Brendan Fraser - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Brendan Fraser is a Hollywood film actor, the artist of the main roles in the films of the franchise "Mummy", the melodrama "Blast from the Past". After the release of the film "George from the jungle" with Fraser in the lead role of the artist received the title of sex symbol of the 90s.

Brendan Fraser was born on December 3, 1968 in Indianapolis, in the United States. He was the fourth son in the family of Peter and Carol Fraser. His father worked in the tourist sphere, so the family traveled a lot by country, sometimes they had to live there for some time. Brendan managed to live in the UK, the Netherlands and Switzerland, not to mention the thing that traveled with parents and brothers almost all American states.

Full Brendan Fraser.

Frequent crossings from one country to another, different mentality, different cultures did not interfere with the guy to self-improve and develop. He perfectly owns not only English American, but also classical English, French.

In London, he first tried himself as the theater actor - Brendan then was 12 years old. But after several small roles in the performances, he fell ill with this profession seriously and, as it turned out, for a long time.

Brendan Fraser.

After a few years, the Fraser family moved to Canada, and Brendan entered the theatrical school in Toronto. Then there was an study in the College of Arts in Seattle, where he received basic knowledge. These knowledge was enough for the start of the acting career.


The actor played his first role in 1991. Not every newcomer without experience falls good luck to start with the main role, in this regard, Brendan Fraister is lucky. It was the drama "My Old School", the plot of which told about youth friendship. Few of the audience saw this film, but the directors noted that he identified future cinema stars - Matt Damon, Ben Afflek and Brandan Fraser.

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Already from the first role in the creative biography, Brendan manifested itself as a talented drama actor, but fate ordered otherwise. In the same 1991, a young man received an invitation to a comedy "stupid bet". Probably, this picture and determined his creative role. In 1992, Fraser received a role in the comedy "Frozen California", in which a person played from the cave in the modern world. Critics were separated by the film, but the director noticed the young talent and one after another offered to him comedy roles.

These roles in his filmography more than twenty. Many heroes performed by Brandan Fraser looked stupid and ridiculous, but it was exactly the audience. Because of the employment, Brendan Fraser sent a letter to Texas University that he would not learn from them.

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The talent of the comedy actor was even more revealed during the shooting of the "empty" comedy. The plot is based on the history of the Trinity of Rock Musicians-Losers, who stage the attack on the radio station. They seek DJ to release their composition, but instead of the musicians are taken for terrorists. Then there were shooting in other comedy projects - they did not bring the desired popularity to the frame.

In 1997, the actor starred in one of the main roles in the picture "George from the jungle" - the modern version of Tarzan. He had to rush in the hall and release his hair, but after entering the picture at the rental, he woke up famous. Brendan perfectly managed the image of Tarzan, although the parody of the popular hero, filmed tens of times, was difficult. Fraser flew so deftly from one Liana to another and so convincingly discussed with a gorilla scientist that the audience had an impression - the actor just lived in the jungle.

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At the same time, disappointment came and disappointment - the actor understood that he had already closely in the comedy genre, and he tried to escape from him. His acting success began to shoot in the film "Gods and Monsters". I liked the film not only to the audience - it was approved and critics. So Brendan Fraser proved to itself and directors that he is a diverse actor. It was the first large-scale dramatic role in which Fraser revealed his attractiveness and the charm-given by nature. He himself calls this project by turning into his fate, because after his release to the screens, long-awaited popularity came to him.

In 1999, a melodrama "Blast from the Past" was released on the screens. In it, Fraser was convincingly played a bomb shelter, who lived in the dungeon from birth and only in adulthood decided to go against the will of his parents and went to the city. He was thirty when the audience saw the adventure film "Mummy", in which Brendan got the role of a charming fearless adventurist, a worthy follower of Indiana Jones. "Mummy" became the first project of the trilogy. Brendan Fraser was filmed in all three films. Rick's role was unique in that Brendan could show himself as a dramatic and comedian actor.

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The following followed by shooting in the projects "Dudley Fair", "blinded by desires", "Collision", "Quiet American". Many projects had good cash receipses, obviously, the courageous body of the Fraser and his sparkling sense of humor hypnotized the audience.

In 2008, the actor starred in the adventure film, the film release of the Roman Jules Verne "Journey to the Center of the Earth". The film was created in 3D format. The main heroes had to penetrate the vulcanic volcano in the middle of the earth, where they found unknown creatures and dangerous predators. Along with Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutchenson and Anita Breems starred in the film. A year later, the shooting of the adventure novel of Cornelia Funka "Ink", where the actor played. According to the plot of the film, the characters from real life fall into the world of fictional characters of books. The company Brendan Fraisterhouse on the workplace was Eliza Bennett and Paul Bettani.

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In 2010, several projects with the participation of the Fraser came to the screens, among which "the case in you", "Lombard Chronicles" and "Fluffy Revenge". Then the actor took the time out - in blockbusters the directions were no longer invited him, and he apparently increased from comedy images. Fraser engaged in sounding movies and cartoons.

The yield for the actor was 2013 - Brendan turned out to be involved immediately in five films. In 2014, he starred in two pictures - "Case in You" and "Real Protein". A year later, the actuator was replenished with an episodic role in the dramatic series of "lovers", where Dominic West and Ruth Wilson played the main characters. The film won the love of the audience and brought a number of international premiums to its creators.

Personal life

Brendan Fraser was married to actress Efton Smith. Young people met in 1993 at a party at a friend, talked. Both were very surprised when they found out that they were born on one day - December 3. True, Efton Smith appeared a year earlier than the Fraser.

Brendan Fraser and Efton Smith

The actor did five years later. It was September 1998, Brendan and Efton walked around the bridge through Seine in Paris. The actor unexpectedly stopped, pulled out the Polaroid from the bag, with whom she never broke up. Before making a joint photo, Brendan open the floor of the jacket, from the inside of which a piece of paper was sewn with a question: "Let's leave for me?". The actor did not take into account that Ephot will not see a small font, but not upset. He repeated attempted and this time heard from his beloved woman: "Yes!"

Lovers married in the same 1998. After the wedding, Efton and Brendan settled in their own home in Los Angeles. Three sons were born in this marriage - Griffin, Holden and Leland. Efton and Brendan seemed perfect family, but in December 2007, the press reported on the divorce of the spouses (there was no two youth to his younger son). The marriage process was hard, as a financial question was solved. Newspapers wrote that Efton left the ex-spouse without a penny. The actor himself painfully worried a gap, did not start new relationship for a long time.

Brendan Fraser and Maria Belo

When the passions lay down, Brendan was able to communicate normally with the children, and soon met a new love. She became an actress Maria Belo. Free time, Fraser tries to spend with her or for his favorite activity - the actor still takes pictures on Polaroid and collects them.

Lives Brendan Fraser in Los Angeles. After years, he restored friendly relations with his ex-wife. Recently, they normally communicate normally, but just like pleasures.

Brendan Fraser now

In 2017, the actor fans, which was considered a sex symbol of the 90s, was amazed at how brandan changed. On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the artist in less than half a year added in weight. Versions of the fans of the star Hollywood about the causes of the changes occurred. Some claim that the actor launched himself, others are confident that he would have grown up for a role in the film where he plans to be filmed. In fact, a failure in the hormonal system could happen from the Fraser due to health problems. The actor in recent years has undergone a number of operations on the spine, also operated on his knee and even voice ligaments.

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Before the cardinal change of image, Fraser managed to play in the main role of the TV series "Trust", where we were talking about the abduction of the grandson of the oil tycoon. Despite the dramatic course of events, the film is permeated with a bright rock and rollery atmosphere. The film also played Donald Sutherland and Hilary Swank. The premiere of the television series took place at the end of March 2018.

Now the crime picture "Field" with the participation of the Fraser is being prepared. In the film, the actor will fulfill the main role of a police officer living in Delhi, who is struggling with local crime. This is an American project that is preparing cinematographers from India. Another television film with the participation of Brandan in the episodic role is the Three Day Thriller from the Life of Condor. Also, the Fraser has already signed contracts with the creators of the film "Wilhelm Tella: Legend", where the actor will embody on the screen the image of the main character, and the drama "Seconds of Pleasure".


  • 1991 - "stupid bet"
  • 1991 - "My Old School"
  • 1997 - "George from Jungle"
  • 1999 - "Blast from the Past"
  • 1999 - "Mummy"
  • 1999 - "Dudley Fair"
  • 2004 - "Collision"
  • 2008 - "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
  • 2009 - "Ink Heart"
  • 2014 - "Real Protein"
  • 2016-2017 - "Lovers"
  • 2018 - "Trust"

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