Niko Neman - biography, personal life, photo, discography, voice show, real last name and last news 2021



Arsen Nemszveridze, Niko Niko NikoN, is a Russian self-taught Niko, who has already managed to write a studio album, to speak with a number of concerts and become a member of the popular vocal talent show "Voice".

Arsen Nemszeridze was born on June 5, 1983 in the southern city of Sochi. He from an early age was fond of sports, namely, a free struggle, as well as other types of martial arts. At this field, Arsen achieved high results, and at the age of 17 managed to pass all the necessary standards and become a master of sports on judo. Six years later, the future Niko Nemman adds to its achievements the title of Master of Sports on Sambo.

Niko Neman

When a new sport appeared called Grapeping, combining the technique of all wrestling disciplines with minimal restrictions during Sparring, the athlete was carried away by him and in 2013 even became the champion of Russia. He traveled to the European championship, but there was not quite successful.

Niko Neman

As for the formation of a young man, he never studied singing and notice. After graduating from school, the young man entered Sochi Tourism University and a resort at the Faculty of Tourism Business, which graduated in 2005. But in this direction Arsen Nemszeridze did not want to work, since he was inexorably pulled the scene to him. And he begins to listen to listening and participate in casting a variety of producers.


After another listening to Arsen Nemszeridze was lucky: representatives only opened the producer center of Grigory Lepsa drew on his singing talent, and the vocalist became the first ward of the famous chanson. It was here that he received his new name - Niko Niko Nico.

A truly sports diligence and hardworking artist demonstrated while working in recording studio. He crossed the same composition countless times, achieving the maximum result, trying to approach the ideal execution.

Niko Neman's first song was the "Fly" hat, who was specifically composed by the author and producer Alexey Potapenko, who most lovers of national pop music know under the name of Potap. Then followed such hits as "stolen happiness", "other", "you are free" and many others.

In the fall of 2015, the light saw the debut album Niko Nemman, called the name "Even or Uncle." The singer acquainted the public with the title song during the International Festival of Young Performers "New Wave". Moreover, if in the original version, Niko Nemman performs this hit on his own, then on stage he sang in Trio with his producer Grigory Leps and the Chechen singer Sharip Skukhanov, also known under the scenic pseudonym Sharif.

It is worth noting a completely unusual joint project of Niko Niko Nemman and Goosh Mataratara "# Rapoper", which united rap-skill Mataratara and Opera vocal Neman. Moreover, all songs of this duet, of which the most popular steel "love from God" and "Never forget", the artists posted in free access on the Internet.

Tele Show

By the fall of 2016, Niko Nemman decided that it was time for him to become a member of a television reality show. The choice of singer fell on one of the most rated talent shows "Voice", in the jury of which, in coincidence, was his producer Grigory Leps. Niko on the blind auditions was performed by Aria Kalaf from Opera Giacomo Puccini "Turandot" and quite surprised by a strong performance of the entire refereeing team.

The fact is that in this hard work Niko Niko Nemman did not actually have any serious vocal error. Not only Grigory Leps turned to him, but also Polina Gagarin, and Leonid Agutin. I did not press the button only Dima Bilan, who admitted that he really liked the performance of vocalist, but he prefers not to take into his group owners of academic vote. In any case, Niko Nyoman did not change his producer and went to the lepts team, with whom it expects to go out to the finale show.

Personal life

About the romantic relations of Arsen Nemszeridze is known very little. As the artist himself said, he has a wonderful wife who gave birth to him. But the singer does not report any other details about his family.

Niko Neman and his wife

Interestingly, a few years ago Arsen, like many fighters, had a huge body weight. When he decided to become an artist and got into the producer center Gregory Leps, there was a condition: to get rid of at least two tens kilograms. And Nemszeridze showed his fighting character and in this question: a little more than half a year he got rid of the excess weight, throwing the required number of kilograms.


  • 2015 - Even or Uncle
  • 2016 - # Rapoper (together with Gauche Mataradze)

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