Kate Blanchett - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, films, in youth 2021



Kate Blanchett is a brilliant Hollywood actress. The audience fell in love after the role of Queen Elizabeth I. On the account of the actress many prestigious awards, including it is the owner of the cherished "Oscar".

Childhood and youth

Favorite millions of Hollywood Star of the Australian origin Catherine Eliza Blanchett, familiar to the audience as Kate Blanchett, was born in Melbourne in the spring of 1969.

Father, a marine officer from Texas Robert Blanchett, fell in love with a teacher of one of the Melbourne schools named Jun. This event coincided with the retirement of the guy. Robert for his beloved moved to Australia and took up business in advertising. The couple created a family in which three children appeared one after another. The primient became the son of Bob. Cate was born behind him. Shortly after the birth of the younger child, the daughter of Genevieve, Robert died. The cause of the death of a man was a heart attack.

Raising children fell on the fragile shoulders of Jun. Kate at that time was 10 years old. Family tragedy and arisen after it material problems forced Kate Blanchett already in childhood to take adult decisions. She refused games with peers and carefree leisure. Mom worked for wear, and Kate looked after a little sister and helped the farm.

As Blanchett later admitted, she was very fascinated by the theater at school. But the desire to get a serious profession and substitute your shoulder mom took the top over youthful dreams. The girl entered one of Melbourne universities by choosing the economy. But the world of numbers seemed to Kate Blanchett so strangers and uninteresting that she succumbed to gust and threw her studies. In horror from the girl made, went to travel through Misty Albion.

After Britain, Blanchett went without a penny of money in Egypt. To earn at least a small amount, the girl agreed to participate in the extras of one Arab film project. It seems that the fate itself sent Blanchett to the prompt, in which direction to move on.

After returning to Melbourne, Kate immediately entered the theater university. She studied with pleasure and in 1992 received a diploma with honors. Participate in theatrical productions The young actress began on the first courses.


The creative biography of Kate Blanchett began in youth at theatrical stage. Success came to her almost immediately. After graduating from the university, the girl took into the theater company's troupe in Sydney. Debuted Blanchett in the formulation of "Cool Girls".

For the role in the provocative performance of "Oleianna" in 1993, Kate received the title of the best theater artist of the year and the prestigious Prize of the Sydney Theater Criton Society. Blanchett adored the theater, but because of their employment in the cinema she often had to take breaks. In the mid-1990s, the actress was invited to be held in several Australian TV projects. Kate had to be broken between the set and the theater, where the performances were successful, "Gamlet", "Gentle Feka", "Dance of the Blind Giant" and "Storm". After the end of the theater season, Blanchett interrupted the speeches.

Returned to the scene in 1999. In London, the actress was involved in two performances: "Abundance" and "Monologues of Vagina" on the stage of the Old Vic Theater. In the last setting, a truly Star Composition was gathered: Julianna Moore, Kate Winslet, Gillian Anderson and Melanie Griffith.

Then a 5-year break followed, after which the star played the main character in the play "Gedda Gabler" according to the book of Henrca Ibsen.


Cinematic biography Kate Blanchett began very successfully in his native Australia. In 1997, the actress was filmed immediately in 3 projects. The audience saw Kate in the image of Nurse Susan McCarthy in the dramatic picture "Road to Paradise" and a romantic comedy "Thank God, he met Lizzy." For this work, Blanchett received the first awards - Prizes of the Australian Institute of Cinema and Country Critics Society.

The third film, in which Kate appeared in happy for her, the 1970s turned out to be American. The director of the draft Gillian Armstrong insisted that the main role would get anyone not known in the USA Australian artist. The producers initially resisted, but they had to surrender under the head of Armstrong. So Kate Blanchett appeared in the historical melodraman "Oscar and Lucinda", his first Hollywood project.

This film was initially not designed for a wide visual audience and brought the creators a rather modest one - on Hollywood standards - profits: only $ 2 million over 12. But critics highly appreciated Australian acting skills.

World Glory came to the artist in 1998. Blanchett entrusted to play Elizabeth I in the historic project of Shekhara Kapura. The drama "Elizabeth", in which Kate fell to play with such stars as Joseph Fains, Jeffrey Rush and Vensean Kassel, glorified the actress in America and Europe. And also brought the first nomination for Oscar and prestigious awards "Golden Globe" and BAFTA. After the release of the film, the press "exploded" with enthusiastic reviews about the picture and actress.

Soon, new successful Hollywood ribbons comes to the screens one by one, in which the Australian Star appears. This is a melodrama "perfect husband", the comedy "managing flights", the thriller "Talented Mr. Ripley", the drama "Man who cried", where Blanchett appeared as the Russian dancer Lola cabaret, the comedy "Bandits" in which she starred with Bruce Willis. These projects had success in the audience and film critics.

There are much more modest reviews accompanied by a mystical thriller "Dar", in which actresses got the role of clairvoyant Annabel. She also played Kian Reeves. But the picture was successful in cash collecting and brought the creators of $ 44 million profits. At the same time, criticism almost unanimously stated that the film "pulled out" an exclusively talented Blanchett game.

The Blond Australian appeared in the film "Lord of the Rings", having struck the audience the manner of the majestic Galadriel, the powerful elven queen. In parallel with the first part of the cult film, the tape "Charlotte Gray" was published, based on the exploits of women's agents during the occupation.

After a number of paintings that did not discharge the special location of the audience, successfully followed successful projects: "Hunt for Veronica", "Last Raid", "Scandalous Diary" and "Water Life with Steve Zisa". But the successful success could not be compared with the one who received the biographical drama Martin Scorsese "Aviator". Blanchett played Millionaire Millionaire Howard Hughes, Play Boy, director and pilot. The role of the second plan, which took actress, brought her the first Askar Prize and a number of prestigious awards.

In 2007, Kate returned to the role of Queen Elizabeth I in the historic drama "Golden Age". The new film again brought Blanchett nominations for prestigious premiums. She also played a major role in the film "I'm not there", which tells about the legendary Bob Dilan.

Another equally interesting character Artist performed in the drama "Mysterious History of Benjamin Button". She played the screen lover sex symbol of Hollywood Brad Pitt. This is the story of the incredible life of a person named Benjamin Button, born with the appearance and health of the 80-year-old old man, and with the age of becoming in a handsome young man.

In 2010, the film "Robin Hood" came to the screens with Russell Crowe in the lead role. Kate played Maryon's Virgin. The fantastic picture had success among the audience, so the popularity of the actress only increased. The plot of the film is built on a classic legend of the archer, which selects money from the rich and gives them poor. The main emphasis is made on how the formation of Robin Hood as a robber.

The second statuette brought a stellar role in the Jasmine Film Silent, shot in 2012 in the genius Woody Allen. In a wide range of drama came out in 2013. Film crimits came to the conclusion that this work is the best in the Australian-Hollywood star filmography. The actress was awarded Oscar and all the main prizes of the global film industry.

In the same 2012, the audience again saw her favorite artist in the role of the brilliant elven queen Galadriel in the film "Hobbit: an unexpected journey." There was beauty and two subsequent parts.

I tried Kate Blanchett and as an actress of visualing. The voice of the actress says the heroine of the animation film "How to Train Your Dragon 2" - Valka.

In 2015, Blanchett starred in the Karol drama. Kate and New Hollywood asterisk Rooney Mara played the main characters of this film. The project premiere took place in Cannes and brought Blanchett next nominations on the main filmmakers.

In the tale "Cinderella" actress reincarnated in the evil stepmother of the girl. Then Kate showed her incredible talent in the "Manifesto" drama, where she read 13 manifestos. Declaration of a specific text, Blanchett turned into a particular character. For the entire film actress played 13 roles.

In March 2017, director Terrence Malik presented an interesting project called "Song for the Songs". Two love triangles are intertwined in the tape, the heroes of which are somehow related to each other. Kate Blanchett fulfilled the role of Amanda. Colleagues actresses were Natalie Portman, Rooney Mara, Michael Fassbender, Ryan Gosling and others.

And already in the fall of 2017, the artist appeared in front of the audience as the goddess of the death of Helu in the film "Tor: Ragnaret," who quit the challenge of thunder and Lightning Torah. The situation for the son of Odin was complicated when the woman was able to break Mielnir without effort - the mighty hammer of the Warrior Asgard. Chris Hemsworth also starred in the picture.

In April, blonde artist, together with Sandra Bullock, Ann Hathaway, Sarah Poleson introduced the expected criminal comedy "8 ​​girlfriends Oushen" at Cinemacon. This is a ribbon about Danny Ocehen's sister prison, Debbie Ocean. The woman gathered a team to rob the "neck" of the famous Daphne of the Claver on the Metropolitan Museum.

Voice Blanchett will speak Site Kaa in the upcoming adventure picture "Mowgli".

Not only in the form of a thief and reptiles will see the audience a favorite actress. In the fantastic horror movie "The Mystery of the House with Clock" Kate as a sorceress will have to find a clock, counting time to the end of the world. And the company will be compiled by Jack Black and Owen Vaccaro.

Then Blanchett appeared in the comedy drama "Where did you disappear, Bernadett?", Where he performed a major role. In February 2019, the third part of the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon" came out. Kate returned to the voicing rolls. Also Blanchett appeared in the central role in the pictures of Lucy and Desi, Cancer Vixen, Blackbird and Indian Summer.

In August 2019, the Oscaroneary actress announced the completion of a career and his desire to relax from secular life in the village. Kate noted that it was time for her to stop, as she had already starred in all films in which she wanted. It is time to give way to young talents.

However, fortunately fans, the actress continued to work. After a loud statement, it appeared in several pictures.

Personal life

For lovers of "roasted" personal life Kate Blanchett - boring and fresh. Here it is impossible to find anything like that "pulled" would at least at any scandal. In December 1997, Kate married a screenwriter and editor of Montage Andrew Apton. The pair legalized the relationship a year after the start of the novel. They met on the set and since then no longer part.

Upton is not a handsome man at all and not a genius. But the relationship of the spouses is such that they can be considered exemplary in the Hollywood world of scandalous divorces and loud intrigues. At one time, the couple agreed on common literary preferences. Andrew supported her beloved and did not use jealousy or professional envy.

Three sons were born in Blanchett and Apton: Dashil John, Roman Robert and Ignatius Martin. The younger son was born in 2008. And in the spring of 2015, the pair launched Girl Edith Vivian Patrish.

Kate Blanchett - Icon-style icon. She has no detrimental habits. The star is engaged in Pilates and plays tennis. And from time to time, "holistic detox" practices. This is a special power system that excludes the use of red meat, dairy products, fruits, flour, alcohol and chocolate for 21 days. Therefore, now it looks so great, although some network users write that the case is in plastic operations.

"Branded" for the actress are bright skin, which she protects from the sun, bright red lipstick in make-up and blond hair. Kate loves simple hairstyles and expensive dresses, as well as classic costumes. On the red tracks, it always looks noble and stylish.

The actress's gym does not attend, arguing that children are the best fitness club. And there is enough physical exertion on the set. At the same time, it has a model figure: when 178 cm height, its weight does not exceed 65 kg. Therefore, the star is not shy to appear in a swimsuit.

In the social network "Instagram" you can find a microblogging where the photo of the artist is posted. However, the profile does not have official verification, so the account is most likely belongs to celebrity fans.

In 2018, a curious occurrence at the closure of the Cannes Festival. Curious Internet users noticed Kristen Stewart not indifferent to Kate Blanchett. A photo appeared in the network, at which the "Twilight" star constantly looks at his colleague, then a passionate look. It is worth recalling that Kristen has an unconventional orientation.

Kate Blanchett now

2020 was marked for the actress by the output of the series "Mrs. America", where she performed the main role and reincarnated into the image of Phillies Schlafli. Also in the caster included Rose Byrne, Auduba Uzo, Elizabeth Banks, Kayli Carter and others.

The series in the drama genre raises a socially significant topic - equality of women and men. The activist Phyllis Schlafli protests against equality and feminism in the midst of the 70s of the last century.

Shot Kate and in the Italian TV series "Made at home". This is an interesting project that collected short films from famous directors over which they worked during self-isolation.

For 2021, the actress is scheduled for the release of the film "Alley of Nightmares". This is a mystical thriller, filmed in the book of William Linzi Grasshem. In the center of the plot is a magician who decides to test the major scope. He declares that he knows how to talk to the dead. Once the client becomes a millionaire.


  • 1997 - "Oscar and Lucinda"
  • 1998 - "Elizabeth"
  • 2001 - "The Lord of the Rings: Brotherhood of Ring"
  • 2004 - Aviator
  • 2007 - "Golden Age"
  • 2008 - "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton"
  • 2012 - "Hobbit: Unexpected Journey"
  • 2013 - "Jasmine"
  • 2015 - "Cinderella"
  • 2015 - "Carol"
  • 2015 - "Manifesto"
  • 2017 - "Thor: Ragnarök"
  • 2018 - "Mowgli"
  • 2018 - "Eight girlfriends Ocean"
  • 2018 - "Mystery at home with a clock"
  • 2020 - Mrs. America
  • 2020 - "Made at home"
  • 2021 - "Alley of Nightmares"

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