Alicia Silverstone - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Alicia Silverstone - Culmy Teenagers of the 1990s. After the appearance of the Aerosmith cult group in several clips, it was called "Girl Aerosmith" for a long time. She became megapopular. This red-haired beauty with huge gray eyes did not go from the TV screens and was an icon of style for millions of peers in America and all over the world.

Alicia was born in October 1976 in the prestigious district of San Francisco in the Jewish family. Father is a native of London, a Jew, which succeeded in real estate operations, married Mother of Alicia, Scotch. Before entering into marriage, the woman accepted Judaism. For Silverstone, it was a second marriage. The first remained two children, the summand brother of Alicia David and Kesi's sister, later became popular in London Rock singer.

Actress Alicia Silverstone

Strict religious traditions - children together with their parents regularly visited the synagogue and passed the rite of Bat Mitzvah - did not interfere with the baby of Alicia dream about the career of the model and the artist. At the age of 6, the girl demanded from the dad, who fascinated photography, take his daughter shots in a swimsuit and send to model agencies. The father was surprised, but lost to the urgent request of the child. Soon the response came from the Agency: Baby Silverstone conquered everyone, and she was offered to be filmed in advertising.

Study at San Mateo School Alicia Silverstone combined with castings, filming for magazines and work on television. A relaxed and charming girl was happy to be invited to commercial telenotes, such as the popular show "Pizza Domino".


The cinematic biography of Alicia Silverstone began early. The girl was invited to the popular American series "Miracles," when she was still a teenager. After a successful appearance in the project, Alias ​​began to call the Dream Girl. Young artist liked to work on the shooting pad, and she went on castings. But luck, it seems, turned away from it: everywhere Silverstone received failures.

Fortune turned again to Alicia, when she turned 15. The girl met his peer, and at the same time and the daughter of the famous musician and the leader of the cultural group Aerosmith Liv Tyler. The famous girlfriend helped Silverstone to get into the presidential clip. Together, teenagers starred in the new Aerosmith video on the Crazy song, then in two clips, on Cryin and Amazing hits.

Videos of these hits without a breather twisted on MTV and other channels. Alicia Silverstone turned into a star. "Girl Aerosmith" regularly invited model and televents. She quit school and issued a document on material independence from the parents, which allowed to make the fee of the girls excluding without looking at the minor.

Alicia Silverstone in the film

In 1993, the cinematic biography of Alicia Silverstone was developed. The 17-year-old actress was invited to play in the painting "Passion without reciprocity." It turned out to be a star role. The audience saw the young beauty in the image of a cunning 14-year-old teenager Adrian Forrester. Young Lolita was fascinated by an adult man, journalist nickname Eliot, and made a lot of effort to deprive the reciprocity of the lover all that he has. Silverstone played this fatal girl, for which he received the first awards from MTV Movie Awards: "Best villager" and "Opening of the Year".

Success success in Cinema Alicia Silverstone was successful after 2 years. She was offered a role in the movie "Stupid". And again a loud success. The picture immediately after entering the screens turned into a hit of his time, and the young actress began to showered the awards and prizes again. She was offered a favorable contract with Columbia Piccherz worth $ 10 million.

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However, those who followed new projects in which the Alias ​​Silverstone starred, did not have former success. Thriller directed by Gaya Ferrend "Nanny" with Alicia in the lead role did not get into a wide range.

In the adventure fantasy "Batman and Robin", in which the actress appeared in Tandem with George Clooney, the game of the girl in the fluff and dust defeated critics. But most of all got the former fashion model for the vague forms, unsuccessfully lined with a close "superhero" costume. Silverstone was even awarded the antipremia "Golden Raspberry" for the worst role of the second plan.

A pleasant bonus turned out to be high cash registers from the rental of "Batman and Robin": the audience were not as strict to Alicia, as the eaten film critics.

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Alicia Silverstone has practically managed to become the on-screen beloved Leonardo di Caprio in the romantic melodrama "Romeo + Juliet". However, at the last moment, the creators of the ribbons decided that the actress Claire Danes looks more like Juliet. Alicia also has the necessary angelic leaning, but the beloved Romeo should not have such rounded forms.

I did not bring success and is a witty film "Excess baggage" with brilliant Benicio del Toro, although the plot was "spinning" very exciting. Silverstone played the young daughter of a millionaire father, who does not pay any attention to it because of great business employment. To attract the attention of the parent, the daughter initiates his abduction, hiding in the car trunk. In misfortune, hero del Toro is a car hijacker - the car is stealing.

Alicia Silverstone and Benicio Del Toro in the film

And again critics, to put it mildly, the acting skills demonstrated by Alicia were cooled. The star was awarded the second "golden raspberry", calling the worst actress. But the audience "extra baggage" liked. For work in this picture, Silverstone received $ 5 million.

In 1999, the audience saw Alias ​​in a pair with Brendan Fraser in a romantic comedy "Blast from the Past". A little earlier she worked with the actor on the set of "extra baggage". In the "explosion" they joined them another colleague on "baggage" - Christopher Uken.

Then the artist appeared in the "Surrounding Sharon" tapes and "full chaos."

Alicia Silverstone in the film

The "rehabilitated" of Alisia Silverstone succeeded in 2004: the actress nominated for the prestigious Golden Globe award for the role in the popular TV series "Swach", where she played a "soft" lawyer, which instead of divorcing spouses, myrit them. The cash registers were the military drama "New World" and the mystical project "Refuge"

In 2006, Alicia played one of the central roles in the spy fighter militant, where the young actor Alex Pettifer shone. On the shooting of the film, the artist arrived two days after the wedding, thus refuted by the rumors of pregnancy. When preparing for the role, she was engaged in martial arts, because in the plot character of Alicia - Jack Starbert - a lot of down. Mentor Women on Martial Arts became an expert in this business - Donnie Jen.

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In subsequent years, Silverstone is increasing in former popularity. I liked the critics and viewers of films with the participation of the artist "like oil" and "vampires". Silverstone's colleagues in these projects were real stars - Jennifer Garner, Olivia Wilde, Ashley Green and Kristen Ritter. But the project "Games of the Gods", where Alicia starred with Sharon Stone and Christopher Wacken, unexpectedly for the creators of the film did not have loud success.

Personal life

Alicia Silverstone is known as a strict vegan and yaray fauna protector. The actress evenly got into the lists of the most beautiful vegetarians. In the summer of 2012, she sent a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to provide a prisoner by the participant of the Pussy Riot of Mary Allehina Vegan Diet, in which there would be no meat and other animal products.

The personal life of Alicia Silverstone has long attracted increased attention, which is explained by the starry status of the artist. At one time, the girl hints at a bisexuality in several interviews. But perhaps it was an advertising move to attract attention. After all, never aliasa caught in a romantic relationship with women.

For a while, the name Silverstone was mentioned in a pair with the name of the comic of Adam Sandler. The press considered the Alias ​​of the groom of the Hollywood actor. Yes, and Sandler thought so, because they were engaged. But the girl had other plans on this. She chose not a comedian, but the singer Christopher Jareki. Lovely lived in a civil marriage of 7 years, that for Hollywood almost a sample of constancy. And in the summer of 2005, the pair issued the relationship officially. The wedding ceremony took place on the picturesque lake Tahoe.

The firstborn from Silverstone and Dzareki appeared in May 2011. The boy called Beear Blue. Alicia confessed that she is happy, more than ever. For Silverstone, long-awaited maternity came to the fore.

In February 2018, the press received information that Alicia broke up with her husband. The spouses took a mutual solution and diverged without scandals and quarrels. The sons will grow up with former beloved, and they all their forces are given to their upbringing, but they do not see the common future.

Thousands of fans are watching the life and creativity of the artist in the personal microblog in "Instagram". The actress is regularly divided with subscribers with personal and working photos. She also posts records for reviewing readers in Twitter.

Alicia Silverstone

Despite the star status, the famous artist loves to dig in the garden. As soon as the woman had his own home, she took a plot under the garden. Most of the vegetables that fall to Alicia on the table are grown by a caring hostess. She is very proud of it.

Still Silverstone speaks French well.

Alicia Silverstone now

At first after the birth of the child, Alicia was shot only in TV shows and short films, but today she shines again in the forefront.

In 2017, the light saw the family comedy "Lambia 4 Diary: a long journey," where Silverstone performed one of the main roles. This is a story about the adventures of a teenager Greg Heffley.

In May 2017, a thriller "Murder of Sacred Deer" was released. Alicia got the role of the second plan. In the picture she worked with Colin Farrell and Nicole Kidman. Russian audiences saw tape in February 2018.

In the summer of 2018, the premiere of the series "American" starts. The action of the multi-seater film has turned in the 70s of the twentieth century. Housewife Bonnie Nolan is experiencing not the best times: after the divorce, she remained alone with two daughters. Then the question arose asked how to survive in the world without livelihood.

Alicia performed the role of Bonnie. Its colleagues on the site of the star Jennifer Barters, Mina Suvari, Chayenne Jackson and others.

On June 28, 2018, Russian viewers will be able to see Silverstone in the Comedy "Book Club". The world premiere of the film will take place a month earlier. This is a story about how the book of the writer E. L. James "Fifty shades of gray" fell into the hands of sophisticated intellectuals. Since then, women's life has changed cool.


  • 1993 - "Passion without reciprocity"
  • 1994 - "Cool and knotted"
  • 1995 - "stupid"
  • 1997 - "Excess Baggezh"
  • 1999 - "Blast from the Past"
  • 2003 - "Swaha"
  • 2005 - "Beauty Salon"
  • 2006 - "Sloba"
  • 2011 - "How Oil"
  • 2012 - "Vampires"
  • 2017 - "Murder of Sacred Deer"
  • 2017 - "Diary of Lakalk 4: a long journey"
  • 2018 - "American"
  • 2018 - "Book Club"

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