Mads Mikkelsen - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Series, "Witcher" 2021



Mads Mikkelsen - Danish and Hollywood film actor. Career Mikkelsen began late, but this did not prevent him from achieving great success. World popularity came to him after the role of Hannibal Lecter in the television series "Hannibal".

Childhood and youth

Mads Dittmann Mikkelsen was born in Copenhagen in November 1965. The name MADS means the "gift of God". Probably, the boy really became such for his family, parents of Ben Christians and Henning Mikkelsen. Madsa Father is also an actor. The older brother Lars Mikkelsen chose the same path. But neither the first nor the second reached those international heights to which managed to get in the acting profession MadS.

It cannot be said that the younger Mikkelsen from orphanage dreamed of becoming an actor. At first, the boy became interested in dancing and successfully engaged in them. A little later, the teenager is not joking the motorcycles. Love for this type of transport Actor carried to this day. In the collection of Mikkelsen today there is a valuable collective copy - a rare motorcycle of the Danish company Nimbus 1937.

In high school, the acting genes took the top, and Mads Mikkelsen realized that there was a different way than to go in the footsteps of the Father and her older brother, he had no. The guy went to the theatrical school of Arhus Theater School, in which he studied for several years.


The cinematic biography of Mads Mikkelsen began not in the youth, but in a fairly mature age. It opens no episodic, like most colleagues, but a rather extensive role in the criminal thriller of the famous Danish director Nicholas Winding Refna "Dealer". As it is clear from the title, the story of the drug dealer is revealed. This sequel went to the screens in 2004, and Danes met a new actor. Mikkelsen really liked the audience.

Since the end of the 1990s, Madza Mikkelsen is regularly invited to shoot directions of native Denmark. The young actor appeared again in the next film project of the refined "bleeding". Then starred in the drama called "Lost" with popular artists-compatriots Nicholas Bonfire Waldau and his wife Nukaka. A couple of projects published on the Danish screens, and Mads Mikkelsen strengthened in the status of a movie star in their native country.

And in the early 2000th, the talented actor began to confidently pierce the road in the world cinema. The comedy gangster fightering flickering lights of Danchanin Anders Thomas Jensen broke out beyond the borders of the native country and became popular in Europe. But it was only the first step towards world success.

The breakthrough happened after the exit to the large screens of the Hollywood film Antoine Fukua "King Arthur". The stars of the first magnitude of Keira Knightley starred, Clive Owen, Til Schweiger, Stellan Skarsgard and Joel Edgeton. Mads appeared in the image of an incredibly romantic knight of Tristan. Then there was a comedy "Adamov Apples".

The status of a new Hollywood star at Mikkelsen appeared after the release of the 21st part of the Bondian - the film "Casino" Piano ". Dancenin brilliantly played a millionaire-sadist Le Schiffra, agent antagonist 007. The scene of the poker fight Bond and Schiffra many are recognized as the strongest episode of the painting. At the time of the exit, and it was 2006, this series of Bondianas turned out to be the registrar of all the released films about James Bond. Cash fees have reached a small $ 600 million.

The new Hollywood star of Danish origin with each project was strengthened in star status. His filmography replenished Bayopic "Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky". In it, Mads Mikkelsen played a Russian musician who had a novel with Coco. The picture was warmly accepted by the audience, and critics.

Cool reviews received a film-fantasy "Battle of Titans", in which the Danish actor played Draco, but a single complaint did not sound the acting skills of Mikkelsen.

The successful work of Mikkelsen can be called a role in the historic drama "Royal Roman" of 2010, where the actor played in a duet from the then little-known Alicia Wikander, as well as the Musketeer's costume drama Paul U. S. Anderson. This is a free interpretation of the Roman Duma, but the film had a loud success. Mads appeared here in the image of a cunning rocor.

2013 brought a talented Dane new wave of visual love. The actor returned to the cinema of his native country and starred in the Danish-Swedish drama "Hunting". It is noteworthy that the film did not receive cash success, but the subtle connoisseurs of cinema and film critics were in complete admiration for the painting. Mikkelsen appeared in the form of a soft and vanishing teacher of the kindergarten Lucas, who was unfairly accused of pedestal inclinations. In Cannes, MadS was awarded his work "Silver Branch". Interestingly, Mikkelsen appeared in the "hunt" in a completely new and unusual role, because the audience had already managed to get used to the "demonic" roles of the artist.

In the same year, the film "Michael Kolhaas" came out with Madsa. He tells about the rich trader horses, who becomes a victim of injustice and begins to rob cities with armed army. Also, the performer starred in the film "Dangerous Illusion" along with Evan Rachel Wood.

In 2013, the Madsa-Demon fans saw their favorite and in the usual role of the negative hero endowed with many vices. Elderly intellectual Dr. Lecter in the dramatic TV series "Hannibal" was able to Mikkelsen on glory. A cold look, a satisfied smile and the Scandinavian deadpornation, with which the hero of Madsas masterfully prepares, and then he eats a human flesh, "millions of film workers wished this.

The 3 season of the Hannibal thriller was released on the screen. The first two were magnificent. But the third sharply reduced the audience audience, and the creators decided to stop shooting the planned continuation. In all the seasons of the thriller, Mads Mikkelsen appeared along with the young star Hollywood Hugh Dance, who, together with the Agents, FBI catches Maniac.

Mikkelsen loves Hannibal, whom he played. It believes that it was the happiest character for his acting activity, because he enjoyed absolutely every second of his life.

In 2014, the actor starred in the Danish film "Salvation". He performed a major role. Eva Green was also involved in the picture.

In 2016, two bright projects came to the screens, in which the talent of the Danish-Hollywood star sparkles. These are fantastic films "Dr. Strøndj" and "Izgoy-One. Star Wars: Stories. "

The first film belongs to the expanded filmmaken "Marvel" and talks about Superhero Dr. Strendge (Benedict Cumberbatch), which received supernatural forces due to the magic of Tibetan monks. Mads Mikkelsen received the role of the Main Antagonist of the film, the sorcerer Ketzily, who founded his own sect and wishes to let the world of creatures from other universes in the world.

In an interview with this character, the actor noted that Ketzili was not an villain, the views of the sorcerer are opposed to the views of antagonists, which does not make it a bad person. Ketskilius is confident that Elder (Tilda Suinton) and the monks protect the Earth from external intervention only for their own benefit to unlike the benefits of magical energy. This point of the actor is confirmed by the plot of the film. The sorcerer dreams of let the dark energy into our world is not for their own benefit, but in order to provide people on Earth eternal life and happy existence, as the powerful God of another world promises.

The complex character went to the actor and in the fantastic star saga "Izgoy-one. Star Wars: Stories. " As it follows from the name, the film refers to the "Star Wars" franchise, the picture of the picture unfolds between the events of the old and new trilogy. The film closes a number of scene holes of original films.

Mads Mikkelsen played a military engineer Galen Erso, who created the most dangerous weapon of the Galaxy - a star of death. At the same time, even though Galen Erso works on franchise antagonists, the engineer itself is a positive hero. Erso knows that if desired it will be replaced, therefore chooses the correct service of the Empire. This gives a chance to secretly create a vulnerability of a deadly base, as well as transfer the drawings with this vulnerability to the rebels.

Fans recognize "izgoy-one" the deepest and strong film of the franchise. Unlike other works of the series, the picture does not talk about Jedii, but shows the fate of ordinary people in war, albeit in fantastic scenery. In addition, the plot does not end with the Happ - end, which also adds originality and voltage.

In 2018, Mads Mikkelsen received a major role in the Icelandic film "Lost in Ice" directed by Joe Penn. The film is based on the history of the wreck in the Arctic of the pilot of the aircraft named Overgor. He is trying to survive in the hope that they will find him and save. The premiere took place in the winter of 2019. The Russian viewers of MadS spoke about the film on the broadcast of the Evening Urgant.

In 2019, the actor appeared in the fantastic film "Take of Chaos" on the colonized earthlings planet, where unknown microbes killed all women. In addition, in the new colony, the settlers are connected by a telepathic field that does not leave the secrets of secrets. But gradually the main characters find places and associated dark riddles of the colony.

Mads Mikkelsen also received a major role in the Danish military thriller "War below zero", telling about two meteorologists, which are true to countries by different front lines. Both go to Greenland to transfer their own information to the troops of their own country, but in the face of the cruel north and inhabitants of these harsh places former enemies are forced to become allies.

Another major role actor fulfilled in the US-German militant Polar. Here Mads Mikkelsen became a killer who was famous for the most dangerous killer, but he moved away from business. Without forgetting the old insult, the client decides to take revenge on the former Killer and hires the army of young killers for hunting for the legend of the criminal world.

Personal life

Mads Mikkelsen is an attractive and statutory man. He has aristocratic features, a fashionable hairstyle, a slim figure with high height 183 cm. The appearance of the actor causes many disputes in the network, some believe that he made plastic surgery.

What it means to be a spouse man who recognized a sex symbol in his native country, knows the wife of Actor Hanne Jacobson. The personal life of Madsa Mikkelsen with a woman who is older for 5 years, has developed perfectly. And even close attention of the paparazzi, which is the inevitable attribute of all Hollywood stars, failed to fill some scandalous details of his life. Couple raises two children - daughter Viola and Son Karl. The family lives in Canadian Toronto.

Mads Mikkelsen leads a verified account in "Instagram". In a blog, he publishes personal photos, divided by offscreen moments from filming, notifies fans about new premieres.

Mads Mikkelsen now

In 2020, MadS appeared in the film "More One", in which he fulfilled one of the main roles. Tragicomedia talks about how one Norwegian philosopher protrudes with the theory, as if all people from nature in the blood lack a little alcohol, so they are unhappy. Unfortunate Martin teacher and his friends decided to check it in practice. Days of all friends drink and are in a state of alcoholic intoxication, and their life begins to change.

Also, Mikkelsen starred in the film "Knights of Justice". According to the plot, the wife of the main character of Marcus dies in the railway catastrophe, but the man does not believe in a tragic accident, and is convinced that this is a planned murder. He collects his friends to find out what happened in fact. Now they are the knights of justice.

In November, there were rumors that Mads Mikkelsen will replace Johnny Depp in the film "Fantastic Creatures - 3" and play the role of the Wollerta Gellert Gellerta de Wald. The actor hurried to comment on the situation:

"Oh, while this is all based on rumors. I know the media as much as you. So now I am waiting for the very phone call. "


  • 1996 - "Dealer"
  • 1998 - "Lost"
  • 2000 - "Shimmering Lights"
  • 2000 - "First Group"
  • 2004 - "King Arthur"
  • 2006 - "Casino" Piano "
  • 2006 - "After the wedding"
  • 2009 - "Valgall: Saga about Viking"
  • 2009 - "Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky"
  • 2011 - "Three Musketeers"
  • 2012 - "Hunting"
  • 2013 - "Hannibal"
  • 2016 - "Dr. Strung"
  • 2016 - "Izgoy-one. Star Wars: Stories »
  • 2018 - "War below zero"
  • 2018 - "Van Gogh. On the threshold of eternity "
  • 2018 - "Lost in Ice"
  • 2019 - "Polar"
  • 2019 - "Take of Chaos"
  • 2020 - "More on one"
  • 2020 - "Knights of Justice"

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