Kairat Primberdiev - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Kairat Primberdiev is a talented self-taught singer from Kyrgyzstan. With his vocal skill, he managed to conquer compatriots, and thanks to the television show, as the "main scene" and "voice", became famous in Russia.

Kairatbek was born in the Kyrgyz village of Lightala, located in the Osh region. He was not still the year when his father suddenly died. Mom took the boy and his three sisters and moved to her native village Kok oh next to the city of Talas. By the way, it was from the parents of Kairat inherited the singing and musical gift: Primberdiev-Sr. greatly played the guitar and they were going to listen to all the one-sieves. Mom also had a beautiful voice in his youth.

Kairat Primberdiev in childhood

Kairat's childhood was difficult - the 90s, lack of money and unemployment. It is almost impossible to think about such difficult times about classes in art, but Primberdiev and sisters still satisfied the improvised home concerts. Children included an old portable tape recorder and sang Michael Jackson's songs, Valeria Meladze, Leonid Agutina. It was an intense and main entertainment of children.

At the age of 14, Kairat Primberdiev began to go to the head of the People's Kyrgyz epic "Manas", then he studied to play on the traditional Central Asian instrument to Komuz and only after the majority began to take vocal lessons. But in fact he is self-taught and developed voice ligaments independently.

Kairat Primberdiev with mom

After school, the guy wanted to become a professional linguist and went to Bishkek to enter the Kyrgyz-Kuwaiti University at the Faculty of Arabic. He was accepted only on the preparatory course, and Uncle honored Kairata to stay in the capital. Then Primberdiev returns to Talas and becomes a student of the agricultural technical school, in which he received a specialty electrician in the direction of "Automation and an electrification of agriculture".

However, it turned out that the newly minted electrician is afraid of current. So, in the specialty Kairat did not work for any day. He rides again in Bishkek and this time puts himself a goal to become a professional singer. However, it could not immediately succeed. At first, the young man worked as a baker and even a handyman at a construction site. And only a year later, he concluded a contract with the producer and started a performance on the Kyrgyz stage.

Singer Kairat Primberdiev

Three years later, the project in which Primberdiev worked, ceased existence. At the same time, the guy's personal front has also come a crisis. From hopelessness and depression, he leaves for Kazakhstan, where he makes a singing in restaurants. But life has shown that such experience was also needed. Kairat hardened, learned to sing "to wear" and when he got into TV project, was already ready for heavy loads.

Music education Kairat Primberdiev never received. Two years before participation in the telenotes, he entered the conservatory. But the career started in Russia did not allow him to attend classes, and the singer was expelled from the university.


In 2015, Kairat Primberdiev sent video recordings with his vocals to different TV projects, including the "voice" and the "main scene". It is from the last talent show he received an invitation. The singer of Oleg Gazmanov's Special Song presented the Supreme Jury's court and received the support of Diana Arbenina and Elena Vaengy. As a result, Kairat managed to make their way into live broadcasts and got into the team Valery Leontieva.

In the next stage, Vaenga was simply amazed by his talent after the execution of the song "I loved one cute." She even offered him to record a joint composition. From the week to week, the Kyrgyz performer conquered the sympathies of the audience and managed to get into the top three of the strongest.

And in 2016, Primberdiev became a member of the fifth season of the "Voice" show. On blind auditions, he sang a complex composition "IT's A Man's Man's Man's World" from the repertoire of the American singer James Brown and earned the location of two members of the jury - Leonid Agutina and Polina Gagarina.

During a conversation with the judges, a question arose - whether talent from Kyrgyzstan sing not only a low hoarse voice, but also a pure high chamber. And Kairat "A Capella" sang a folk song in his native language, demonstrating an amazing vocal.

Mentor in the show "Voice" Kairat Primberdiev chose Leonid Agutin and joined such artists as Daria Antonyuk, Shura Kuznetsova and Nicole Knaut.

At the stage of "Fights", the singer performed the song Michael Jackson "Black and White" with Vladislav Wengley. According to their performance, Agutin chose Worthy, and not Primberdieva. However, the draft rules it is envisaged that the mentor can "save" two participants who have flown from other teams. Dima Bilan came down for Kairat and took the singer to his team.

In the "knockouts" of Primberdiev sang the song Tina Turner "The Best", conquering not only the audience, but also his new mentor. No less talented, the singer showed himself in the quarterfinals, fulfilling the famous composition from the movie "The Irony of Fate, or with Light Steam" - "I asked Yashen".

As a result, he became the finalist of the team of Dima Bilan. Kairat took the third place by giving way to Alexander Panikeyotov and Darya Antonyuk.

Personal life

The first time Kairatbek Primberdiev married early. Unfortunately, despite the birth of the Son, the relationship in the family was not palpable. When the singer had problems at work, the wife took the child and filed a divorce. Because of this situation, the guy began depressed, and he went to Kazakhstan to change the situation.

Later he could normally find out the relationship with the former spouse, and she allowed them to see them, although he used to be against their communication.

Elvira Bechalia and Kairat Primberdiev

Kairat worked a lot, sang at the restaurant with his colleague Aigul. Once the girl reported that her girlfriend would come to their performance, by the way, too, singer. According to him, when Elvira Begalieva entered the hall, he immediately felt something special inside. But the next meeting took place only in a year. The young man moved to Kazakhstan. And according to the will of fate, he began to sing in the same restaurant, where the Ale was performed.

There was a spark between them, but it was far from serious relationship. They spent a lot of time with each other, but Primberdiev, who recently passed through a divorce, was afraid to create a new family. Young people met a little over six months. And when Kairat had to return to Kyrgyzstan, he realized that he could no longer live without Elvira.

Kairat Primberdiev with his wife

Kairat decided that it was impossible to miss his happiness, and made an election. The courier delivered a huge bouquet of flowers in which the envelope was lying with a letter. There, a man confessed in love and asked his hands in his beloved. Elvira agreed. The wedding took place on September 15, 2013.

The Son Ariet's son was born, they also take part in the upbringing of the eldest son of Kairat from the first marriage, his name is Amir.

Kairat Primberdiev and his son and son

Today, Begaliava is no longer performing herself, she is a personal manager of the spouse.

Kairat Primberdiev in his spare time, which he is not so much, loves to read sci-fi novels, play football and walk with friends on fishing. He has an unusual dream - a singer wants to jump with a parachute from the stratosphere.

Kairat Primberdiev now

In January 2017, Kairat, together with other finalists, the 5th seasons of the show "Voice" went to the tour of Russia.

In the fall of 2017, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic of the Republic of Almazbek Atambayev signed a decree on the assignment of the title of "Honored Artist" by Primberdiev.

At the moment, the singer continues to engage in music. Removed several clips. Perhaps, soon the fans will hear the debut album of Kairat.

In 2018, Primberdiev participated in the Asman's large-scale vocal project, however, not as a participant, but as a jury member. And his wife Elya is a music editor of this show.

Kairat is an active user "Instagram". In his account regularly appear new photos from concerts, family evenings, sports training. In May 2018, he told that he was working on a joint song with the Cuban group "bladestars". And in "Instagram" announced the search for a girl model appearance for filming in their new clip.

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