Alexandra Nazarova - biography, photo, personal life, the reason for death



Alexandra Ivanovna Nazarova, who was loved by millions of television viewers after the appearance in the series "My beautiful nanny" in the role of Baba Nadi, was "in the rank" until recent days. Despite the age, in this little woman there were still so much energy and animation of the mind that many young people could only envy.


Alexandra Nazarova was born in July 1940. She was written in the family to become an actress. She was born in the family of two artists. Father Ivan Dmitrievich Nazarov had a title deserved. Mama Alexandra Prokofievna Matveyeva played in the theater and also disappeared at work from morning to night.

The war found Alexander Nazarov in Leningrad. She then turned year. Father worked in the new theater and before the beginning of the war went to tour in the Far East. When the blockade ring began to shrink around the city, Mom managed to escape from the little Sasha on his hands. She got to Vladivostok, where he had a husband at that time. As later they learned, most relatives who stayed in Leningrad were killed from hunger.

In Vladivostok, Mama Alexandra Nazarova took in Troupe. The theater in which parents worked, moved along with the front line. Victory Day 5-year-old Sasha remembered forever. On the same day, Nazarov's family returned to Leningrad. But, as it turned out, it was nowhere to return. The family of the family was taken by an official who performed the functions of the forehead during the war. "To expel" his dwelling and failed. Parents were able only to pick up some things out of the apartment.

For a long time, they juts in a small communal room, half of which he held a surviving piano. Alexandra Nazarova remembered a huge oven on a common, on 8 families, the kitchen and the only one of the available amenities - the toilet.

Parents who bunned the acting life fully did not want their only child such fate. But it was impossible to stop Alexander Nazarov. With the first attempt, she arrived at the famous LIGITMIK, where he studied at the famous teacher of Boris Zone, sowing to become a favorite student of the artist in the course.

In one of the arrival in Moscow, Alexander Nazarova saw the play "My friend, Kolka!", Who set Anatoly Efros in the Central Children's Theater. There could be no more about any other scene the young actress.

In the capital, the theater biography of Alexandra Nazarova began. The novice artist of Epros is and at the same time Roblala. She trusted small roles, but she was happy to do everything that she was guided by a adorable master.

Unfortunately, after 3 years, Efros moved to Lenk. To take with you only three famous artists. Nazarova still worked a little in empty without a talented mentor theater and soon passed into the theater named after M. N. Yermolova. On this scene, Alexander Ivanovna worked without a small 50 years.


The cinematic biography of Alexandra Nazarova began when she studied on the 4th year of the university. During his holiday in Yalta, the student LIGITMIK unexpectedly received a telegram with a request to arrive in Kiev on the filming of the film "And if this love?". On the screens it appeared in the form of a schoolgirl Nadi Braginina. The film was filmed in Kiev and Moscow. So the girl was constantly dull between cities.

The next major role was followed in 1967, when the audience saw the film Leo Arnstam "Sophia Perovskaya". She played Sophia Perovsky - the daughter of the former governor of Leningrad, who became famous as a glorified officer.

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Alexandra Nazarova filmography has more than 80 films and TV series. The most famous of them are: "Crew", "Princess on Bobach", "Brigade", "Cadets", "Night Watch" and "Airport".

However, Glory hit the artist only after 60 years, when she appeared in the comedy TV series "My beautiful nanny." Project shooting lasted 3 years. At first, the role of Baba Nadi, trusted by Alexander Nazarova, was spelled out as an episode. But when the project began to shoot, a role was expanded specifically for the artist.

The actress woke up famous. From that moment on Nazarov found out on the streets. Previously, Alexander Ivanovna knew more in theatrical circles, but after "my beautiful nanny", she turned into a real star of Russian cinema.

In 2001, Nazarova received the title of People's Artist of Russia.

In 2011, the premiere of the series about four women working in the recruitment agency "New Recruit", director Valeria Gai Germanic "Short course of happy life". In the Master Series, Alexandra Nazarova took the role of Emma's girlfriend - Bella.

Another actress appeared in the role of Mary Afanasyevna in the film "Christmas Trees 1914" and Baba Shura in the series "How I became Russian."

In 2016, the audience saw the actress in the role of the on-screen grandmother Konstantin Kryukov in the breathtaking tape Ary Oganesyan "Keep a blow, baby!".

This is a comedy about two twin sisters tan and light. The role of both girls was performed by a young actress Ekaterina Vladimirov. Mikhail Porechenkov, Roy Jones, Nastasya Samburskaya, Vitaly Gogunsky and others are involved in the painting.

In the same year, together with Anastasia Panina, Geli Mesha, Jana, and Other Nazarov, appeared in the criminal series "embroided", fulfilling the role of Baba Polina.

In addition to working in the theater and filming in the cinema, Alexander Ivanovna is known as an actress of visualing. Nazarova's voice says the extrasens of May Brown in the film "Ghost", Mrs. Baker in Garfield, Sayuri's story in Memoir Geisha, Martha in Ilay's book, Murf in an old age in InterStellar, the keeper of seeds in "Mad Max: Road rage "and others. Another actress shot a lot with children in the humorous magazine "Yerals".

Personal life

The actress was two marriages in life. The first, with the operator Yuri Prikhodko, Moskvich, turned out to be quite happy. Alexandra Nazarova just moved from Leningrad to the capital. Lived with mom and grandmother's husband. These were happy and carefree years, years thaw.

However, Nazarova fell in love. In the home of the rest for actors in Rouze, she met a young man who was also called Yuri in the irony of fate. He had no relation to art, worked as a resuscitative doctor. It followed painful parting with her husband.

The second marriage turned out to be a misunderstanding. Personal life Alexandra Nazarova was not charged from the very beginning. The couple broke up when the general son of the pair Dmitry was not fulfilled two years. And after 5 years, the former husband immigrated to Germany.

The greatest pain of the actress is a son. He grew up at the time when the Soviet Union collapsed. Complete uncertainty, the care of old values, the emptiness on the place of new, confusion that hung in the air and quickly pickled to young people desire to quickly enrich the best way appeared on the son of the actress. The lack of father also played a role. Dima was looking for himself for a long time, rushing in different directions and doing anything. Dmitry killed when he was 41 years old.

In March 2018, the actress appeared in the program "The Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. Alexandra Nazarova said that, perhaps, the son of Dmitry was not killed, but died of drug overdose. In conclusion, the experts wrote that they found a trace from one injection.

Shortly before the death, he married a young girl who gave him the daughter of Sasha, who was named after the famous grandmother. Maternal feelings were absent. When the family life gave the crack, the mother passed the daughter into the house of the child. To snatch from there, the granddaughter Alexander Nazarova succeeded with difficulty after the death of his son.

Grandmother and Sasha, who called Alexander Ivanovna Mom, lived together. A few years ago, the girl's native mother did not.


On August 20, 2019, Alexandra Nazarova did not. The death of folk artist has come in the 80th year of life. Deputy Derukok Theater. Yermola Galina Bogolyubova said that the actress had problems in the lungs, which was the cause of death. She passed long treatment, during which even fell into someone.

Information about the time and place of farewell with the actress will be voiced later.


  • 1961 - "And if this love?"
  • 1967 - "Sophia Pepovskaya"
  • 1997 - "Princess on Bobach"
  • 2000 - "Border. Taiga Roman "
  • 2002 - "Brigade"
  • 2004 - "Night Watch"
  • 2004-2008 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2005 - "Gromov"
  • 2007 - "Hold me stronger"
  • 2011 - "Short course of happy life"
  • 2014 - "Christmas trees 1914"
  • 2016 - "Keep a blow, baby!"
  • 2017 - "Three sisters"
  • 2018 - "Happiness! Health! "

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