Teo James - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Teo James is a British film actor, the star of the film "Other World", "Divergent" and "London Fields". It is also known as a musician, a vocalist of pop rock bands Makora and Shere Khan.

The actor was born in the famous English city of Oxford and was the fifth, the youngest child in the family of the Philip Taptitis business consultant and his wife Jane Martin, an employee of the National Health Service.

Full Teo James.

Theodore studied well in a prestigious private school, the boy was well given humanitarian objects. And in his spare time, the teenager played basketball, was fond of hip-hop and communicated with friends. They called themselves "Cre", that is, the "team".

After receiving secondary education, Teo James became a student of the National University of County Nottinghamshire, where he received a bachelor's degree in the specialty "Philosophy". The initial stage of the biography of the future actor was not easy. The young man was taken for any job. While studying and one time after it, Theo worked for a bartender, bodyguard and a sanitary officer.

Teo James.

James did not even think about the acting career and was not going to enter the theater university. But the girl with whom he met then asked him to go for exams with her. The guy has prepared a poem and in the literal sense "from nothing to do" went with a friend listening to a Bristol dramatic school. As it happens often, James was recognized as promising, and his girl is not.

The guy who planned to become or a writer, or a musician, unexpectedly understands that the acting gives much more opportunities for self-realization. Shortly after the end of the Faculty of Acting Mastery, Theodore Taptitis reduces the first name, as a surname uses the third name and goes on castings. The artist debuts in the theater in the play of the "Stars of tomorrow", and soon theo offers a role in the television series.


For the first time, Teo James appeared in front of the TV viewers in the melodraman "Passionate Woman." Also on his account, the role of the focused Turk in the series of the first season of the popular series "Abbey Dounton". The drama received high ratings of the views, because the film's action took place in the era of the generation of electricity, the beginning of the feminist movement and unrest of the First World War. Telefilm entered the Guinness Book of Records as the project most discussed by critics. Among the premiums received by the film are the Golden Globe awards, BAFTA TV Award, Emmy.

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The image of a guy named Ray Actor recreated in the comedy Woody Allen "You will meet the mysterious stranger," where Josh Broolin also played, Anthony Hopkins and Naomi Watts. Such significant projects could not not affect the future filmography of Teo James, and soon the artist began to receive tempting proposals for participation in larger roles.

In the horror movie "Pobles", the artist fell into the cast along with Hugo Spear. Ghosts come to the chief hero of the series, which later attack the former hospital complex for mentally ill. In a fantasy militant "Other World: Awakening" The role of Deltsa Death, Vampires Seline, performed Kate Bekinsale, and James played her partner.

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By the way, for the sake of the role of Vampire David in the fourth part of this franchise, the TEO specially studied Parkour, and also studied the skill of ownership of knives and whiskers. The film critics negatively responded about the film, but his budget paid off twice, and a year later, the next part of the franchise "Other World: War of Blood" began in Prague. In a new film, the image Theo turned out to be more deployed, which allowed James brighter to show acting skills.

In 2013, the show showed the television series "Vesunchik", in which the theo performed the main role of Walter Clark detective. To understand the features of the character's work, James several weeks passed an internship in the New York Police Department. True, the picture had moderate success and after the first season was closed.

However, Teo James is not too embarrassed, because he was already busy in a new project. In the same year 2013, the actor signed a contract for shooting in the film screening of Veronica Roth under the general name "Divergent". The success of the blockbuster led to the decision to continue working on the screen vesions.

In 2015, part of the "Insurgent" was released on the screens, and in 2016 there was a release of the film "Divergent. Behind the wall, "representing the screening of the first half of the book" Alligent ". The third part did not justify the commercial expectations of the creators, barely broken by collecting the budget of the picture. After that, the final part of the film was decided to remove in the format of the series, but performers of the main roles of Teo James and Sheilly Woodley refused to play televisionil.

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In addition to fantastic films, the Teo repertoire is a detective thriller "London Fields", in which the actor partners are Johnny Depp, Amber Hörd and Bill Bob Tornton. One of the main roles went to James in a black comedy "War against All", where we were talking about two detectives of Terry and Beabe, who once again fall into dubious situations. Alexander Scarsgard and Michael Peña played the main characters.

Interesting experience for the actor was to participate in the "Blaretaker" drama, where the TEO fulfilled the role of Luke, whose relationship with the girl Olivia (Dakota Fanning) rushes. In the film in the role of Philanthropus, helps young people find a common language, Richard Gir appeared.

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In 2016, the Teo accepted the invitation from the creators of the Irish drama "Skrew fate," where the main character was played - the father of the Gount. The main heroine of Rosanna is in a psychiatric clinic all life. But once Dr. Green finds diary records of women who open the veil of the mystery of her life. The film also starred Mara, Eric Bana, Vanessa Redgrave.


Even before Theo James became an actor, he tried himself as a musician. A young man at a high level mastered the art of the game on the piano, guitar, a gymoshka and saxophone. In addition, thanks to the beautiful baritone vocals, he managed to become a singer of the English pop group "Makora".

Already later, Theodore with friends organized his own team, which named the Tiger from the "Jungle book" of the Reddard Kipling - Shere Khan. The guys sang only the author's songs: "FootSteps", "Dust", "No Sense", "Distance", "Straight Up" and many others.

The group performed on the scenes of London clubs, and Theo James himself performed the role of guitarist and frontman in the team. Unfortunately, at the end of November 2012, by the social network Facebook "Shere Khan" announced that it ceases to operate.

Personal life

Teo James is one of the most secretories. He has no personal pages in social networks, including "Instagram". Theo never confirmed none of the romantic relationships in which it consisted. His novel with a classmate in the school of acting skills Ruth Kirni, although the pair did not advertise the connection.

Ruth Kirney and Teo James

After the release of the film "Divergent" fans spoke about the relationship of Teo James and Sheilin Woodley. The reason for this was the ambiguous phrase of the actors about the fact that there are chemistry between them, which is positively reflected at work. However, this novel, if he did not place, turned out to be secret.

And in 2015, the omnipresent paparazzi "caught" Teo James in a jewelry store, again with Ruth Kirney. Young people viewed a showcase with rings. But then the actor remained faithful and did not comment on his personal life. Although in the environment close to the root Kirni, they talk about their engagement.

Many people own foreign languages ​​and even are polyglot. But Theo James knows only English, but it reproduces flawlessly, in addition to the British accent, the pronunciation of Americans, Scots, Australians and Irish. Moreover, the actor misleads even the indigenous population of each dialect. Removing in American films, theo refuses the British accent even outside the set, joining the local dialect.

The man is very sporty. Theo loves diving and installed a personal record: dived 18 meters on one sigh. Theo also adores jumping from the rocks and rocks, box and play football. Like most British, James has a favorite club in the Premier League - he is sick for the London Arsenal.

Full Teo James.

During training in the theater university, Theodore mastered the art of dance and since then knows how to beat a chief, owns the skill of classical choreography and jazz modern. It is worth adding that the actor considers himself a fan of Harrison Ford and films about the adventures of the adventure seeker Indiana Jones.

Teo James is considered one of the most beautiful actors in the UK.

Teo James now

Projects in which Teo James participates, becoming increasingly significant every year. In 2017, in the drama "betrayal for beginners", the artist appeared in the form of an employee of Michael, departing with a peacekeeping mission to Iraq. On the scorched war, the young man faces the facts testifying to the conspiracy at the highest level. But Michael is forced to be silent, so as not to bring his leader and do not hit the life of the beloved.

The film director Feather Flu appeared at the box office in early 2018. Theo was lucky to play along with Sir Ben Kingsley and Turkish Belchim Bylgin. In an interview with Theo noted that he compares his hero with Edward Snowden, unlike which Michael simply left the post and tried to forget about everything he saw.

Now the actor is filmed in the fantastic producer project Ridley Scott "Zoe". The history of communication of people and robots is shown in a melodramatic key. Scientists Zoe (Lea Seid) and Cole (Yuen McGregor) are developing androids who are friendly to people and are able to emotionally attach to the owners. In addition to Teo James, Rashid Jones and Christina Aguilera also appeared in the film.


  • 2010 - "You will meet a mysterious stranger"
  • 2011 - "Pobles"
  • 2012 - "Other World: Awakening"
  • 2012 - "Domino Effect"
  • 2012 - "Path up"
  • 2013 - "Vesunchik"
  • 2014 - "Divergent"
  • 2015 - "London Fields"
  • 2016 - "War against All"
  • 2016 - "Creeted fate"
  • 2018 - "betrayal for beginners"

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