Elizabeth Shu - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Elizabeth Shu is the famous American artist. Acquired popularity after the release of several sensational films, which were revised by the audience for decades. And every time she got secondary roles, she certainly played girls of the main characters. Despite the idea of ​​the director and the complexity of the embodiment of the screen image, Shu always transfers the character of his heroin to 100%.

Childhood and youth

Elizabeth Jadson Shu was born in the fall of 1963 in the US state of Delaware. Childhood and youth of the future star Hollywood passed in the city of Wilmington. Parents Elizabeth achieved in the lives of considerable success: Mama Ann Wells worked as vice president of the bank, Father James William Shu is a famous lawyer. He succeeded in politics and even ran into the US Congress from Republicans.

Rod Elizabeth has an aristocratic origin and is rooted to English migrants who came to America in the XVII century. In addition to the daughter, the family grown 3 sons - Will, Andrew and John. As a child, no shu remained, how to become the fourth boy. She chased the ball with the brothers, learned to play rugby, leaning bravely into the pond and instantly climbed to the top of any tree. The family had a huge mansion in the countryside, where for children there was a real expathere in nature.

The girl's childhood ended at 11 years old when parents parted. She suddenly turned into a difficult teenager: launched her studies, smoked herbal and came home at night. At 15 years old, the girl's car stopped the policeman. Probably, it was the first acting experience of Shu: she brilliantly played adult, and the road cop released a violature.

At 16, Elizabeth finally realized herself a girl. When, on the old habit of Shu challenged in football, the boys looked at her with many eyes, not as a partner in the game. But Elizabeth was not at all ready for such a turn of events. She remembered the parting of his parents painful for her and was painfully afraid of the same turn in life. Therefore, I avoided relations with the opposite sex, when the roverty was already brazed by novels.

After graduating from high school in New Jersey Shu entered Harvard, where Mom once studied. But at that time, the cinematographic biography of Elizabeth began to grow rapidly. Shu threw the university, without reaching one semester to the finish line, and already in his youth, began to build the road to the future.

Personal life

With a future husband, Elizabeth met in the most difficult and dramatic period of life, when worried about the death of his brother. For the producer of David Gaggenheim, the time was also difficult. He achieved a lot: he had a prestigious work, material well-being and its own production film company. But he dreamed of bigger - about the director. Fear and uncertainty in their own power did not allow David to move forward.

They met and realized that they found each other that missing half, which will help to come across the innermost dreams. And the acquaintance happened by chance. Friends dragged the girl in the bowl, so that she was a little dispelled. But while the guys played, Elizabeth sat on the sidelines and thought when it would be possible to leave anyone to offend anyone.

Unexpectedly, the artist noticed a guy who, like she, was sitting aside from the company and simply watched fun. At the same time, the girl periodically caught the views of a young man. Without sustaining, Elizabeth approached the stranger and asked if he wishes to invite her to a cup of coffee. He admitted that he really wants, but he was shy to approach. On the same day, they left the institution together, walked, chatted about life. After 2 weeks, Shu moved to David. They added perfect each other.

Soon, Gaggenheim began to shoot documentary films, and Shu gained popularity after the release of the Drama "Leaving Las Vegas", for the role in which she literally fought.

At that time, Liz returned to Harvard and graduated from learning, becoming the 4th woman in her family, which was educated in a famous university.

Personal life Elizabeth Noi almost collapsed during the shooting in the Drama "Holy". The project partner Val Kilmer then acutely experienced a divorce with the actress of Joanna Wall. Liz did not know about the plans of Kilmer to take revenge on the former spouse. Therefore, an invitation to the Wimbledon tournament, and even in the company with a small daughter of Vala, she perceived without a shadow of doubt. However, the invisible farewell kiss of Kilmer instantly got into all the world tabloids, which were elected photos under the headlines about the new Akter's novel. Elizabeth fiercely denied gossip, and Val smiled in meaningfully and left questions without comment.

Later, the actress admitted that the spouse did not believe rumors. He was angry, but he did not endure it in the home quarrel, and he removed the satirical tape of "gossip", in which Hollywood morals ridiculously. Shu and Gaggenheim managed to survive the black stripe. And although the audience was waiting for a quick statement about divorce, the spouses were rallied. In 1997, they had a first-mentioned Miles. Then Elizabeth laughed in an interview, which lives again in a male company. In the 2000s, the pair appeared daughters Stella and Agnes.

Although Elizabeth does not like to advertise a personal life, she still leads pages on social networks, "Instagram" and "Twitter". The growth of the actress is 157 cm, the weight is 46 kg. Slim figure Shu is particularly well visible in the photo in a swimsuit and in candid frames in films.


Liz got pretty early on the screens - at 16 years. In his commercial roller, a charming girl with Angelic appearance showed the restaurant "Burger King". The debut turned out to be so successful that Shu found himself at the Greaz factory. She went to the first significant role in the series "Call for Glory". The name turned out to be prophetic. Soon Elizabeth played a girlfriend of the main character in the painting "Kozhat-Karatist".

After some time, the role in melodrama was followed with a crook "Cocktail". She performed the girl named Jordan, in which the main character falls in love.

The role of Millenka and an unassicious girl who became a prize for a good guy in the film final, she was glad to shu tightly. Liz hated heroines whom she had to play. She hardly forced himself to agree to the next as two drops of water similar to the previous role of a "trophy girl". Shu inspired himself that she is a Hollywood actress.

To think about the future and reversal the situation Elizabeth made the death of his beloved Brother Will, who died on the hands of the artist. The guy fell from the tree and crashed. Shu plunged into the hardest depression. She refused to take off, regularly visited the psychotherapist and thought about suicide. Having survived terrible grief, Elizabeth changed. Probably, this was noticed by the directors. Now actress offered other roles, deeper.

In 1991, the artist appeared with Alek Baldwin and Kim Basinger in the comedy "Habit of marrying". She played a silly, but the good bride of the Hero Baldwin - Adel Horner, with which that and the point was ruining the engagement. In 1994, the drama "Radio inside" came out. In the picture, Shu appeared in the role of the girl Natalie, in which her boyfriend's brother suddenly falls in love. These feelings drive a young man crazy, causing thinking about suicide.

The first successful telenotes that Elizabeth brought awareness, became the paintings by Link and the "adventure of the incoming nanny".

No less demand from the audience had two parts "back to the future." Fantastic comedies of director Robert Zeekis pleased the Russian fans of movies like a genre. Shu played a girl named Jennifer Parker. In the first part of the tape, another actress - Claudio Wells took this role, but after the release of the first part, tragic events occurred in her life. Mother Wells set a terrible diagnosis - cancer, because of this she had to put a career on a pause and refuse to participate in the following parts of the film.

Directors remained in the shortest possible time to find a replacement for it, since it was too expensive to transfer the planned shooting. I must say that not everyone noticed the substitution, Shu perfectly got into the image of her heroine and tried to make the fact of replacing the actress as imperceptible as possible for the audience. And it was not the only casting made already during the shooting period. Original Guy Jennifer played Michael Jay Fox, he managed to work in a picture of 5 months, after which the actor was replaced. The creators of the film considered that its type and organic is not suitable for the role.

But the real glory and the status of the Hollywood star brought to her "Leaving Las Vegas" projects, "Holy", "Invisible". In the latter, she played the main heroine Linda McCay, also starred Kevin Bacikon, Josh Brolin, Kim Dickens, Greg Granberg, also starred in this tape.

In the drama T-shirt of Figgis "Leaving Las Vegas" Shu played a prostitute. She agreed to this role in spite of the wishes of others. The Liz manager stated that this film will put the point on the career of the artist. Even the director discovered from this work. But she agreed and turned out to be winning. For the first time, the actress was put forward to Oscar. And although Elizabeth did not receive a statuette, but the nomination carried it to the top of the movie Olympus. In addition, it was nominated for the "Independent Spirit" and Golden Globe, "US Film Actors Guild and Bafta.

By the way, after filming the rape scene, the actors who played criminals presented Elizabeth a huge bouquet of flowers. On that day, the actress So was on the nerves, and when I saw a gift from "rapists," Shu had hysterics.

The fighter "Holy" and the Thiller "Invisible" secured the success of Elizabeth and made the famous for the whole world. The last project shot the famous Paul Verkhovlen. The actress played a physics scientist Linda Foster. This story about human vices, in which there is a lot of blood, violence and fall into the abyss, was given Lizally. On the shooting she broke the bundle on the leg. The studio demanded to replace shu and immediately continue to remove the project. But the director flatly refused. For the sake of the artist, the shooting process was stopped before recovery. In gratitude, Elizabeth came out earlier than he was completely recovered, and for two months he was desperately fought with chromota.

At the voicing of the film, the actress even sometimes turned away from the screen, because it was scary. And although in almost all frames, she played with a "invisible" by Kevin Bacikon, which was then removed using a computer, Elizabeth's intimate scene performed alone.

The success of the picture justified the efforts spent on her: the project collected $ 70 million and brought a lot of awards.

Between these popular projects, Elizabeth appeared in the episode in the Drama-fantasy "City of Angels", where Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan shone. In addition, in the account of the actress role in the horror movie "Baby" and the "Don McCay" thriller.

One of the bright projects in which Shu appeared is, the adventure film "Piranha 3D", the rating series "C.S.I.: The crime scene" and the picture "BLANT".

In 2017, the sports film "Battle of Floors" came to the screens. The main roles were performed by Steve Karel and Emma Stone. The picture is based on the history of the tennis match between the veteran tennis player of Bobby Riggs and a woman-tennis player Billy Jin King. The subsequent victory of Billy changed the sports story. Elizabeth Shu got the role of a secondary character named Priscilla Riggs.

In March 2018, the audience saw her favorite artist in the criminal militant "Thirst for Death". And in 2019 in the film "Guys", the premiere of the American superhero series took place on July 26th.

Elizabeth Shu now

Despite the wide filmography, the actress and now continues to work and delight fans with new projects. In the summer of 2020, the premiere of the Military Drama "Greyhaound" with the participation of Shu. The picture is dedicated to the North Atlantic conversions and events that happened to them in the most dramatic period of the battle of Atlanta.

The main hero of Captain Ernest Krause was played by Tom Hanks, Elizabeth got the image of his beloved Evelyn. American critics met the film well, noting attention to historical details, old-fashionedness and emotional restraint.

And even before the premiere of the first season of the series "Guys" was held, the film was already extended to the second, he came out on September 4, 2020. Events unfold in the Universe, where all people have supernatural abilities, and at the same time are members of Vough International Corporation and world celebrities. Most of the characters are abuse of glory and impunity and are distinguished by arrogant behavior. The entire plot is tied to the confrontation of two detachments - the luxury team Vought and the detachment of "guys" seeking to keep superheroes under control.


  • 1984 - "Karatist Guy"
  • 1986 - "Link"
  • 1988 - "Cocktail"
  • 1989,1990 - "Back to the Future 2,3"
  • 1991 - "Habit marry"
  • 1994 - "Radio inside"
  • 1995 - "Leaving Las Vegas"
  • 1997 - "Holy"
  • 2000 - "Invisible"
  • 2005 - "game of hide and seek"
  • 2007 - "Firstborn"
  • 2009 - "Don McCay"
  • 2010 - "Piranha 3D"
  • 2012 - "Wave Conquerors"
  • 2018 - "Thirst of Death"
  • 2019 - "Hound"
  • 2019 - "Guys"
  • 2020 - "Greyhaound"

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