Wolverine - History, Marvel Comics, Photos, Films, Actors


Character History

Wolverine - the famous hero from the Marvel Comics Universe, which is part of the X-group group. Few people know that the initial clawed character did not receive recognition of the public, but miraculously remained on the pages of graphic novels, acquiring the popularity of a wide scale. It came to the point that in 2017 the directors presented the film "Logan" a picture of Logan, where Wolverine performed by Hugh Jackman became the main person.


In 1974, the Comic shop regulars got acquainted with the new character of the Universe "Marvel" - Wolverine (Logan), who was invented by Writer Lena Wayne and artists John Romita-senior and Herb Brimple. This superhero was named after the predatory mammal from the Kunyih family - Wolverine, since the character of James Holett (the name "in the world") coincides with the animal who grew up on the will.

James Houlett and Wolverine

The first sketches of John Romita, who recreated together with Wayne a real monster, shocked Herba Briml, although this artist in the future has repeatedly rejected his participation in creating a stalling character.

Mutant with superhuman abilities appeared fleetingly in 180 issue of the graphic novel "Incredible Hulk", and then took part in the Marvel advertising company, before fully debuted in 181 issuing the magazine.

Wolverine in comic books

It is noteworthy that Wolverine was supposed to appear in several comics as a hero of the second or even a third plan that did not have prospects for the future. First of all, it was associated with a poor character biography. It was only known that James Houlett works in the government of Canada.

In 1975, Logan came to the first release of the comic Giant-Size X-Men, where he entered the team of the X-Size - the superhero squad, which possesses the "Factor X" genome, which causes mutation.

Mutants included in this unit are struggling with problems of both internal and global, reflecting the Space Village and Having won the victory over ingenious criminals. Rosomakhe need to work side by side with such superheroes as Deadpool, Cyclops, Storm, Ghost Cat, Magneto and other advisers of justice.

Figure Wolverine

With the 94 release of graphic novels, the X-Men series has undergone changes, but Wolverine still did not stand out among other owners of superconductors. But the screenwriters contributed to the comics. Voltage share: James Houlett fell by mutual love feelings for beauty Gray, thereby creating shocks with her young man Scott Summers.

It is noteworthy that the then authors Chris Clermont and Dave Cocrum were thought of to remove Wolverine from the script, because they preferred to this hero of another mutant, the night snake. Yes, and Bosses from Marvel were sure that Logan is a depressive and uninteresting character who fades against other superheroes.

Wolverine and X-people read comic about people X

But the illustrator John Bern infused the Cocrum replaced, so that Logan appeared in comics about the people of X, because he was Canadian himself and did not want to exclude from the pages of his "compatriot". Bern has developed a new storyline, creating a detachment alpha, and also endowed Wolverine contradictory features of character. In the future, a bold mutant launched a wave of fans and became a full-fledged superhero with an individual temperament.

The last comic, telling about James Howlette, called "Death of Wolverine" was published in 2014. In other publications dedicated to the mutant team, Logan replaced his clones and twins, as well as in the journal from 2015 instead of Wolverine, his son James Hudson appeared, arrived from the parallel universe. But in 2017 the creators returned the main character who rebelled out of the dead.


The scripts came up with a full-fledged biography of Wolverine. Based on the events that occurred with a superhero in early years, one can judge the formation of the nature of this character. It is known that the boy has grown and brought up in the family of Elizabeth and the rich landowner John Holett. James was a second child, and his brother died at mysterious circumstances.

It would seem that carefree and rich childhood seemingly all that is needed for happiness, but James had weak health, and besides the guards of the estate Thomas Logan (possible biological father of Wolverine) added a significant portion of the tar in a barrel with honey.

Hugh Jackman in the role of Wolverine

The fact is that the watchman had such a quality as the addiction to the hard drinks, because of which he had attacks of unreasonable aggression. Dog (Diversity of Wolverine), guided by the offend, killed James's puppy, because of what Holetta decided to evict Logan from the estate.

As a result of the conflict, Thomas fired in the head of John from a shotgun, and James, who watched this situation, had an emotional breakdown: the boy appeared superconduct, and claws rose from the hands, which he drove offens.

Wolverine - Art.

After a nightmarish situation, Elizabeth could not live in a normal life and committed suicide. James, who remained the orphan, escaped from the estate, and his brain because of the stress suffered the past: for most of the comic, the mutant tried to collect remnants of memory for grains. Wolverine is shown in comics as a single, who works out with his personal problems. Superhero rude and incontestation, and also exists disrespect for authoritative people.

Wolverine, guided by an outsider policy, suspiciously refers to friends and former colleagues. However, the avid bachelor-mutant happened romantic relationships with women. Despite the wild and rude character, Logan adheres to the Code of Moral and Honor: I don't like the clawing character to let the blood offens. Also Wolverine is very smart: throwing a lot of countries, he learned the languages ​​and the technique of espionage, thanks to which he worked as a CIA agent.

Wolverine in comic books

As for the appearance, in 1975, the illustrator Jil Kane missed the superhero mask with unusual ears on the cover of a comic book, which was liked by other creators of Wolverine, since those saw similarity with Batman. His colleague Cocrum depicted a hero without a brown-golden suit with a characteristic hairstyle: a man with a growing 180 cm has a blue eye color (sometimes a brown), a magnificent lap and wears a bundlebard.


The main difference between Wolomakhi from other superheroes is his skeleton (later he was covered with an admanistry alloy - a fictional non-destructive metal), in which there are six sharp, as a razor, blades that put forward on the hands between the metering of the fingers (on each hand three is the island). Due to the metal alloy Wolverine vulnerable to electrical and magnetic attacks.

Claws Wolverine

With the help of these congenital adaptations, the mutant may in the literal sense of the word cut their opponent inadvertently, the more superhero owns a hand-to-hand combat technique. Although, despite his experience, sometimes Logan purposefully allows themselves to cause severe injuries, counting on the ultra-cut regeneration.

Soft fabrics and injuries of Rossomash are restored in a matter of minutes, due to which the Logan's body is growing more slowly than near ordinary mortals. In addition, it is not afraid of narcotic substances, deadly poisons and viral diseases.

Wolverine in cartoons

Wolverine has dexterity, physical strength, superhuman speed and reflexes. The abilities of Wolverine are superior to the skills of his colleagues on the workshop: a man-spider and the sorvigolov. The mutant can see and teaching its goal even in the dark and from a long distance, and also can find the enemy by smell. Because of its similarity with animals, Wolverine has sharp fangs, as well as bones that are nominated from each forearm, which are capable of piercing a tree or metal.


It is not surprising that such a colorful character like Wolverine, over time he swallowed in cartoons, computer games and even cinematic creations of famous directors. Below is a list of cartoon works and all parts of movies where Logan is found:


  • 2000 - "X-People"
  • 2000 - "X-2 People"
  • 2006 - "Xu People: Last Battle"
  • 2009 - "Xu People: Beginning. Wolverine"
  • 2011 - "Xu People: First Class"
  • 2013 - "Wolverine: Immortal"
  • 2014 - "X-Men: the days of the last future"
  • 2016 - "Xu People: Apocalypse"
  • 2017 - "Logan"


  • 1989 - "Device People of X"
  • 1992-1997 - "X-People"
  • 2000-2003 - "Xu People: Evolution"
  • 2008 - "Wolverine and People X
  • 2009 - "Hulk against Wolverine"
  • 2011 - "Marvel Anime"
  • 2010-2012 - "Avengers: Mighty Heroes of Earth"


The only one and part-time the best Wolverine was the actor Hugh Jackman, who was remembered by the viewers on the films "Password" Fish-Sword "" (2001), "Prestige" (2006), "rejected" (2012) and other remarkable work. Australian made his debut in the role of Logan in the fantastic picture of X-People (2000) and subsequently reincarnated in a superhero in the rest of the franchise.

Hugh Jackman in the role of Wolverine

It is noteworthy that the role of Wolverine had many applicants. Originally considered Russell Crowe, and Dugray Scott was approved to the project, which refused filming due to employment in the film "Mission Impossible 2". Three weeks before working on the picture director Brian Singer approved the then little-known actor Hugh Jackman. It was part in the "people of X" she brought him popularity and glory.

Hugh approached his work responsibly and even learned the technique of hand-to-hand combat. The scriptwriters equipped the future of Wolverine ten costumes made of thick skin and polyvinyl chloride, which were worn out after difficult filming. Also, the actor in the tricks used about the seven of the blades made of plastic, wood or steel.

Some viewers noticed that in the "people of X" (2000) Jackman has a physical form: the fact is that the actor has been approved for the role when the filming of the picture went 1.5 months. Therefore, he had to visit the gym and build the muscles in parallel with participation in the film, where Patrick Stewart, Ian McCellen also played, Famke Jansen, James Marsden, Holly Berry and other representatives of cinematic Olympus.

Interesting Facts

  • In the museum Madame Tussao there is a wax figure Hugh Jackman in the image of Wolverine.
  • Illustrator John Romita Sr. invented the idea with the drawing claws of wolverines, because practical questions were careful: the artist thought, no matter how Logan could follow personal hygiene, laxes or poking his nose with such sharp blades in her arms.
  • Len Way, who received an order to make a hero for the Canadian market, was inspired by the brothers with our smaller, so firmly decided to put the character with the name of the animal. Initially, the screenwriter had to choose between Wolverine and Barsuk.

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