Robert Nepare - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Most fans of their talent Hollywood actor Robert Nepare is familiar with the star role - cruel maniac Ti-Bag from the TV series "Escape". Those who dared to see this gloomy twirl thriller, forever remembered the sadist and the manipulator of Theodore Bagwell (or Ti-Bag), the image of which Nestel managed to "revive" with incredible realism. Later he played several more villains, who fastened the actor's amplua of a brilliant negative character.

Actor Robert Nontpiece

Robert Lyle Nepare was born in the hot summer of 1959 in the city of Frymont, which is located in the US state of Ohio. Interest in the actor he woke up early. Mom Robert worked as a detailed local theater. The boy was often behind the scenes and enthusiastically watched the artists' game.

In high school classes, the schoolboy passed the interview and several listening. He was accepted in North-West University. Nepare took up studying dramatic art, but the classes suddenly seemed boring him. Robert scored her studies without reaching quite a bit to the final exams: he was offered to speak on the stage of the famous theater in Chicago. But in 1981, Nepare went to New York, where he continued the theater career.


Robert cinematic biography, or, as sometimes called him, Rob Nepeper began in 1986. Some sources are the first film of the actor called the comedy "This is life!" Blake Edwards. Others say that Nepare first appeared on the screen in the episode of the popular series "Paper Chaise". Probably, this is not so important, because these projects did not bring Rob Fame. But they were those springboard, which opened the artist's way to the world of Hollywood cinema.

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Among the early projects of the 1980-90s, where Robert Nontpot "stuck his hand", acquiring the necessary acting skills, there was a pilot issue of the popular criminal series "Law of Los Angeles". In the adventure picture "Wild One", the artist appeared in the image of the "wild" superhero, which fights urban crime. A little later, the audience saw him in the films "Gasoline, food, housing", "Day in the city of Angels" and "Chinazh Beach".

The 1990s turned out to be more generous to the actor. He managed to attract the attention of critics and viewers of the virtuoso game in the comedy "Find and destroy" and the episode of the famous Woody Allen. The director entrusted Rob a little role in his film School "Everyone says that I love you."

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Having a picture of the Woody Allen himself in his filmography, Robert Nontpot could apply for noticeable roles in rating projects. Named direct director drew attention to him. In the middle and late 1990s, the actor starred in the sensational Hollywood paintings "Prisoner of the Paradise Bush", the popular TV series "Western Wing" and "Her name of Nikita". The villains of Nepera went out so realistic and terrifying that they spoke in Hollywood about the birth of a new star.

In 2001, Robert Nespan starred in the mini-series "Jackie, Ethel, Joan: Women Camelota". He appeared in the image of Robert Kennedy. Later, the actor admitted that this is his favorite role.

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The real glory fell at the out suits from Ohio after his star role in the TV series "Escape". Since 2005, Rob Robed viewers of the Sadist and Manyak Ti-Bag. He admitted that when for the first time I read the script and realized who he would have to depict, it was horrified.

At that time, Robert Nepare was already an exemplary family man and father. And it was necessary to play a rapist and killer of children. But he could not refuse the proposed work. After all, they ended in the last season of the series "Carnival" in the last season, and there were no other proposals. To feed the family, I had to agree to the role of Ti-Bag.

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Such a gloomy image is not amazing, because the series talks about the shoot of a strict regime prison, and although the main character (Dominic Persell) of the series and got there over a fabricated business, the rest are sitting in prison quite deservedly, therefore the selection of foreground characters is not distinguished by the bright past.

In 2007, the actor played in the famous criminal militant "Hitman", film adaptation of the video game series of the same name. Here Robert Nepare received the role of Russian - Yuri Markov, however, the actor in this is not alone, because the picture has unfolded in Russia, and the famous agent 47 hired to kill Belikov's fictional president.

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In the future, among the significant film projects of the Hollywood Star, you can call the militant "Carrier 3", 4 season of the series "Heroes", a picture of "Good night and good luck," where Nepare starred in Tandem with George Clooney, and the Adventure film "Hoster" with Bryce Willis in the main Roles.

Also, the actor starred in an extraordinary TV project "Cult", representing the series in the horror genre about the fictional series called "Cult", which is associated with a chain of mystical disappearances of people. Robert Nontup played the role of an actor who plays in this fictional television series.

In 2014, Robert Nepare, as well as a number of colleagues, joined the comic-kinovylene. In the TV series "Flash" and "Strela" based on the famous rules of comic books "DC", the actor fulfilled the role of Superzloda William Tokman, who took the name of the king of the clock.

Personal life

About the personal life of Robert Nepper knows not so much. He prefers to attract as much attention to his relatives as possible to protect them from curious paparazzi and arrogress journalists. It is known that the actor married to a woman named Nadine Carey and he has a son Benjamin Peter. But the photos of his wife and son rarely fall into a popular "instagram" of the actor, it is not worth talking about the press to be known any details of the Family Life of Nepepers.

Robert Nepare now

2017 brought Robert Neperu a number of roles in popular paintings. In the next season of the psychological thriller "Motherland", the actor fulfilled the secondary role of General Jamie McClandon.

American television series is based on the original Israeli project of Gideon Raffa "Prisoners of Secand." The film tells about the sergeant of the marines, which was captured to terrorists and was recruited by Al-Qaeda, and then allegedly dismissed the special division of Delta.

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In addition, the actor appeared in the third season of the cult mystical series "Twin Pix" of the authorship of David Lynch. This continued fans waited for 16 years to learn the junction of the mysterious killing of a young girl from the provincial city. However, here the actor also played an episodic role.

Similarly, the case is also with the television series "Orville". This is a comedy-fantastic picture that received especially warm reviews of viewers and critics. Fans of film fantasics called "Orville" a worthy successor to the classic "old track", father and founder of television space fiction, while recognizing the value of the "Orbille" and as an independent series. In this Telekartina, Robert Nepper also lit up: played a secondary role of chamelaka.

But in the project "Escape: Continued", the fifth season of the famous television series, which came out on the screens in March 2017, the actor received a much larger role. Robert Robert Returned to the role of Theodor Ti-Baga Begwell, one of the main roles of the series.

The series returned to the screens after a nine-year break. According to the plot in the artistic world of the television film also passed more than one year from the final season. At the beginning of the season in the hands of the Hero of Nepera, a photo comes to the Hero, which proves that the main character of the series, allegedly deceased at the end of the fourth season, is alive. Characters are reiterated to rescue that from prison and plan a new escape.

Robert Nepper

In addition, the image of the cracked character of Robert Nepper, who was terrified even the actor itself, has undergone a number of changes. The creators of this mega-popular tape were finally cleared over the actor and added him a terrible hero of a drip of humanity.

On January 5, 2018, FOX film company responsible for the release of the series officially extended the "Escape" on the sixth season. It is also announced that in the new season there will be a character of Robert Nepera.


  • 1987 - "Wild One"
  • 1993 - "Gasoline, food, housing"
  • 1996 - "Everyone says I love you"
  • 1997 - "Her name was Nikita"
  • 2001 - "Law and Order. Criminal intent
  • 2005-2018 - "Escape"
  • 2005 - "Hotstry"
  • 2008 - "Day, when the Earth stopped"
  • 2009 - "Heroes"
  • 2009 - "Stargate: Universe"
  • 2013 - "Cult"
  • 2013 - "Percy Jackson and the sea monsters"
  • 2013 - "City of Gangsters"
  • 2014-2015 - "Hungry Games: Soyuza-Peredashnitsa"
  • 2017 - "Motherland"
  • 2017 - Twin Pix, season 3

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