Karina Zvereva - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Karina Zvereva - Russian artist, discontinuing its talents in many areas. She is known as the actress of theater and movies, like a dancer and pop humorist, like a singer and TV presenter. The first recognition of Zverev received thanks to the comic image of the girl lazy, who produced a furyor in the humorous program "Anshlag". Also, the fans of the sketch show "Odnoklassniki", "Once in Russia", "Maskvichi", "one for all" and others know.

Karina Zvereva was born in St. Petersburg in the family of Businessman Yuri Sergeevich Zverev, the owner of his own construction company, and his wife Valentina Terentievna, who worked in the house of children's creativity. Many karina talents inherited from parents - Mom loved creative manifestations of human nature, and his father was famous for a sense of humor.

Actress Karina Zvereva

At the birth, Karina Zverev received another name - in the birth certificate, it was recorded as Marina, but when the girl became an adult, then officially changed the name, replacing the first letter.

Since childhood, Karina Zverev developed immediately in many directions. She took lessons to classic choreography and ballroom dances, studied at the piano music school, sang at school, found acting in youth film school.

Karina Zvereva

But for the highest education, Karina went not to the creative university. She became a student of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University, where he studied management in show business. However, and there the girl found a niche for the sale of talents - she began to participate in university amateur and showed themselves as a parodist and actress Buffonada. Her Scene-Parody's Scene was enjoyed great success on Philip Kirkorov. It was obvious that the Biography of Karina will continue to develop on the creative part.

After receiving a diploma in which the specialty "producer" was a specialty, the graduate did not work in this direction. She entered the dance group "Fantasy Show" and began to develop as a dancer. Later, Karina performed with the singer Soso Pavliashvili, whose show showed the belly dance, as well as sololy with dance numbers in the style of Eastern dance and Ponta.


Two years after graduating from the university, Karina Zverev became an assistant comic of Gennady Vetrov. Gradually, the girl began to go to the scene with him, she had her stage characters - Girl Lyal and Extravagant Muse of Petrovna Cold.

When the artist, along with the wind, performed in the Humorist program "Anshlag" in the parody of the illusionist David Copperfield, learned about her the whole country. Moreover, the TV host "Anshlag" Regina Dubovitskaya asked to make a "little lie" the main heroine of a separate room and thus turned Karina Zverev in a star for all fans of the Russian humor.

In a solo speech in the image, Karina appeared in a bright dress and lace pantalones and told about the grandfather's grandfather, who was on duty with binoculars under the windows of a female bath.

The humorist began to be invited to other programs: "Laugh is allowed", "Room of laughter", "Funny people", "Izmailovsky Park", "Jurmala" and many others. Then she had his own author's project "Show Karina Zvereva", in which the girl sang, danced, showed parodies, in general, the audience had fun as much as possible. At the beast even had joint numbers with recognized pop masters by Elena Sparrow and Svetlana Rozhkova.

Later, Karina could be seen on the same stage with the duet "peppers", which consisted of participants in the KVN team "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" Nikolai Georgiev and Ilya Motovilova. Also, Karina became part of such a comic sketch show, as a "laughter", "Jokes-2", "Odnoklassniki", "Once in Russia" and many others.

Back in 2003, Karina Zverev could start a successful career in a musical show business. After leaving the Great Group "Brilliant" vocalists, Zhanna Friske Producer Andrei Grozny offered to take a vacant place to her. But for personal reasons, a young woman was forced to refuse.

But her vocal abilities were implemented in their own show. The audience took the good songs like "Manernic Romance", "Maiden", "Roma, I am at home", "Chihua-Hua." Successful and participation in the musical "How much love is worth", where Karina Zvereva got a few musical numbers.

In addition, under the pseudonym "Caramel", the actress performed in the Bebiz show group, as well as with Yuri and Vladimir Torsuva, performers of the roles of electronics and Sergey Syrozhkin in the children's fantastic film "Adventures of Electronics", the girl sang the famous winged swing wang.

Recently, Karina Zverev began to appear often before the cameras of professional photographers. The main direction of the model is erotic photo shoots. Piquant pictures of Karina printed many glossy magazines, including the famous "Playboy" and "Maxim".

The model also went to the podium. The girl demonstrated new items from the Peeshpro duet collection, which includes Russian designers Elena Brovtsev and Ekaterina Novototskaya-Vlasov. With the last of them, Karina performed together in the Music Group "Bebiz".


In the artistic cinema Karina Zverev first appeared in 2007 as a driver's girl from the comedy series "Bloody Mary". Then there were a criminal drama "Who, if not me?", Tragicomedy "more - less" and Sitter "Friendship of Peoples".

In 2012, the MTV television channel started showing the comedy series "Radio SEX" on weekdays of employees of one radio station. Karina appeared in the film as an attractive chief of sales department.

Recently, the role of the actress has developed: the Karina screen appears in the images of sexy women. In the psychological thriller "Method" of Zverev played a naked model, in the Comedy "Policeman from Rublevka" - a call girl, but also in the roles of more chascred women, for example, in a detective militant "Carrier" and the comedy "Superplanes", directors do focus on attractive External data of Karins.

Personal life

Karina Zvereva was still in the studentship with parodies and humorous numbers. At one of the university concerts, she met the comic of wind. At first, a creative duet was formed, and later family: July 15, 1997, the girl married Gennady Vetrov.

Karina Zverev and Gennady Winds

Despite the difference in almost two decades, the spouses were perfectly lazy and easily found a common language. By whim, Karina, a beast husband changed the image: punctured ear and began to wear bright suits. And Zvereva refused to participate in the Brilliant group. The girl understood that frequent tour would not allow to spend so much time with his beloved man as she would like.

Refusing a big and fast success in show business, a young woman retained a family and lived with her husband of 14 happy years, despite the fact that there were no children in the Union.

Karina Zverev and Gennady Winds

In 2011, the wife of Gennady Vetrov became a free woman: the spouses divorced. Subsequently, the artist acquired a new beloved: Karina began to meet with Fitness-coach Raphal Husyinov. But she argued that he was not going to marry again.

In 2017, pleasant changes took place in the personal life of Karina Zvereva - the Son was born at the artist. About replenishment in the family, the artist told the subscribers of his account in "Instagram".

Karina Zverev and Rafael Hysyinov

The celebrity adheres to a healthy nutrition system, and meat products are not included in the menu: the actress is a convinced vegetarian. A woman pays a lot of time to physical exertion: Zvereva visits the gym, likes a horse ride, jumping with parachute, surfing and motocross. And, of course, does not forget about the dances from which her career began.

Karina Zvereva now

Karina continues to build a career in a movie. Employment on TV projects did not prevent even the long-awaited maternity. Among the works of Zvereva in 2017 there are a social drama "Gerasim", the comedy "Bachelor party". Also, the actress starred in the second season of the "Hotel Eleon" rating series, where she appeared as an artist. The actors with whom Karin was lucky enough to intersect on one set of comedy, became Ekaterina Vilkova, Grigory Siyatvinda, Milos Bikovich.

Zvereva also tried her strength in the genre of a fantastic fairy tale, starring in the film "The Last Bogatyr". Kinokartina attracted the attention of the audience, and critics noted the skill of the artist for makeup and plastic special effects of the Golden Eagle Prize.

In the same year, the criminal thriller "Death Track" started, in which Karina Zvereva appeared in an episodic role. In a film based on real events, we were talking about the gang of unknowns, which on the federal highway chlorinically killed drivers and passengers. Provincial operatives, Moscow investigators and FSB employees were involved in the investigation of crimes. Sergey Makovetsky, Andrei Merzlikin, Agnia Kuznetsova played the main characters.

In 2018, the actress filmography will be replenished with work in the Melodrame "Beauty Standards".

In addition to the cinema, the actress is busy in Anthreprize. With the participation of Zvereva in 2018, the play is "everything is fair", where Jeanne Epple, Andrei Soskov, Ilya Sokolovsky also play.

Karina continues to participate in the creation of a humorous show "Once in Russia", from the plots of which the Vaine creates and posts on a page in "Instagram". In September 2018, it is planned to hold a grand concert in Crocus City Hall in honor of the five-year anniversary of the program. Along with the stars TNT Olga Kartunkova, Azamat Musagaliev, David Tsallayev, Timur Tania, Denis Dorokhov Karina Zvereva will appear on stage.


  • 2012 - "Who, if not me?"
  • 2013 - "Friendship of Peoples"
  • 2013 - "Think as a woman"
  • 2013 - "Studio 17"
  • 2014 - "Widow"
  • 2015 - "Method"
  • 2015 - "concerned, or love evil"
  • 2016 - "Super Blood"
  • 2016 - "Bachelor Party"
  • 2016 - "Beauty Standards"
  • 2017 - "Hotel Eleon"
  • 2017 - "Death Rate"

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