances were published, but he received roles, mainly the second plan.

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Problems in the theater began after accessing the comedy screens "for two hares," in which Borisov played the main male role: it was in 1961. Colleagues were envied, the leadership constantly quenched on trifles. In 1963 he was fired in a formal occasion: allegedly he led the theater, without permission, he had left Poland in the composition of the creative delegation (in fact, the actor fulfilled the Ministry of Culture).

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In the same year, Oleg Borisov began working at the Pushkin Theater in Moscow, but left less than a year later in LBT, where he was invited by the then head of the Theater of George Tovstonogov. Tovstonogov managed to consider the depth of the Talent Borisov and reveal it. In the LBT, the actor worked for almost twenty years and played in many cult performances, among which "idiot", "quiet don", "mothers" and other productions. Here, Oleg Borisov has formed his own style.

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In 1983, Oleg Efremov offered the actor to switch to MCAT and promised many bright roles - Borisov agreed. In this theater, he worked until 1990 and went on stage even when he was incurable sick. The spectacle "meek", in which, according to critics and the audience, was played by the apotheosis of his work, in which, according to critics and spectators, "he played aortic. In 1991, the actor organized his own theater "Renefriz Oleg Borisov". He dedicated to him the last years of his life.


His film fee took place in 1955 in the film "Mother", where he played a small role of the working and underground worker. The role that glorified him, Borisov received in 1961 - he brilliantly played Holokhwastov in a cult comedy "for two hares."

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Comedy roles were offered to him after, for example, in the film "Marriage", but he did not become the hostage to one image and managed to realize himself as a talented dramatic actor. Bright work was the role of Vladimir Wengerov in the film "Working settlement".

Borisov often received the role of the second plan, but managed to make them central. So it was in the film "Baltic Sky", in which he played the pilot of Tatarenko, and in the painting "Give a plaintive book" in which he appeared in the image of Nikita.

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He bestly managed films in which his heroes were ordinary people, as in the films "Stop the train", "Parade Planets" and others. Borisov's negative characters were at all worse than this is a visual confirmation of his role in the paintings "Road checks", "Rufferti", "Crash Engineer Garina".

The actor with the scandal refused to shoot in the role of his beloved author F. M. Dostoevsky in the tape "26 days from the life of Dostoevsky." He was outraged by the interpretation of director A. G. Zarkha: and not finding a compromise regarding the image of the Russian writer, he left the platform in the midst of the filming process.

The last role of Oleg Borisov in the film "I'm bored, demon"

As a result, Oleg Borisov was excommunicated from cinema for two years. During this period, he was also forbidden to be filmed in the tragicomedy film "Rodni" Nikita Mikhalkov.

In the filmography of the actor - not one dozen diverse roles. His last work was the picture "I am bored, the demon" in which he played God and Mephistople. The film was released in 1993.


Oleg Borisov worked on the radio from 1975 to 1990. He read literary works and participated in radio spectacles.

Poems Nikolai Rubtsova, "Chamber No. 6" Anton Chekhov, "Pedagogical Poem" Makarenko and even the "history of the Russian state" Karamzin in his performance sounded penetrating and new, collecting tens of thousands of listeners from radio receivers.

Personal life

Oleg Borisov was a maximalist not only in the profession, but also in life. For more than 40 years he lived with the only woman, his wife Alla Latynskaya.

Oleg Borisov and his wife Alla Latynskaya

They met when Borisov began working in the theater. Lesia Ukrainka in Kiev. He sought a beautiful journalist Alla for three years, while in 1954 she did not agree to become his wife. Since that time, their wedding day was the main holiday - they celebrated it every year in a circle of loved ones.

In 1956, Oleg and Alla Borisov born the son of Yuri. He did not become an actor as a father, but also tied life with cinema. The film "I am scared, the demon" was filmed by Yuri Borisov. Unfortunately, Yuri is no longer alive.

He died in 2007 from a heart attack, but a few years before death managed to publish the Diary of the Father. The diary, which Oleg Borisov led almost 20 years. The release of the book was timed to the 70th anniversary of the birth of Oleg Borisov.

The actor's spouse remembers him as a modest person, unpretentious in everyday life. He ate than fed, wearing comfortable sweaters and jeans, tie only put on the solemn events, adored animals.


For the past few years, Oleg Borisov and his wife lived in the dacha near Moscow in Ilyinka. He worked at the theater and starred in the cinema, although he had health problems. Doctors diagnosed in actor chronic lympholoicosis in the 80s. This disease has become the cause of death.

His son recalled how the Father was taken to the resuscitation of the Institute of Blood Transfusion. He was conscious, but they were not allowed to him. The actor rested quickly, it happened on April 28, 1994, in pure Thursday.

Mogil Oleg Borisov and his son Yuri

He buried him at Easter - so decided the priest who baptized Oleg Borisov in adulthood and walked him with his wife a few years before his death. The actor rests on the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow, the son of Yuri is buried next to his grave. The last entry that he did in the diary, says:

"Keshka, probably, does not wait for the owner."

Dog Keshka survived his owner for a month - in June it did not.


  • 1961 - "For two hares"
  • 1963 - "Walkings-track"
  • 1963 - "bicycle tamers"
  • 1965 - "Give a plaintive book"
  • 1973 - "Crash Engineer Garina"
  • 1977 - "Marriage"
  • 1981 - "Russia Young"
  • 1984 - "Parade Planets"
  • 1986 - "Breakthrough"
  • 1987 - "Gardener"
  • 1988 - "servant"
  • 1988 - "Fathers"
  • 1992 - "Moon Park"
  • 1992 - "Thunderstorm over Rus"
  • 1993 - "I'm bored, demon"

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