Natalia Junnikova - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, cause of death, news



Natalia Junnikova - Russian actress, who received the recognition of the audience after the execution of the role of the investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova in the television series "Return of Mukhtara". It can also be seen in such pictures as "and in the mountain, and in joy", "ermolov" and many others.

Natalia was born in Lipetsk and almost dreamed of cinema dreamed of cinema. I barely learned to walk, the girl spinning in front of the mirror, but becoming older, began to present himself in various images and loved to be photographed.

Natalia Junnikova

Immediately after school, Natasha, accompanied by Mom, goes to Moscow and submits documents into a number of metropolitan theatrical universities. It is noteworthy that the talent of the provincial apprentice saw three higher educational institutions at once: Gityis, the Boris Schukin Institute and the Higher Theater School named after Mikhail Shchepkin. And it was on the last Junnikov who stopped his choice.

On the course of the national artist of Russia, Vladimir Safronova, Natalia, turned out to be the only visit to the girl and knocked out of the Muscovites Pleiads. But this fact did not confuse the student, because it began to defend her dream.

Natalia Junnikova

So it seemed then. In fact, fate inexorably intervened: at the Institute, Junnikov met the first love, married and immediately at the end of the university, together with his spouse, went to the permanent place of residence in Israel.

In the distant country, Natalia as an actress was not demanded. She was offered the roles of Slavic girls who were deceived in the network of Asian public houses, but she refused every time, because there is no need to play anything, just beyond. Instead of a movie, the girl began to develop as a TV host. She was a face of several entertainment programs on the Israel Plus Channel, herself wrote the script of the programs "Scarlet Sails" and "Nestheskaya Fun". Also in Israel, a young woman tried the work of producer.

Natalia Junnikova

Upon returning to Moscow in 2007, Natalia Junnikova actually started a career with a clean leaf. She, of course, had extensive experience in television, but now the woman planned to achieve recognition exactly as a film actress. Therefore, I set off to storming castings and rather soon got my first scenario. Later, she moved to Kiev for a while, where he was the leading Central TV channel "Inter".


The debut on the screen in the artistic cinema for Natalia Junnikova was the "Domostroy" series from the medical series "Personal life of Dr. Selivanova", where she performed the role of a doctor's patient. At the same time, the actress appeared in two series of the first season of the Criminal detective "Poutheney".

Natalia Junnikova in the film

Successfully for Natalia passed to the melodrama "Tatiana Day": it was approved to the main role of Tatiana disburd. The girl was already taught by heart his replicas, when he suddenly turned out that this heroin was given to another actress, Anne Snatkina. Junnikov still appeared in this series, but in the episodic role of a former beloved character performed by Kirill Safonov.

But Natalia did not dare not: Just then she was offered to enter the acting already a very popular multi-sealer film on the Moscow police "Return of Mukhtara". There, Junnikova was transformed into the investigator Vasilis Mikhailov, and this heroine made an actress known to the whole country.

Natalia Junnikova in the film

It was very interesting to work in this project, so Natalia was delayed on the Mukhtara shooting area for a long time: she played Vasilis for almost seven years, however, with interruptions. The most unusual, according to the memories of the actress, was that the leadership of the leading role was changed - a smart dog named Mukhtar. It is almost not noticeable to the viewers, but during the filming, the German Shepherd Dog breed was changed. And the artists had to re-enter a common language with the four-legged partner. It was the harder that the trainers are forbidden to feed dogs to guide the contact.

Natalia Junnikova in the series

As mentioned above, the role of the investigator Mikhailova brought fame to Natalia Junnikova, but the actress itself believes that because of this series, the director began to see her exclusively in the role of a positive heroine, fighting with injustice, so she did not receive other complex roles. Nevertheless, Natalia was filmed in the historic Saga "Ermolov", in women's melodrama "Lights of the Big City", "Paradise" and "and in Mountain, and in joy", as well as in the fifth season of the popular comedic Sitkom "Kitchen" in the role hypnoticers.

Personal life

During his studies at the Theater Institute, Natalia Junnikova became friends with his classmate Anton Fedotov. First, young people also tied a friendly relationship. But gradually the friendship turned into love, they began to meet, and after two years they got married.

The wedding was not too lush. By fueling a modest celebration, the spouses gathered and moved to Israel, or rather in Tel Aviv, where the parents of Muga Natalia Junnikova lived. Having worked for some time on television, the husband and wife wanted to return to Moscow, but the news was announced: Natasha realized that she was pregnant, and it was a sense to give birth precisely in Israel, where medicine is at a very high level.

Natalia Junnikova with Her husband Anton Fedotov and Son Roland

As the actress says, the birth was hard, it did not cost without surgical intervention. Nevertheless, soon the woman has already reached work, and with the son of Rolan who was born with Natalia and Anton, the grandmother sat. But now an amazing thing: the appearance of a baby in the light instead of strengthening the family, on the contrary, brought a disorder to the relationship of Junnikova and Fedotov. And since in 2006, military operations broke out on the territory of Israel, the woman took the son and left for Russia.

Former husband Natalia Junnikova Anton Fedotov and their son Roland

My husband joined them a little later, as I wanted to solve some financial questions in Tel Aviv. As a result, instead of closing the bills, he even more made debts. Steel from the apartment to disappear money in Moscow. After some time, Natalia understood: Anton suffers from gambling. For her, it became the last straw, and the woman in 2008 submits to a divorce.

More actress did not get married. She sometimes happened fleeting novels, but serious relationships that could lead to a re-marriage was not. At one time, the fans discussed the rumor that Junnikov married his partner on the "return of Mukhtara" Pavel Vishnyakov, but this information was only the desire of fans to connect on-screen characters in real life. In fact, Natalia and Paul never united romantic relationships.

Natalia Junnikova with Son Roland

The main man in the life of Natalia Junnikova always remained her son Roland. The boy is already going to school, and also engaged in the music studio. He periodically sees with his father, who, by the way, is already a new family.


In September 2017, an accident happened to the actress - Natalia Junnikova fell in his apartment, having hit his head. The actress was hospitalized with ancient brain injury, it was delivered to intensive care after hemorrhage into the brain.

Doctors fought the life of the actress, but the injury was deadly. On September 26, 2017, it became known that Natalia Junnikova died, not coming into consciousness. She was only 37 years old.


  • 2007 - Personal Life of Dr. Selivanova
  • 2007 - Diversian 2: End of War
  • 2007-2008 - Pautina
  • 2007-2008 - Tatiana Day
  • 2007-2014 - Return of Mukhtar
  • 2008 - Ermolov
  • 2009 - Lights of the Big City
  • 2013 - Paradise Corner
  • 2015 - and in Mount, and in joy
  • 2015 - kitchen

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